2012年12月26日 星期三


宏恩綜合醫院   譚健民  肝膽胃腸. 糖尿病

http://www.country.org.tw/   106台北市大安區仁愛路四段61號  02 2771 3161



http://www.ntuh.gov.tw/     總院

10002 台北市中山南路7號(東址大樓住院急診服務) 臺大醫院總機電話專線:02-2312-3456 通過第一優先等級無障礙網頁檢測
10048 台北市常德街1號(西址大樓門診住院服務)  臺大醫院電話語音預約掛號專線:02-2356-7890
10041 台北市中山南路8號(兒醫大樓門診住院服務)

金山分院 http://www.jsh.org.tw/   

        新北市金山區五湖里南勢51號 Tel: (02)24989898

北護分院   http://ntuh.mc.ntu.edu.tw/bh/ 

       台北市萬華區康定路37號 總機  (02)2371-7101

新竹分院   http://www.hch.ntuh.gov.tw/  

      新竹市經國路一段442巷25號  (03)5326151

竹東分院   http://www.chut.ntuh.gov.tw/releaseRedirect.do?unitID=1 

      新竹縣竹東鎮至善路52號     電話:(03)594-3248 

雲林分院   http://www.ylh.ntuh.mc.ntu.edu.tw/newweb/ 

斗六院區: 640 雲林縣斗六市雲林路二段579號  服務電話:05-5323911
虎尾院區: 632 雲林縣虎尾鎮廉使里19鄰學府路95號  服務電話:05-6330002

 臺灣大學醫學系   http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?Page=A4


【勤勞樸實‧深耕生根】長庚醫療財團法人- CHANG GUNG MEDICAL ...

國泰綜合醫院    http://www.cgh.org.tw/
許正呈醫師  小兒科  新北市   新店區  電話:02-8666-2207 FB https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%91%88%E6%81%A9%E8%A8%BA%E6%89%80%E5%8E%9F%E8%A8%B1%E6%AD%A3%E5%91%88%E5%B0%8F%E5%85%92%E7%A7%91%E8%A8%BA%E6%89%80/305960186110460?sk=map&activecategory=%E7%9B%B8%E7%89%87&session_id=1333450103#!/pages/%E5%91%88%E6%81%A9%E8%A8%BA%E6%89%80%E5%8E%9F%E8%A8%B1%E6%AD%A3%E5%91%88%E5%B0%8F%E5%85%92%E7%A7%91%E8%A8%BA%E6%89%80/305960186110460





醫學百科網  http://big5.wiki8.com/ 

2012年12月23日 星期日

S+ Vt + O1 + O2

S(主詞)+ Vt(及物動詞) + O1(受詞:人) + O2 (受詞:事物)

O1 = 間接受詞  O2=直接受詞

這類句型 的 句 子 練 習



Please tell me what to do next.

I'll tell you an interesting story.

He told me not to bring you anything.



Ask him what he has done .

A stranger asked me the way to the station.

The teacher asked me why I was late.

He asked me a few questions.

May I ask you a question ?

She asked me to help her.



Father bought me this dictionary.
= Father bought this dictionary for me.

My father bought me a camera.



Did they pay you the money ?



He gave me some advice .

She gave him a book for his birthday.

I gave the porter my baggage.



He left his son a large fortune.



My uncle sent me a nice present.

My friend sent me some beautiful post-cards. 



Write us a note when you get there.


lend  借出 ; 借給

I won't lend anyone my camera.
= I won't lend my camera to anyone.

I'll lend you $200 , but I can't lend money to everyone
who comes along and expects help.



They will find you a new job.

Please find me a job.
= Please find a job for me.



Mother made my sister a white sweater.

Mother made me a new dress.



Will you get me the ticket ?



He showed me how to use the computer.

Please show me your passport.



Pass me the salt and pepper , please.



Father taught me how to swim.



Hand me a piece of paper , please. 



Bring me the book when you come here next time.
= Bring the book to me when you come here next time.



He returned  me  the novel .



I gave him a book.

I'd like to give him another chance.



She allowed us to smoke.



Martin refused  them to discuss the matter.
馬丁 拒絕 他們 討論此事。


2012年12月21日 星期五



與妳有仇 止愛咬我
我打妳逃 恨追不到
拍妳打妳 逃之夭夭
輕功高強 來影無蹤
妳不怕死 狠狠飛來
咱不喊累 制妳強攻
天花板上 留妳賊影
頭頂背部 全是咬痕
妳愛吸血 即使捨身
吸飽喝飽 叮花我臉
壞我脾氣 擾我心神
仇深似海 前世今生
一雙肉掌 哪能匹敵
神出鬼沒 恨妳家師
偶爾開心 終喪妳命
妳卻還魂 千軍萬馬
今日鼠竄 就算妳贏
明日妳來 可別討饒

enjoy. like. prefer 用法差別

enjoy ( 後加 名詞 或  Ving , 其後不可加 to 原形動詞 ) 

喜歡做... ; 欣賞... ;  享受 ...

enjoy (後加這類受詞 film , book , trip , concert , match , dinner ... 等名詞 )

enjoy  something  / enjoy doing something  / 
enjoy 比 like 感情色彩更強烈些

I enjoy reading. 我喜歡讀書.

I enjoy watching TV.

I enjoyed reading these books very much.

I enjoyed the party very much . 我非常喜歡那次聚會 .

I very much enjoyed the party.我非常喜歡這次聚會。

The  children enjoyed the visit to the museum.

She enjoyed the holiday in America.

He enjoyed the baseball game very much.

I enjoy swimming. 我喜歡游泳.

He doesn't enjoy travelling very much.

Tom doesn't enjoy going to school.

We enjoyed our trip to Europe.
那次到歐洲旅行, 我們非常愉快.

How did you enjoy your excursion?

How did you enjoy the movie ?
你喜歡那部電影嗎 ?

I enjoy songs such as this one.

If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.
【諺】 沒有雲遮日,怎知陽光好? (不知苦,焉知甜?)
enjoy somebody's company

enjoy the companionship of   somebody


have  a small competence
= enjoy a small competence 
enjoy a fortune

have  a drag with one's master
= enjoy a drag with one's master

He enjoys the confidence of his friends.

enjoy the confidence of one's friends
enjoy bad reputation
名聲不佳.  (上句的相反意思) 
(中文比較不會用 enjoy 這個字眼 ,
除非 如金庸小說筆下的 東邪 或 西毒 ,擁惡名而沾沾自喜 )

We enjoy free medical care.
I enjoy good health.

enjoy good health

enjoy poor health
體弱多病  (上句的相反意思 )

enjoy privileges
enjoy a full measure of  happiness.

enjoy life

have a good reputation as a doctor
=enjoy a good reputation as a doctor

enjoy oneself   (過得很愉快之意)
= have a good time
= have a wonderful time
= have a great time

Are you enjoying yourself?你玩得高興嗎?

enjoyable  adj  愉快的;快樂的;有趣的

It was a very enjoyable concert. 


like ( 後加 名詞  或 Ving , 也可加 to 原形動詞 )  

喜歡做 ...  ; 願意 ...

She likes playing the piano.
I like buying books.

She  likes skating.  溜冰  (2012.12.21 北京市 部分湖面 正可溜冰 ㄟ )
I like walking in the rain.
She likes dancing.
= She likes to dance.
He likes to get up early.
I like tea better than coffee.
Do as you like.
你喜歡怎麼做就怎麼做.  vi
You can do exactly as you like.
你愛怎麼做就怎麼做。 vi
He doesn't like tomatoes.

I don't like deceiving him.

I deceived him and he found it out.
我欺騙了他, 而他發覺了。

I was deceived into thinking that he was trustworthy.
我上當受騙, 以為他很可靠。  deceive [dɪˋsiv]   vt ; vi 欺騙; 蒙蔽 
I don't like troubling her .

He doesn't like asking for help.


prefer    (後面 可加 N 或 Ving 或 to 原形動詞) 

更喜歡... ; 寧願...

http://taiwaneducation.blogspot.tw/search?q=prefer  < 參考 prefer 相關主題

2012年12月20日 星期四

2012.12.21 末日推薦圖書

1. 荒漠甘泉Streams In The Desert
    考門夫人編著  大光傳播出版    1995.8初版7刷

2. 回憶父親豐子愷  豐華瞻.戚志蓉著  大雁書店出版 1992.10初版

3. 詩詞故事欣賞   賴新龍編著  祥一出版  2001.10再版

4. 科學家你在開玩笑吧! (上下兩冊)  費因曼著  林永愛.許美齡譯
    牛頓出版 1988.4.5初版

5. 超越恐懼選擇愛  Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton 編 王石珍譯
    方智出版 1995.4初版

6. 活出美好Your Best Life Now  約爾.歐斯汀著   保羅文化出版  2005.8

7. 祖先的故事 Chinese Stories of Ancestors  張漢魂編撰
    義裕文化出版  1984.6.29

8.  漫漫古典情  樸月編著  晨星出版  1991初版

9.  你的耶穌 我的佛陀   陳世賢著  光啟出版  2007.10初版

10.父母恩重難報經  和裕出版  2007 2版1刷

11.母心.佛心  琦君著  九歌出版  1990初版

12.幕永不落下  李家同著  2001.6.15初版10刷

13.婚喪禮儀手冊  楊炯山編訂  徐福全教授校訂  新竹社教館印行 1990.6

14. 安妮日記  安妮.法蘭克原著   木卜 慶 真 文圖 / 金炫辰譯
      INK印刻出版 2006.7初版

15.幽人生一默  祝振華著  圓神出版  1994.9初版

16.這一生都是你的機會  亞歷士.羅維拉著  圓神出版  2005

17. 恐怖漫畫. 末日  望月峰太郎著   尖端出版1-10完

馬雅曆法預言末日 [google doodle]




散播末日謠言 大陸逮捕近千名全能神教徒
【2012/12/21 10:41 中廣news報導 】 列印 轉寄 總覽 速報



中國官方媒體報導說,近期很多省份連續出現「全能神邪教活動」,在偏遠農村、近郊及部分城市地區,利用登門宣傳、走街串巷、上街打橫幅、發傳單和利用擴音 器等方式煽動人們入教,並大肆宣揚世界末日等言論。他們同時宣稱,凡不信和抵制的都將被閃電擊殺。他們還針對老人,利用花錢買平安等言論進行斂財活動。



大陸冷颼颼 新疆零下40℃ 【09:35】








冬至飯/2012馬雅預言末日冬至飯 (鉅亨網2012.12.21) 
冬至飯:冬至(WinterSolstice),是中國農歷中一個非常重要的節氣,也是中華民族的一個傳統節日,冬至俗 稱「冬節」、「長至節」、「亞歲」等,早在二千五百多年前的春秋時代,中國就已經用土圭觀測太陽,測定出了冬至,它是二十四節氣中最早制訂出的一個,時間 在每年的陽歷12月21日至23日之間,這一天是北半球全年中白天最短、夜晚最長的一天;中國北方大部分地區在這一天還有吃餃子、南方吃湯圓的習俗,諺 語:冬至到,吃水餃。冬至飯油然而生,幸福美好的一家人圓圓滿滿的吃冬至飯。



春天要來了!現代天文科學測定,冬至日太陽直射南回歸線,陽光對北半球最傾斜,北半球白天最短,黑夜最長,這天之後,太陽又逐漸北移 民間有言:「冬至蘿卜夏至姜,適時進食無病痛。」又說:「冬季蘿卜賽過小人參。」在冬至夜,正適合燉上一鍋熱乎乎的蘿卜排骨湯,一家人團團圓圓,過這個歷史悠久的「亞歲」節。



 《中英對照讀新聞》Uganda says wants to pass anti-gay law as "Christmas gift"


◎張沛元 自由news 2012.12.21

Uganda’s parliamentary speaker said she wanted to pass as a "Christmas gift" for Ugandans an anti-gay law, which rights groups have criticized for its draconian penalties against homosexuals.

The bill had initially proposed the death penalty for gays in the conservative east African country but still presents an array of jail terms for convicted homosexuals, including life imprisonment in certain circumstances.

Denounced as "odious" by U.S. President Barack Obama, the bill has left veteran President Yoweri Museveni struggling to balance the demands of the evangelical church on one side and aid donors on the other.

Some international donors have threatened to cut aid if the legislation, which is now before a parliamentary committee and was first introduced in parliament in 2009, becomes law.

"Ugandans want that law as a Christmas gift. They have asked for it and we’ll give them that gift," parliament speaker Rebecca Kadaga said. (Reuters)

criticize someone for something:慣用語,為某事而批評、非難某人。例句:She criticized her boyfriend for not telling the truth.(她責怪男友沒說實話。)

life imprisonment:無期徒刑,終身監禁。Imprisonment:名詞,監禁。

veteran:形容詞,有經驗的;老資格的。例句:He is my favorite veteran actor.(他是我最喜歡的資深男星。)



◎ 馮冠超  自由news 2012.12.21

為什麼迷信的情緒在世紀末格外明顯?何以七十%的新興宗教都出現在一九六○年代以後?在高峰期,美國有超過一千三百個異端教派,在日本登記的宗教組織甚至超過十八萬個。尤其新興宗教 的「末世論」顯然利用了聖經中提到的「末世審判」等深植於西方文化中的認知,也就在每個世紀的尾聲一而再、再而三地喚起人們潛在的憂懼。

但 沒有末世論的非基督宗教亦復如此,此前赴麥加朝聖者僅二十餘萬,到世紀末動輒高達兩百萬人,不少信徒因人潮雜遝而死。東方亦隨經濟崛起,助長山頭林立、神 佛滿天。加上大眾傳媒(電視宣教)的推波助瀾,使得「以人代神」教主權威式的崇拜,竟輕易滿足了現實社會人們對於未來及死亡恐懼的世俗性心態。一時之間, 新舊交匯,正邪相對,五彩繽紛,鬧熱滾滾。


人 類的智識在世紀末真會變得比較愚鈍?看看公元九九九年歐洲社會陷入歇斯底里之中;一四九九年,即將發生「世界災難性大洪水」之說甚囂塵上。又如十九世紀 末,一個由俄裔的勃拉瓦茨基在紐約創立的「通神學社」,參雜著通靈、轉世和魔術等手法,立即吸收了十萬多個信眾……等等。答案似乎是肯定的。因為這種尋訪 新世界好讓世界重生的思維,正是世紀末的典型特徵。

二○一二的末日說,雖然褪去了宗教的外衣,世人的反應也理性得多,但似乎仍是人類永遠無 法修畢的學分。我們寧可希望此一罕見的世紀初末世論能有正面的效應,將焦慮化為一種美德,讓人們更加珍惜、重新思考自己的生命意義,使「末日症候群」緩解 到最輕微的狀態。 (作者為輔仁大學應美系所教授)

末日傳說… 這公司員工放兩天「末日假」







2012年12月13日 星期四


Are you ok ? 你沒事吧 ?

Are you all right now ? 你現在好了嗎?

How do you feel ? 你現在感覺怎樣?

I don't feel good today. 我今天身體感覺不好.

His foot hurt very much yesterday. 我的腳昨天很痛.

I have a headache now . 我現在頭痛.

How are your ears ? 你的耳朵怎麼了 ?

I  can't see it clearly . 我看不清楚.

He was sick yesterday. 他昨天生病了.

Bring the doctor in haste. 趕快請醫生.

Do you have a cold ? 你感冒了嗎?

Many people catch a cold in fall. 許多人在秋天感冒.

I  caught your brother's cold . 我被你哥傳染感冒了.

What happened to Tom ? 湯姆發生了什麼事 ?

He always stays up late , does he ? 他總是熬夜嗎, 是嗎?

What time do you usually go to bed ? 你通常幾點上床睡覺 ?

They don't care about me. 他們不關心我.

His health broke down. 他的身體變虛弱了.

How do you feel today , Mary ?   瑪麗, 你今天覺得身體如何?

I am very tired. 我很累.

Can he be sick today ? 他今天可能病了嗎 ?

He is ill , isn't he ? 他病了,不是嗎 ?

He looked at her sadly. 他難過地望著她.

Don't worry. 別擔心.

There is nothing to worry about. 沒有什麼事可以擔心的.

You look fine today. 今天你氣色不錯.

I am very glad to hear that . 我十分高興聽到那消息.

No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息.

Please don't tell him. 請不要告訴他.

Whar a pity! 太遺憾了!

He is in good spirits. 他的心情很好

How tall is he ? 他有多高 ?

I am not fat. 我不太胖.

Raise your hand. 舉起你的手.

Please help her. 請幫幫她. 

Let me help you. 讓我來幫你.

She is studying. 她正在學習.

We work by rule. 我們按規定工作.

Never do it again , Bob.   鮑伯,別再做這事了.

What are you doing now ? 你正在做什麼?

Can you give me a hand ? 你可以幫我一下嗎?

Can you tell me what he means ? 你能告訴我他的意思嗎?

Did he clean my room last night ? 他昨晚打掃我的房間了嗎?

What is he doing ? 他正在做什麼 ?

This is room number nine. 這是9號房間.


I am thirsty. 我口渴.

Go and take him some water . 去拿一點水給他.

How much water do you want ? 你要多少水 ?

Drink the water. 喝水吧.

Have a glass of water. 喝杯水吧.

She is eating an apple. 她正在吃蘋果.

Eat dinner. 吃飯.

He always has breakfast at seven. 他總是7點鐘吃早餐.

The dinner is satisfying.  晚餐令人滿意.

The food tastes good. 這食物嚐起來味道不錯.

It's a healthful food. 它是一種有益健康的食物.

The medicine had no effect. 這藥沒有效.

The medicine tastes bitter. 這藥很苦.

He took medicine yesterday . 他昨天吃了藥.

May didn't take any medicine yesterday. 梅昨天沒有吃藥.

The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription.
醫生為她診脈, 開了藥方。 pulse N. 脈搏 ; 社會脈動 [pʌls]

These pills can be obtained by prescription only.
這些藥丸只有憑醫生處方才能買到。 N. 藥方 ; 處方 [prɪˋskrɪpʃən]

The doctor checked my reflexes and could find nothing wrong.
醫生檢查了我的反應能力, 找不出任何毛病。 n. 用pl 反應能力 [ˋriflɛks]

I am a nurse. 我是個護士.

They are women doctors. 他們是女醫生.

Is your mother a doctor ? 你媽媽是個醫生嗎?

She is a good doctor. 她是個好醫生.

She is a qualified doctor. 她是個合格的醫生.

She is qualified to do the job. 她能勝任這一工作。 [ˋkwɑlə͵faɪd] adj 合格的;勝任的

Dr. Wang is my father's good friend.  王醫師是我爸爸的好朋友.

I will telephone the doctor . 我會給醫生打電話.

He or his father is a doctor.  他或他父親是醫生.
Open the door. 打開門.

Do come in , please. 請進來,請.

Open the window. 打開窗.

Shut the door please. 請關上門.

Close the window , will you ? 把窗關上,好嗎 ?
Sleep is necessary to health.

She is sleeping. 她正在睡覺.

I 'll see about it. 我再考慮.

May you succeed ! 祝你成功!

Let me try again , will you ? 讓我再試一次可以嗎 ?

Who made this decision ? 誰做出的決定 ?

We believe in God. 我們信仰上帝.


We enjoy free medical care.

I enjoy good health.

enjoy poor health
體弱多病 (上句的相反意思 )

have a good reputation as a doctor
=enjoy a good reputation as a doctor

“There was no pulse, never, no reflexes.”  沒有脈搏 , 沒有反應 .  (意思是 死翹翹了 )

醫療過失灰色地帶 可申請補償

醫療過失灰色地帶 可申請補償

限死亡或重大傷害 須放棄訴訟

〔自由時報記者邱燕玲、邱宜君/綜合報導〕行政院院會昨通過「醫療法第八十二條之一修正草案」,將醫療刑責明確化;同時提出配套的「醫療糾紛處理及 醫療事故補償法草案」,醫療過失灰色地帶可申請補償,但不可與訴訟併行,只能「二擇一」,提起訴訟就不得申請補償,以避免病人重複獲利。

故意或違反注意義務 須負刑責





補償基金來源包含醫療機構繳納醫療風險分擔金、政府預算、菸品健康福利捐、捐贈收入等;政府預算撥充及菸品健康福利捐,以不超過醫療事故補償基金總 額之三十%為上限。


醫改會︰調處沒期限 恐過追訴期



笑話一則about widow

Did you regret ?

One widow had a sudden whim to wipe the old oil lamp
she found at the attic , while her beloved cat dawdling beside her.

Suddenly , a monster jumped out of the oil lamp and promised to
help her fulfill three wishes.

The widow answered without considering that she would be young and beautiful forever ,
have trillions of wealth , and she would like her cat become a handsome prince.

After a puff of smoke passing , she became a beauty as expected with lots of jewelries
around her ,  and a handsome prince standing beside her , but her cat disappeared.

The prince held her tenderly in his arms , she was so intoxicated with the prince's caress
that she felt perfectly contented.

Then , the prince gently whispered in her ear , " You have castrated me. Now , do you regret ?"

以上文章 取自  台灣醒報 101.12.10 A12版 English Page

sudden whim 心血來潮

She is always full of whims and fancies.
她老是充滿怪念頭   [hwɪm] N.  奇想, 怪念頭; 幻想
He had a sudden whim to go sailing today.


attic   [ˋætɪk]  N頂樓, 閣樓; 頂樓房間C
an unsound attic  岌岌可危的閣樓
dawdle   [ˋdɔd!] vi ;vt  閒混; 偷懶; 遊蕩;  磨蹭 
a puff of smoke 一陣煙

He blew out three candles with a single puff.
他一口氣吹滅了三根蠟燭。  [pʌf]    N

Puffs of steam and smoke came from the engine.
一股股蒸汽和煙霧從那火車頭裡冒出來。 N.

Are you happy fireworks are puffing all around?
四周都在放煙火你開心嗎?  vi 陣陣噴或吹

She puffed out the kerosene lamp.
她吹滅了煤油燈。 vt

The miser was puffed as a philanthropist.
那個守財奴被說成是個慈善家。 vt 吹捧
intoxicate   [ɪnˋtɑksə͵ket]  vt 陶醉 

How could she become intoxicated after only one glass of wine?
她只喝了一杯酒怎麼就醉了呢?  vt 使喝醉 ; 使中毒 ; 陶醉...
The prospect of success intoxicates me.

caress [kəˋrɛs] 擁抱  N. 愛撫; 擁抱; 親吻[C]

She gave the child a loving caress.
她疼愛地撫摸著孩子。 N.

The mother caressed her baby lovingly.
母親疼愛地撫摸著嬰兒。 vt  愛撫; 撫摸; 撫抱

The young manager was caressed by the president of the company.
那位年輕經理得到公司總裁的青睞。 vt 寵愛 ; 青睞

castrate  [ˋkæstret] vt 閹割 ;  割去睪丸; 割除卵巢 ; 使喪失力量(或效果); 刪改

regret  遺憾

regret  doing something

regret having done something  以上兩句型表示對過去發生的事感到後悔

regret to do something  表示對將來發生的事感到遺憾

We've always regretted selling the farm.  vt

I regret not to have started earlier.  vt

I regret that you see it like that.
你這樣看待這件事, 我很遺憾。vt
I believe you will regret leaving Paris.
I regret the loss of her friendship.
我為失去她的友誼而遺憾。 vt
I regret to say that I am unable to help you.
很抱歉, 我愛莫能助。 vt
Those who have not bought insurance are now regretting.
I regret his death.我對他的逝世痛惜不已。 vt

Shelley had no regrets for his actions.
雪萊對他的行為一點都不感到後悔 N

He felt no shame and no regret.
他既不感到羞愧也不感到後悔 N

He expressed regret over the death of your father.
他對你父親的逝世表示哀 N

Tommy sent his regrets.
湯米寄來了他的謝絕 N

Please accept my regrets at having to refuse.
懇辭, 謹致歉意。 N

He felt regret for his misdeeds.



always  總是     發生頻率約100~90%

usually 通常     發生頻率約80~70%

often    時常      發生頻率約70~60%

sometimes  有時    發生頻率約50~30%

seldom       很少     發生頻率約20~10%

never   從不           發生頻率約 0%


Night always follows day.   黑夜總是緊跟白晝.
We should always love our country.
The door is always open.
Mr. Lo is always busy.
He is always grumbling.
他老是抱怨個沒完.  grumble  [ˋgrʌmb!]  N; vt' vi 抱怨  
The battle is not always to the rich.
She's always asking silly questions.
A bad workman always blames his tools.
【諺】 拙工常怪工具差
May this country always be blessed with prosperity.
A bully is always a coward.
【諺】 虛張聲勢的人必定是膽小鬼.
It's always the case with him.
The customer is always right.

He usually goes to work by bus. But today he goes to work by bicycle.
He usually gets up at six.
Peter is usually late for school.
Peter usually goes to school late.
Is Peter usually late for school? Yes, he usually is.

They often help each other.
He was often late for school.
We often go hunting.
He is often late for class.

We sometimes go fishing on Sundays.
It is sometimes warm and sometimes cold.
She comes to visit us sometimes.
Sometimes I go fishing on Sundays.
Sometimes I write to Tom.
I sometimes go to the cinema on Tuesday night.   ( 去看電影 )
go to the theatre  看戲
go to school  上學
go to church  上教會
go to work     工作

She seldom showed her feelings.
He very seldom eats any breakfast.
Seldom I met him in the street.

Tim never tells a lie.
He will never go there again.
I have never done that before.
I 'll never forget your kindness. 
He has never been abroad. 
Never eat too much.
Never have I dreamed of it.


K他命由三級改二級 教長反對


如果修法通過將K他命由三級毒品提升為二級,一旦抓到使用毒品,不論是不是學生都必須立即入監服刑,勒戒毒癮。蔣偉寧表示,非不得已的狀況下,才會支持將K他命從三級改為二級,站在教育單位的立場 ,毒品防制應該從宣導與教育、來源控管著手,讓學生遠離毒品。

2012年12月11日 星期二

國名 國籍 個人

國名         國籍(adj)    個人
America   American    an American

China       Chinese       a Chinese   中國大陸

Britain      British         a Briton / a Britisher  英國

France      French         a Frenchman

Germany  German       a German

Greece      Greek          a Greek    希臘

Italy          Italian          an Italian

Japan        Japanese      a Japanese

India         Indian          an Indian  印度

Spain        Spanish        a Spaniard   西班牙

Russia      Russian        a Russian    俄國

Sweden    Swedish       a Swede      瑞典

Thailand   Thai             a Thai  泰國

the Republic of China    Taiwanese     a Taiwanese  
(中華民國                      台灣的          台灣人     )

She is American.      她是美國籍.
She is an American. 她是個美國人.

Where do you com from ? 你打從哪裡來 ?
I come from Spain.            我從西班牙來.

What is your nationality ?  你是什麼國籍 ?
I'm French. 我是法國人.
What nationality  is he ?  他是甚麼國籍 ?
He is Japanese.  

She storied about her nationality.

Where do you live ?
What city does he live in ?
He lives in New York.

She lives about ten miles from my house.

What do you do ? 你的職業是什麼 ?
What's his job ?
What's her occupation ?
She is a secretary.

He is a bus driver by occupation.
他的職業是公車司機。  [͵ɑkjəˋpeʃən]  N. 工作, 職業, 日常消遣

His occupation is farming.
=He is a farmer by occupation他的職業是務農

I work in a factory.
She works in a restaurant.
He works in the post-office.
Tom works for a company.

men out of occupation  失業者.

He was bored for lack of occupation.

The family lived on relief.  這家人靠救濟生活。

The relief driver has got here.接班的司機已經到了。

1~100  序數 (第1  第2 第3 ......)

2012年12月10日 星期一

about cough

condition , illness , that causes a person to cough often 

His cough had slackened, but his nose was still running.
他的咳嗽減弱了, 但還在流鼻涕。 [kɔf]  N.

The old lady had a bad cough.

He has a bad cough.   N.

He gave me a warning cough.
他以咳嗽聲警告我.  N.   give a slight cough  (發出輕咳聲,以引起注意)

The audience coughed the speaker down.  觀眾發出咳嗽聲使演說者講不下去.

The child had a bad cough , so his mother took him to the doctor.   N.

The child was coughing all night.    vi

He coughed up some drops of blood.

She coughed herself hoarse.

have a fit of coughing  /  get a fit of coughing  咳嗽一陣子

cough out phlegm
=cough up phlegm 咳出痰來

Why did the patient refuse to take the medicine?

The medicine relieves a cough.
=The medicine relieves coughing.
這藥可止咳。relieve [rɪˋliv] vt 緩和; 緩解 ; 減輕; 解除
This lotion relieves itching.

The pills gave her some relief.

Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.
一聽到消息, 他如釋重負地鬆了口氣。

I have an itch on my left hand. 
我左手很癢。 itch  N.
I itch all over. 我渾身發癢。  itch  vi 
His wool shirt always itches him. 
他那件羊毛衫老是弄得他身上發癢。itch  vt

cough up    vt 吐露...;勉強說出... ,交出或提出

cough drop  止咳藥片; 喉片

喉糖 cough sweet, throat lozenge
喉錠 cough mixture
糖漿 cough syrup
感冒糖漿 medicated syrup for colds
川貝枇杷膏 Chinese herbal cough syrup

whooping cough  ; hooping cough  ; chincough  ; pertussis  百日咳

2012年12月7日 星期五

about think


think thought thought thinking


I think ... 有認為  料想 之意 , 表示說話的人對所說的事 不太肯定... 

I think he is Mr. Lin.

I think it is true.=I think it (to be) true.

I think the nearest post office is in Market Street.

I think he can help me.

Wrong number , I think.
打錯了電話, 我想.

I think he will come.我想他會來的。

I think you're wrong.

I think you're right.
= You 're right , I think.

I think it's going to rain.

I think I can manage by myself.
I think your magazine is brill.
我認為你們的雜誌很棒.  brill係由 brilliant 縮略而成

I inasmuch as  as he is an honest man, I think you may rely upon him.

inasmuch  as    連接詞  因為, 由於, 鑑於 ; 在...的限度內; 在...範圍內
Inasmuch as the debtor has gone bankrupt, I will abandon the claim.
債務人既已破產, 我將放棄債權。
I did not criticize her acting, inasmuch as I really did not feel competent.
我沒有去評論她的演技, 因為我確實覺得這方面自己並不在行
His duty is to assist the aggrieved person inasmuch as he is able.

I think it unwise to climb a mountain without a guide.

They should come by three o'clock, I think.

He is over thirty, I should think.

Let me think a moment.

I  never thought to meet her here.

They thought the book worth reading.

We thought it our duty to take care of the orphans.

They thought the novel worth reading.
At first he thought to tell her, then he changed his mind.
他原來打算告訴她的, 後來改變主意了。

He will think differently from you.
I can't think what you mean.
I can't think why they left without saying good-bye.
I can't think what his phone number is.
I didn't think to land myself in trouble.

The job is good,but I don't think he can hack it.

What do you think of me becoming a teacher?

Think before you leap.
先思而後行。 vi

His bodyguard leapt into action.
他的保鏢立即採取行動。   leap [lip] vi 迅速進行, 立即著手; 突然發生

Do as you think best.
你認為怎樣最好就怎樣去做。 vi

as you think proper

It is not so easy as you think.

I was foolish [fool] enough to think so.


thinking   Nu. 思考;想法

Do some hard thinking. 好好想想

What's your thinking on this matter ?
對這件事你是怎麼看的 ?


帶think 的片語

* have a hard think = think  hard

* think and think

* think about 考慮 ; 思慮 = think of
   have a think about it = think about it.

* think hard 深思

* think aloud     自言自語

* think practically

* think better of     對...有更高的評價 ; 重新考慮後決定不做(或放棄)

* think little of       不重視; 認為...沒價值 ; 不在乎...
She thought little of my work.

* think ill of  認為... 很壞

* think  hardly of   把...想得很壞

* think little of = think light of  輕視; 不重視
  He thought little of his illness and worked himself to death.

* think poorly of =think lightly of = think meanly of
   不佩服,不認為好 ; 鄙視


* think nothing of 把...視為平常 ; 輕視 ; 看不起
   He thought nothing of walking 40 miles.

* "Does Sam always walk to school?  All five miles ?"
    " Yes , but he thinks nothing of walking a few miles."
    " Sam都是走五哩路去上學的嗎?"
    " 是的, 不過他對此豪不為意."

* think much of      看重;  認為....有價值
   = think highly of    = think well of 
   I think highly of his scholarship. 我敬佩他的學問. 
   They didn't think much of his work. 他們不重視他的作品.

* think the world of 極其看重
He really thinks the world of you.

* think of  想到 ; 考慮 ; 記得; 認為 = think about
   We're thinking of going to France for our vacation , 
   but we haven't decided for certain yet.

   What do you think of Professor Gonrad's class?
   你認為Gonrad 教授的課怎麼樣?

   I can't think of his name. 我記不起他的名字來.

   What are you thinking about ? 你正在想什麼 ?

   What do you think of Hemingway's latest novel ?
   你對海明威最近的小說有怎樣的看法 ? 

   Look about you , and think of what you see.

* think of ... as  把...看作
I think of you as part of my family.
She thinks of Mrs. Lin as her mentor.

* think of ... for   考慮 ...適合...

* think on   考慮 ; 思量

* think out    仔細考慮 ; 仔細思索 ; 仔細想出
He needs some time to think the matter out.

* think over  仔細考慮
I'll think over your suggestion again.

* think piece   內幕新聞報導

* think tank     智囊團 = think factory
   tank 坦克 ; (  貯水, 油, 氣等的  櫃, 罐, 箱, 槽 )

* think through  徹底地想清楚
You must think it through before you take any action.
在採取任何行動之前, 你必須仔細想清楚。
* think twice
重新考慮; 三思
You need to think twice of the matter.這事你要三思。

"I'm going to Africa for my vacation. " 
"Really ? You should think twice about it. 
 真的嗎 ? 你該三思而行.
 Countries there often have political troubles." 

* think up  想出
He tried to think up a plan for escape.

* think upon  考慮; 思量

* shudder at the thought of...=shudder to think of

2012年12月6日 星期四

刊登「死前一瞬」 《紐約郵報》被罵翻

刊登「死前一瞬」 《紐約郵報》被罵翻








doom [dum]
doom  doomed  doomed

The project was doomed to failure.
這工程注定失敗。  vt 注定

The court doomed him to life imprisonment.
法庭判他終身監禁。 vt 判定

Excessive rainfall doomed the crops.
過多的雨水使莊稼歉收。 vt 使...失敗 ; 使...毀滅

N. 厄運, 毀滅, 死亡 ; 世界末日 ; 判決 ; 定罪
The dictator met his doom after ten years of rule.

doomed   adj  命中注定的 ; 天數已盡的 ; 注定失敗的


track [træk] vt ; vi 跟蹤 ; 追蹤 N.足跡

The hunter tracked the wolf and managed to catch it.
獵人追蹤狼, 並設法逮住它。

The hunter followed the tracks left by bear. N.

The police are on his track.

He tracked the camel through the desert.
cover up one's tracks 掩藏某人的企圖或行為


be about to do ...  正要做... ; 即將做 ...

We are about to start.
我們正準備出發。  about to 片語  即將  之意

This man is about to die.




Sometimes people ask me about my name .   關於 ; 對於

My mother often spoke to me about you.

Do you have a pen about you?  在...身邊

I had no money about me.

What I like about him is his sense of humor.
我喜歡的是他的幽默感。      在...身上 ; 在...性格上

Our headmaster is showing some foreigners about  our  school.   到處; 四處

She sat up and looked about her.
她坐了起來, 環顧四周。

It happened about 5 o'clock in the morning.
這事發生在早晨約莫五點鐘的時候。       大約...

What the hell are you about?
你到底在做什麼?      從事於...


We lived there for about five years.   大約 ; 左右 ; 幾乎

John is about the same age as Tom.

My grandfather  often walks about in the park.   到處 ; 四處

She likes to walk about.

There were no trees about.   附近 ;  遍及

There were few people about.

The ship turned about midway.
船在中途掉轉了航向。   相反方向

2012年12月4日 星期二

臺灣年度英語關鍵字 Linsanity最推荐

臺灣年度英語關鍵字 Linsanity最推荐



 「時間地點你再Line我!」今年常聽到這樣的話。擔任主編的王迺君推荐「Line」。她指出,Line本來是「線,隊伍,排隊」的意思,因為智慧型手機的即時聊天App,而出現的新名詞,更進一步被大家「動詞化」。世界已經從「facebook我」,「what's app我」,轉變成「Line我」了。







draw a line on the paper  在紙上畫線 N.
draw lines on the paper
Hold the line , please. 

You'd better write on every other line. 

They are waiting for a bus standing in line.

She looked at the lines in my palm.
她看著我的掌紋. N.掌紋;  皺紋

He lined the paper with a blue pencil.
What is your line?
你是從事哪一行的? N.行業

What line of business are you in ?
你是做哪一行業的 ?N
His face was lined with worry.
憂慮使他臉上佈滿了皺紋。 vt

They are waiting for a bus standing in line.

The streets were lined on both sides with people.

in a line with something  與某物成一直線

read between the lins  找出字裡行間的言外之意

line up 排隊 ; 使 ...排成行

out of line  不成一直線

stand in line  站成一隊

stand on line  排成一隊

On line .  廣播或電視製播室 上線了 或稱 開始錄音錄影了  !
(有通知 閒雜人等不可再進入之意 )  

現在年輕人會用3G手機 互傳資訊  (如: 文字 ; 圖片; 照片 ; 影片 ; 網址連結 等 )   
「時間地點你再Line我!」 此 Line有 傳送給 ; 通知 之意 

It was a live broadcast. 那是現場直播的.



He had his ups and downs.
他有過得意之時, 也有過倒霉之日。 N.

The business cycle experienced a sudden down.

Prices have gone down.物價下跌了。 adv

 They go down to Florida every winter.
他們每年冬天南下去佛羅里達。 adv

Shall  we go down to the country  for the weekend ?
我們去鄉下渡周末好嗎 ?   adv

Please write down your telephone number on the paper.  adv

I've been feeling down since I lost my job.
自從失去工作後, 我的情緒一直處於低潮。 adj
Dick is feeling a bit down today.
狄克今天有點情緒低落。 adj

He downed his opponent in the first round.
他在第一個回合中擊倒對手。 vt

The tears ran down her face. 
眼淚順著她的臉流下來.  介係詞 prep

They floated down the river.
他們沿河向下游漂去。  prep

get down to work 認真著手去做

fall down 落下



the fear of God 
對上帝的敬畏   N.

We are in fear of her life. 
我們為她的生命擔憂  N.

My worst fears were quickly realized.
我最擔心的事很快成了現實。 N. 擔心;憂慮

She feared that she might not find him in his room.
她擔心可能在他的房間裡找不到他。 vt

I fear I do not know the answer to that.
我恐怕回答不出那個問題。 vt
I fear that my child will catch cold.
我擔心孩子會感冒.  vt
You should not fear to speak your mind.

She feared for her daughter's safety.
她擔心女兒的安全。 vi


reborn  [riˋbɔrn]  adj 復活的 ; 再生的

bear  bore born   bearing

bear  bore borne  bearing

She has borne five children.
她生了五個孩子。  vt
Her face bore signs of tears.
她的臉上帶著淚痕。 vt

John was once bitten by a dog and he bears the scars to this day.
約翰曾被狗咬一次 ,至今疤痕還在.  vt 戴有

The apple tree has borne fruit.   vt 結果;生子
Our apple trees will bear well this year.
今年我們的蘋果樹會結許多果實。 vi

The peach tree bears well. 
這棵桃樹結果多. vi

He bears you no ill will.
= He bears no ill will against you.





a forward opinion 
一個有前瞻性的意見  adj

He put forward a new view.
他提出了一種新見解。 adv

Winter is forward this year. 
今年冬天來得早  adj.提早的

The meeting had been put forward an hour.
會議提前一小時舉行。 adv

the forward  part of  a plane 
飛機的前部  adj 前方的

He is always forward to help his friends. 
adj 熱心的

go forward  
前進   adv

forward a plan 
推動一項計畫  vt 推動 ;  促進

He tried to forward his father's plan.
他努力想促成父親的計劃。  vt


江南PSY    騎馬舞

2012年12月3日 星期一

玩笑開大了免費提供WIFI打成免費WIFE 網友狂轉

玩笑開大了免費提供WIFI打成免費WIFE 網友狂轉


國有財產局新竹分處網頁鬧出大笑話!網頁在十月十二日發布一則新聞稿,寫著「本分處自101年10月起推出免費WIFE,民眾可多加利用!」,有眼尖的網 友發現後,截圖轉貼在臉書上,也吸引不少網友轉分享,諷刺新竹分處「有免費的老婆可用」。新竹分處接獲媒體查詢後,這才發現是工作人員在輸入時,WIFI 寫成了WIFE,雖然只差了一個英文字母,但意思卻差很大。新竹分處主任張能軒指出,新竹分處已在短時間內,將錯誤改正,對於工作人員打錯字,讓大家想入 非非,真的很抱歉。

據了解,國有財產局新竹分處十月間推出提供無線網路服務,因此特別發出新聞稿請民眾多加利用,最近一名眼尖網友查閱資料,意外發現新竹分處網頁出錯,而且 新聞稿一掛就是廿一天無人發現。有網友認為公家單位的新聞稿要登出之後,有多人把關卻還出現這種離譜錯誤,真的有些離譜!也有網友諷刺新竹分處提供免費的 老婆不太好,因為免費的最貴。當然大多數的網友,直覺上認為就是打錯英文字而已,畢竟在台灣不可能會有公家單位,提供免費的老婆供使用。




N. 妻子;太太;老婆;內人;已婚婦女;夫人; 牽手(台語)
   pl. wives

the woman to whom a man is married.
female spouse, female mate, married woman

female adj.母的;雌的  N.女人;雌性動物
Female animals give birth to young ones. 雌性動物產仔.
We've got three cats - two females and a male.
feminine  adj. 女性的; 女性化的
male    adj.公的;雄的  N.男人;雄性動物

Smith and his wife  史密斯夫婦

the baker's wife  麵包師的妻子

a club for young wives  年輕太太俱樂部

old wives' tales  老婦譚 ; 荒誕故事 ; 迷信而愚昧的故事  (古時用法)

My wife says that I'm a good husband.

She will make a good wife. 

He is going to marry Jane. 
他將與珍結婚。 此marry  為vt  娶... ; 嫁...

Mary  married a Frenchman.

He didn't marry until he was fifty. 
他直到五十歲才結婚。 此marry 為 vi 結婚

marriage  N.婚姻;結婚;婚禮
A marriage has been arranged between Mary and Jack. 
give ... in marriage  嫁出去
take ... in marriage  娶某人為妻

have a wife 有妻室  ( 不是 古時住在樹上的  有巢氏 \^^/  )

an old wife  老太婆 (古時用法)

take [give] .... to wife  娶[嫁]....為妻  (古時用法)
take a woman to wife = marry  娶女為妻

The officials came to the party with their wives.

wifehood  N.妻子的身份或狀態
wifeless    adj.  無妻的 ; 獨身的; 鰥夫的
wifely = wifelike  adj. 似妻子的; 適於做妻子的 ; 妻子的 ; 已婚婦女的

wifely virtues  婦德
wifely duties   妻子的職責

window N.窗戶

widow   N.寡婦
a woman whose husband is dead.

widowed  adj.寡居的; 鰥居的; 喪失配偶的
widowed by war  因戰爭而喪失配偶的 

widower N.鰥夫
a man whose wife is dead.


w i f i  又是 蝦米 ?

請觀看下方兩個連結  應該可以知道 七八成了 \^^/



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