2012年8月3日 星期五

The Beloved 被愛者

Now , the beloved can also be of any description.

The most outlandish  people can be the stimulus for love. A man may
be a doddering great grandfather and still love only a strange girl he
saw in the streets of Cheehaw one afternoon two decades past.
異國異域的人容易刺激戀情的發生。 一個年老心智衰退的好爺爺,

The preacher may love a fallen woman.

The beloved may be treacherous , greasy-headed , and given to evil habits.
Yes, and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone else ─ but that does not
affect the evolution of his love one whit.

A most mediocre person can be the object of a love which is wild ,
extravagant , and beautiful as the poison lilies of the swamp.

A good man may be the stimulus for a love both violent and debased ,

or  a jabbering madman may bring about in the soul of someone a tender
and simple idyll.

Therefore , the value and quality of any love is determined solely by
the lover himself.

It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved.
正因為如此, 我們大多數人寧願「愛人」而不是被愛。

Almost everyone wants to be the lover.

And the curt truth is that , in a deep secret way , the state of being
beloved is intolerable to many.

The beloved fears and hates the lover , and with the best of reasons.
For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved.

The lover craves any possible relation with the beloved , even if this
 experience cause him only pain.

Carson McCullers (1917-1967) :
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
outlandish  adj 異國風格的
stimulus   N.刺激品
doddering  adj. 因年老而變衰弱的
treacherous  adj. 背叛的;不忠的
greasy-headed  adj 油頭粉面的
whit  N.一點點;絲毫 (多用於否定句中)
mediocre  adj.中等的;平凡的
swamp  N.沼澤;沼澤地
violent  adj.兇暴的;暴力的
debased  adj 貶抑的;不名譽的
jabbering  adj.快而含糊地說著; 吱吱喳喳地叫著
idyll  N.田園詩;田園散文
curt  adj.簡慢的; 唐突草率的
crave  v 渴望

英語文選菁華  Selected Readings in English
寂天文化出版  http://www.icosmos.com.tw
2002.  第30-33頁


beloved adj 心愛的  ; 被喜愛的
Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found.
The little boy was beloved of all the teachers.

He is beloved by [of] all.  大家都喜歡他. 
my beloved   N. 親愛的(對愛人、丈夫、妻子等的稱呼).
The flower is from my beloved.

N. 親愛的教友

Dearly beloved, let's pray.

親愛的教友, 讓我們向上帝祈禱。


description  [dɪˋskrɪpʃən]   N. 描寫; 敘述; 形容[U][C] ; 種類

He gave a description of what he had seen.
他對看到的情況作了描述。 N.描述

give [make] a description of
be beyond description

answer (to) [fit] the description    ( n.人像畫 ; 說明書 )

be beyond description

books of every description

In the zoo there are animals of every description.
那個動物園裡有各種各樣的動物。 N. 種類

a bird of some description 屬某一類的鳥.

decade  ['dεked]  N.十; 十年間;十個[十人]構成的一組

the first decade of the 21st century 二十一世紀最初十年
preacher   [ˋpritʃɚ]  n. .1.說教者,講道者,牧師; 傳教士 ; 2.警告者 
3.訓誡者  4.宣傳者 5.鼓吹者

He inherited his eloquence from his father, a Christian preacher.
affect  [ə'fεkt]  vt . 對…有影響

The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.

The great heat affected his health.   He became  ill.
She was deeply affected by the news of her father's death.
她父親去世的消息使她深受震動。 ( vt 受... 震撼)

Her kidneys had become affected. 她的腎臟受到了感染。 ( vt 罹患 )

affectionate  adj 摯愛的 ; 充滿深情的

affectionately  adv

wild  [waɪld] adj 野生的 ; 粗野的 ; 狂風暴雨的;狂怒的;
急切的;渴望的  N. 未開發的地方 the wilds

wildly  adv

Those are wild roses.

wild animals 野獸

We picked the wild flowers in the woods.
我們在林子裡採野花 .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgMg9XrgvMU  < 路邊的野花不要採 ^^

She is afraid of his wild looks.

On a wild night our regiment took the fort by surprise.
在一個狂風暴雨之夜, 我團出其不意地攻佔了那個要塞。

The boss was wild with me for being late again.

My brother is wild about traveling.我兄弟熱衷旅行。

There are few schools in the wilds of that country.
extravagant  [ɪkˋstrævəgənt] adj  奢侈的; 浪費的 ; 過分虛飾的;  
放肆的; 過度的, 過分的

Don't be so extravagant; spend your money more carefully.
別這麼浪費; 花錢節省些。

He has some extravagant expectations.

extravagant behaviors

poison  [ˋpɔɪzn]   N.  毒; 毒藥; 毒物

The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game. 
土著用毒箭射殺大獵物。  vt 使...中毒

Industrial wastes have poisoned the river. 
工業廢棄物污染了這條河。 vt 汙染...

Jealousy poisoned their friendship.
嫉妒破壞了他們的友誼。 vt 破壞 ...
He poisoned her mind against me.
他使她對我懷有惡感  vt 使...抱持惡感

kill oneself by taking poison  服毒自殺   N.毒藥
Gas is a poison.  煤氣是有毒氣體。 N.毒物

Some people say that selfishness is a poison in our society.

有些人說自私是我們社會的一害。 N. 有害之物

a poison to morals=a moral poison
敗壞道德之物.  N.毒害

a poison fang   毒牙.

tender  [ˋtɛndɚ]   adj 溫柔對待的

There are lots of tender blossoms in the garden.
花園裡盡是嬌嫩的花朵。 adj 嬌嫩的; 柔軟的

The nurse was very tender toward the sick children.
護士對生病的孩子很溫柔。 adj 溫柔的; 體貼的

It is hard to have the tender situation in hand.
這樣微妙的局勢很難控制。 adj 微妙的 ; 棘手的

children of tender years
年幼不懂事的孩子  adj 未成熟的 ; 幼弱的

determined   [dɪˋtɝmɪnd]  adj 堅決的;已下決心的,斷然的
adv. determinedly;                               
n     determinedness
in a determined manner  以堅決的態度   adj

a very determined woman    
十分堅定的女士  adj 態度堅定的

She is determined to finish law school. 
她決意在法學院讀到畢業。  adj 已下決心的

be determined to do    決心要做.   adj 

intolerable    [ɪnˋtɑlərəb!]  adj 不能忍受的 ; 無法容忍的 ; 難耐的
n. intolerableness; n. intolerability

The noise of the drilling is intolerable.

 strip   [strɪp ]   vt 剝, 剝去, 剝光

The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river.

strip sb to the skin
剝光某人的衣服.   vt  剝光

The boy stripped to the waist.
這男孩打赤膊。 vi  打赤膊

strip down to one's underpants [the waist]
脫得衹剩一件襯褲[裸露上身]. vi

It was wrong of him to strip his daughter of the right to education.
他不該剝奪他女兒受教育的權利。  vt 剝奪 ...

strip sb of his wealth    
剝奪某人的財產    vt

strip a room of furniture
搬走屋內的家具.   vt
do a strip.   表演脫衣舞.  N.
bare  adj. 赤裸的,裸體的
outlandish   [aʊtˋlændɪʃ]   adj 異國風格的 ; 古怪的 ; 偏僻的
adv. outlandishly; n. outlandishness
outdoor  adj 戶外的 
an outdoor pool 室外泳池
outdoors  adv 戶外地 
A farmer works outdoors. 農夫在露天幹活
outer  adj 外面的 ;遠離中心的 
The outer walls of the the house were made of brick.
outing  N. 短程的旅遊;郊遊;遠足 (同 trip; short journey)
outfit  N.一套衣服
The football team were wearing yellow outfits.
outline  N. 輪廓
He drew the outline of a house on the paper.
outside  n.外部;外表;
adv ; 介系詞 ; adj  : 在...之外; 在外面;外部的 ; 在戶外
The outside of an orange is bitter , but inside is sweet.
Outside the house there was a notice saying "For Sale".
The box was red outside and green inside.
The outside parts of some fruit are not good to eat.
Come outside and see my bicycle.
Outside the house is a large yard.
outskirts N.郊區;郊外
We live on the outskirts of the city.
outstanding  adj 傑出的;優秀的
an outstanding teacher
outwards  adv 往外地;向外地

stimulus   [ˋstɪmjələs]   N.刺激品;刺激; 興奮劑
stimuli  複數
Under the stimulus of this inspiring motive,
she bustled about with new energy.
在這個令人振奮的動機刺激下, 她精力充沛地忙碌著。

Praise is a stimulus for better work.

(凡是人 都希望 被肯定 被讚美  被鼓勵 , 教育孩子更是如此! )

( 被肯定 被讚美 的孩子 比被父母打罵或處罰的孩子 ,其將來的成就更高
, 家庭生活更加美滿! )

主管 對 員工 更應該多用  肯定  讚美  鼓勵 !
 (這樣必可以替公司培養出 忠心的耿耿的員工 或者是 將來的合作好夥伴 )

doddering   [ˋdɑdərɪŋ]  adj. 因年老而變衰弱的; 心智衰退的

treacherous   [ˋtrɛtʃərəs]   adj. 背叛的;不忠的;奸詐的;
不牢靠的; 危險的; 變化莫測的

a treacherous action   背叛行為.

treacherous ice [branches]
He was cruel, treacherous and unscrupulous.

My memory is treacherous.我的記憶不可靠了。

treat [trit] N. 款待;對待;請客  vt 對待;處理
Her birthday treat was a visit to the theatre.
He treated the animal cruelly.
His treatment of the animal was cruel.  N.對待; 治療
The doctor's treatment cured him.
a peace treaty  和平條約;和平協議  N.

greasy   [ˋgrizɪ] adj. 油污的, 沾有油脂的;
油膩的, 多脂的; 滑溜的; 油滑的, 奉承的

greasy-headed adj 油頭粉面的
I usually have to wash the greasy pots and pans.
(哇馬夕  台語Me too.英語捱馬嘿 客語 / 我也是 華語 \^^/  )
 家庭煮夫 : 蒸煮太太為我做的便當 !
 家庭清衣工 : 負責洗衣 曬衣 收衣 .
 清潔工 : 收垃圾  倒垃圾  追垃圾車 ... \^^/  )

Too much greasy food isn't good for you.
a greasy smile滑頭滑腦的微笑

grease  [gris]   N. 動物脂; 油脂; 潤滑脂 vt 塗抹...油 ;賄賂
His hair looked shiny with grease.
他的頭髮因塗了油而發亮。 N.
He greased the machine carefully.
他仔細為機器加潤滑油。 vt
The offender attempted to grease the palm of the judge.
罪犯企圖賄賂法官。  vt【美】【俚】賄賂 ; 給...油水

grease it in 【美‧空軍俚】 使飛機順利著陸.
whit [hwɪt]  N.一點點;絲毫 (多用於否定句中) ; Whit = Whitsun 聖靈降臨節的
I don't care a whit.我毫不在乎。
mediocre   [ˋmidɪ͵okɚ]   adj.中等的;平凡的;
二流的  ( 比三流 少一流 )
咪 滴 鷗 客  ( 相似讀音 )

extreme  [ɪkˋstrim]
We should avoid extremes.我們應該避免走極端。 N.極端;末端
The took extreme measures to conserve fuel.

She lives at the extreme edge of the forest.
她就住在樹林盡頭的那一邊. adj. 盡頭的那一邊;最遠的;末端
In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme.

他們採取極端的手段節約燃料。  adj 極端的;偏激的
Extreme conservatives were purged from the political organization.

the extreme penalty  極刑,死刑.  /  an extreme case 極端的例子[情況]  /
extreme poverty 極度貧困 /  extreme joy /  
take an extreme view of...     對…抱著偏激的態度  /
the extreme Left [Right]  極左[右](派). / 
in one's extreme moments     臨終之際.  /

extremely adv = very  極其...
I am extremely hot. 我熱極了

一流的 << 諸多用法 >> 點此觀看
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxlQOQezeYw  --我系一流ㄟ
荒野金刀-獨眼龍 ( 布袋戲主角 ) 出場就有 ... 一流ㄟ ... ^^
swamp [swɑmp]   N.沼澤;沼澤地;困境 vt;vi 陷入...沼澤

They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land.
他們排去沼澤地的水, 將它變成了肥沃的土地。

Their company is in a financial swamp.

The horses were swamped in the stream.
The boat was swamped in the storm.
The big wave swamped the boat.
Their boat swamped.

He was swamped with invitations.
swan [swan] N. 天鵝  vi 閒蕩
She spent the summer swanning around Europe.

swallow  N. 燕子 vt 吞下;嚥下;喝下
One swallow does not make a summer.
She swallowed some milk.
violent  [ˋvaɪələnt]
 adj.兇暴的;暴力的;極端的;激烈的; 猛烈的; 強烈的

The boat sank in a violent storm at sea.

She died a violent death.

A violent impatience overcame him.

The madman was violent and had to be locked up.
這瘋子十分兇暴, 只好把他鎖起來。

violent heat 酷暑 /  violent pain 劇痛   /  a violent storm 大風暴.  /
a violent death 橫死  /  in a violent temper 狂怒 /

violet N.紫羅蘭

violin N.小提琴
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmKaQHRXrkw  完整電影 P1: yursparky1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS7wWJyKagE&feature=related   Tradition 傳統

debased  [dɪˋbes]   adj 貶抑的;不名譽的;低級的,劣質的,
vt  降低(品質、價值等); 貶低(人格); 使(貨幣)貶值

Greed had debased his character.貪婪降低了他的品格。
jabbering adj.快而含糊地說著; 吱吱喳喳地叫著

jabber  [ˋdʒæbɚ] n:vt;vi 快而含糊地說; 吱喳地叫; 信口閒談

idyll  [ˋaɪdɪ!]  N.田園詩;田園散文;敘述詩 ; 情景;插曲;牧歌
Tennyson's "Idylls of the king"丁尼生所作的《國王之歌》

The love affair begins with the traditional boy-meets-girl idyll.
curt   [kɝt]  adj.簡慢的; 唐突草率的
He gave me a curt answer.

a curt reply
crave  [krev]  vt ; vi 渴望獲得; 迫切需求 懇求, 請求
The artist craved recognition of his talents.
He craved a favor of the king.他懇求國王恩准。
A man in sorrow craves for sympathy.

I crave to hear her voice.

