2012年8月16日 星期四

迷路了該怎麼辦 ? Excuse me , I'm lost. ...

迷路了該怎麼辦 ?

\^^/  張開嘴問人喔  \^^/

( 可是要選對人問 ! 比如 不要向 刺龍刺鳳的小混混問路 ...
  要找 像 慈祥的家庭主婦來問...  )

( 不過 人心隔肚皮  壞人好人不會寫在臉上  問路 總是 有風險要承擔的! )

Excuse me , I'm lost.  對不起 , 我迷路了.
Would you draw a map for me ? 你能為我畫張地圖嗎?

I am new here . 我對這裡不熟悉 .

I've lost my bearings. 我失去方向感了 .

Where am I ? 這是什麼地方 ? (切不可翻成 我在哪裡?)

A: Excuse me . Where can I get to Gate 15?
     對不起 . 15號登機門 在哪 ?

B:  This is the international airport .
      But Gate 15 is in the domestic airport.
      The shuttle bus will take you there and
      Gate 15 is on the second floor of that airport.

A: But where can I take the bus ?

B:  Turn left to take the elevator to the first floor and
      you'll see those buses.
      It only takes 5 to 8 minutes to get there.

A:  So , I have to turn left first . And  ...

B:  Right . And   take the elevator to the first floor to get the shuttle bus.

A: I got it. Thank for your help.

B: You're welcome. Have a safe and great trip.


A: Excuse me . Can you tell me how to get to the train station ?
    ( Excuse me . Can you tell me where the train station is ? )

B: Well , first go along Main Street for two blocks  and
     you'll see the intersection of Main Street and Hackett Avenue .
     Next turn right  and
     walk for 5 minutes ;
     you will see a bus stop .
     Take bus number 5  and
     it will take you to the train station.
     It is on Johnson Avenue.

A: Thanks.
B: Sure.

問 路名

A: How do I get to Chung-Shan Road ?


A: Is the school on Mind-shen Road ?
    這學校是在 民生路上嗎 ?

 問 機構 ?

A: How can I get to the Bank of America  from here ?  到美國銀行要如何走 ?

    ( airport 機場 ) ( pharmacy 藥局) (Travel agent 旅行社)
    ( Movie theater 電影院 )

A: Where is the post office ?  郵局  (airlines office 航空公司辦事處 )

A: Can you tell me the way to the police station ?  警察局

A: Sorry to bother you , but where is the nearest restaurant ? 最近的餐廳

    ( supermarket 超級市場 )  (bus stop 公車招呼站)

A: Which road should I take to get to the Far Eastern Department Store ?

A: Is there a short-cut to National Taiwan University ? 到台灣大學有捷徑嗎?

A: Am I heading in the right way for the YMCA ? 我現在走的路是到YMCA ?

A: I am looking for a camera shop . Can you direct me ?
    我在找攝影店 (照相館) . 你能指點我嗎 ?

A: Is that the right way to Palace Hotel ? ( 皇宮旅館 )
    往 皇宮旅館 走那條路 對嗎 ?  (City Hall 市政廳;市政府 )


Will this road take me there ? 這條路可以到達那裡嗎 ?

( 問者與回答者 雙方都已知道  所問的目的地時  可用此句 )


Turn  right . (Make a right turn.) 右轉
Go straight three blocks and turn right.
It's on the left.

Turn right over there and go straight two blocks.
You will find it on the other side of street.

Turn left .  (Make a left turn.)  左轉
Turn left before bridge. 在橋前左轉.

Go right to the end of this street and then turn left.
一直走到這條街的盡頭, 然後左轉。

Walk three blocks and then turn left at the corner.

Turn left after two blocks.  過了兩各街區 就左轉.

The school is on the left of the road  and
his house   is on the right.

Go down . 往下走 

Go up. 往上走.      

Go straight . 往前走.  [stret]

Go straight down the road and then turn left.
沿著這條路一直走, 然後左轉。
Go straight to the main street. Then turn left and
keep straight on about ten blocks.
直走到大街上, 然後左轉一直往前走上10條街左右.
Go straight and turn right at the stop light. ( 停止號誌處 )
And keep straight on two blocks. It's on the left.
Go straight on and pass the grade crossing . ( 平交道 )
And you will find a round building on the left.
That's a City Hall you are looking for.
Go along ...  沿著...走

We walked along the road.

Move along please! 請往前走 ( 不要站著不動之意 ,此時 非用在問路了! )

Cross  the... 越過 ...
Cross that bridge and go straight on until you find the station.

Just cross the street and turn right . Then go straight two blocks.
It's on the left.
Cross the street and turn left . Then go straight three blocks, and
turn right at the corner of a durgstore.  (藥店)
And go straight again to the next corner .
It's on the other side of the corner. ( 街角對面 )

They crossed the river by boat. 他們乘舟渡河。

They crossed the road. 他們穿越馬路

They crossed through the great desert. 他們橫穿過大沙漠。

She turned into a cross street. 她轉身走進一條橫的馬路(街道)。

crossing  人行橫道  (行人穿越道 ) (十字路口) 
- a special place where you may cross a road.
Go straight to the next stop light , and then turn left there.
At the next cossing , turn right. Then go straight until you find the station.

The traffic light  紅綠燈 
There is too much traffic on the road. 這條路上行人車輛太多了。 
Police control the traffic in large cities. 在大城市裡, 警察控制交通。 
Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour. 尖峰時間交通十分繁忙。

The intersection of  A and  B    A路 和 B路 (或B街 B巷道)  的十字路口

the intersection of two highways 兩條公路相交

an accident at the intersection of North Road and Lemsford Road

Next to ... 在...旁邊
It's next to the gas station. 在加油站隔壁.
Take the next street. 請走下一條街.

near... 在...附近
It's near the department store .

Between  C  and  D   在 C地 和 D地 中間

There is a path between the house and the road.

Across from ...  在 ...對面
Go across the street. 橫越街道.  Right over there. 就在那裡.

They swam across the river.  他們游到河的對岸.

the house across the street   街對面的那間房子

On the corner of ...  在...角落
Cross the street , it's on the left corner.

A: What is the best way to get there ? 到那裡怎麼去最好?
B: Take a taxi.

Yes , it is quite right. 是的, 沒錯. 

Sorry , but I am a stranger here in New York. (抱歉,我也是初到紐約)

The road turns south outside town.

He turned the street corner.

The car made a left turn.

the right bank of the river 

Their house is half-way down the hill. 

Walk directly down the road and you'll get to the square. 
沿這條路一直走, 你能到廣場。

They floated down the river.

He gave me a lift to the station in his car. 
( 出門在外, 遇到這樣的好心人, 還是要謹慎小心些! )


與where 有趣的問句 和答句 ^^

A: Where are the kings of England usually crowned (加冕)
B: On the head.


A: Where can everyone always find money when he looks for it?
B: In dictionary. 


A: Where is the best place to be fat ? 何處是發胖最好地地方?
B: At the butcher shop.  在肉店裡.


A: Where is there fire? 何處有火?
B: Where there is smoke , there is fire. 有煙之處,就有火.
    意思是 無風不起浪,事出必有因.
    (不過現代人找火 , 總是找有抽煙之人拿)(第2句答得很妙呀)

