2012年6月9日 星期六

地震求生秘訣 Earthquake Survival Tips

Earthquake Survival Tips

地震時如何自保   (sam:整篇值得背下來!)


Would you know what to do during a really big earthquake ?

Experts have looked into the matter carefully.

It may be worth your while to look over the following tips
they have for us.

If  the ground begins shaking while you are driving ,
pull over and stay in your car.

If you are in a building , try to get near a strong wall.

The corner of a room or the space under a big doorway is the safest.

As soon as the quake is over , check the gas pipe in the building .

Gas fires often result from earthquakes.

These tips may prove to be lifesavers.

We should , therefore , keep them in mind.

Remember to always hope for the best but perpare for the worst.

以上文章 取自 賴世雄編著 活用美語 中級篇 上冊
第140 ~151頁   常春藤出版  ( 推薦好書 )

查查單字 / 並多學些 相關句子

earthquake    [ˋɝθ͵kwek]

a strong and sudden shaking of the ground

The town was destroyed by the earthquake.

quake quaked quaked quaking  [kwek]   

vi ;  N. 震動; 搖晃 ;  顫抖, 哆嗦
I stood there quaking with fear.
我站在那兒, 嚇得直打哆嗦。

survival [sɚˋvaɪv!]   N.u 生存;倖存;u殘存; c生存者;倖存者;c殘存者

survive  [sɚˋvaɪv] vi; vt   在...之後仍然生存, 從...中逃生;倖免於死

The man's survival was surprising , as the doctor
thought he would die.
那男子能活下去真是始料未及,因為醫生都認為他要死的. N.
The old man is a survival of the past age. 
We need food and water for survival.
我們靠食物和水生存. N.
Only two passengers survived the air-crash.
這次飛機失事只有兩名乘客倖免於死。 vt
Few survived after the flood.
洪水後極少有人生還。 vi
The man was very ill , but he survived.
那個男子病得很重,但還是活下來了.  vi

For many people , survival is their only goal in life.

Though many people were killed in the disaster , a few people survived.

tip [tɪp] N. 提示; 建議(可數 );秘訣;竅門;小費

a useful piece of  advice

What are some tips for becoming a good learner?
要成為一個好的學習者有哪些竅門 (技巧)?
Sam gave Tom some tips on how to quit smoking.
Sam gave Tom some advice on how to quit smoking.

expert   [ˋɛkspɚt] N.專家;能手;高手;熟練者

 adj  熟練的, 老練的; 有經驗的 ; 內行的;專門的

a person who is very good at something special
an expert in cookery    [ˋkʊkərɪ] N. 烹調術; 烹調業; 烹調[U]
a cookery expert
She is an expert in training animals.
她是馴獸專家。 N
Mr. Brown ia an expert in operating a computer.
He became an expert language teacher.
他成了一個有經驗的語言教師。  adj
Expert opinions are favorable to the project.
專家的意見是贊成這一工程的。 adj


look into   研究;調查

I looked into your complaint. 抱怨的理由
There is no real reason for complaint.沒有什麼可抱怨的理由。
look into the cause of accident 調查事故的原因
The mayor promised to look into the scandal. 醜聞

matter N. 重要的事和物;事情;問題;物質

It was a matter of life and death for them.
We have an important matter to talk to you about.
I don't like to talk to my boss about private matters.
There's something the matter with this car.
這輛汽車有點毛病。 N
Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
物質以三種形態存在, 即固態、液態和氣態。 N
Everything we can see and touch is made up of matter.
Matters are different from country to country.
All these things do not matter now.
所有這一切現在都無關緊要了。 vi

As a matter of fact (= really ; in fact)
  I'm only thirty-five , so don't say I'm old.

What 's the matter with her ? She 's crying
她出了什麼事? 她正在哭.

It doesn't matter if I miss this bus .  vi 要緊
I can walk.

It's worth one's while to + 原形動詞 (值得某人...)

worth  N. 價值;所值
worth adj 值得的
worthy adj 值得的
worthless  adj. 沒有價值的;無用的
worthwhile  adj 值得做的;有用的

How much is this bicycle worth ? It's worth us$100.
When she was in trouble , she discovered the worth of her friends.
It's worth your while to see a play like this.
He is worthy of our praise.

Your proposal is worth considering.
It's worthwhile to take his advice.
This necklace is worth 1, 000 US dollars.
這條項鍊值一千美元。 adj
Jim's stamp collection is worth us$5,000.
That novel is not worth reading.
The exhibition is worth a visit.
This research project is of great worth.
這一研究項目很有價值。 N.
He keeps in the safe $3 million worth of diamonds.
他在保險箱裡放著值三百萬元的鑽石。  N.

look over  過目;大略看一下

Look over the report and tell me what you think.
look over test papers 檢查試卷
Can you help me look over my homework before I hand it in.

shake [ʃek]  vi 搖擺;震動 vt 使...震動 

shake shook shaken shaking

The house shook as the heavy lorry went past.
重型貨車行駛經過時, 房子震動了.
His heavy steps shook the room.
他沈重的腳步使房間都為之震動。 vt
Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.
She shook the box to see if there was any money.
I asked her if she wanted me , but she shook her head.
我問她是否叫我,她搖搖頭. ( =meaning "no" )
He came forward and shook me by the hand.
This shook Arthur's religious faith.
He was shaking with anger.
他氣得渾身發抖。 vi
It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake.
習慣上大家都握手迎接客人。 N.
He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.
他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。 N. 一剎那 (口語用法)
I got a much better shake than she did.
我受到比她好得多的待遇。N. 待遇 (口語用法)

pull over  把...開到路邊

He pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped.
他把車開到路邊, 停了下來。

corner  N.角落

The table stood in the corner of the room.
His house is on the corner of School Road and Green Street.
People arrived from all corners of the world.
人們紛紛從世界各處抵達。 N.
They have forced him into a corner.
The animal is dangerous when cornered.
野獸一旦陷於絕境就會變得很危險。 vt
We sat at a corner table.我
們坐在一張放在角落處的桌旁。 adj

doorway  [ˋdor͵we]  N.出入口, 門口, 門道; 途徑, 門路

He stood in the doorway  and watched me.
They stood in the doorway chatting.
Exercise is a doorway to good health.

check   [tʃɛk]   N. ; vt ;  vi  檢查;查對;核對;檢驗

The plumber made a careful check of the pipes.
那裝修水管的工人仔細地檢查了水管。  N.
I have checked your answers and none of them are correct.
我檢查了你的答案, 沒有一個是對的。vt
Check to see if they have done the work.
You should check your bicycle before you ride it.
a police check on cars and lorries 
警察對汽車和貨車加以檢查   N.

gas pipe

result from  起因於

His illness resulted from bad food.
他的病是由於吃了變質的食物所致。  vi
His failure resulted largely from his laziness.
他的失敗主要是懶惰所致。 vi
The accident resulted in ten deaths.
這次事故造成十人死亡。  vi 造成;引發
The accident resulted in three people being killed.
這次事故造成三人死亡.     vi 造成;引發

They worked without result.
他們徒勞無功。N. 結果;成果;效果
The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.
比賽結果芝加哥隊以二比一獲勝。 N.


prove [pruv] vt ; vi 證明 ; 證實

to show that something is ture
prove to be  結果是/ 被發現是
I'll prove to the world that he was right.
我將向世人證明他是對的。 vt
I can prove that you were in town - James saw you there.
我能證明你去過城裡, 詹姆士在那裡見過你.
The lawyer proved the innocence of his client.
She has proved herself unreliable.
The rumor proved true.
He proved a competent manager.
My advice proved to be wrong.

lifesaver  [ˋlaɪf͵sevɚ]  N.  救命者 ; 水難救生員 ; 救生工具 ;



keep / bear ...in mind   將...牢記在心

Do you mind if I put my bag here?
我把袋子放在這兒你不介意吧?  vt
Your son can mind your shop for you.
Will you mind the children while I go out ?
請您在我出去時,照顧一下孩子們,行嗎? vt
If you don't mind I'll open the window.
如果你不介意, 我就開窗。 vt
Do you mind if I smoke ?
你介意我抽煙嗎?  vt
Mind the step ! Don't fall over it.
小心台階!別摔倒! vt
I have your safety in mind.
我記掛著你的安全。 N.
Her mind is full of dreams about becoming famous.
她滿腦子都是渴望成名的夢想.  N.思想;主意;智力
He made up his mind(=decided ) to work hard at school.
I was going to buy some chocolate but I change my mind
and bought some apples instead.
He is too busy, let me go instead.他太忙了, 讓我去吧。
He didn't give John the money, but he gave it to me instead.
他沒把錢給約翰, 卻給了我。
 instead [ɪnˋstɛd] adv 做為替代; 反而;卻

He has a brilliant mind.
他智力超群。 N.頭腦;智力
Two days later he changed his mind.
The moon was brilliant
月光明亮極了。  [ˋbrɪljənt]
He came up with a brilliant idea.
She is a brilliant swimmer.

hope for the best but perpare for the worst


prepare  [prɪˋpɛr]      vt. 準備; 使...準備好
preparation [͵prɛpəˋreʃən]  N. 準備, 預備

I prepared the ground for the seeds.
They prepared themselves for the worst.
他們作了最壞的打算。 vt
When we arrived home, mother had already prepared dinner for us.
當我們到家時, 母親已為我們準備好了晚餐。 vt
I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at the door.
我正準備睡覺時聽到有人敲門。 vi

He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat.
We made preparations for the trip.
The preparation for his cough included camphor.
N.  (食品的)烹調; (藥品的)調劑, 配製[U]

