2012年1月25日 星期三

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year ! 新年快樂.

Spring Festival 農曆春節 (正月初一)

It will be the year of dragon - a very auspicious year indeed!
龍年到了. 這可是大吉大利的一年! 恭喜恭喜!

May you and your family be happy and healthy
throughout the year of 2012.

---------------------------------- \^^/ XD

May this new year bring many good things and rich blessings
to you and all those you love!


Best wishes for the new year. 恭賀新禧.

Wishing you the best of luck in the new year. 新年行大運.

Good luck in the year ahead. 新年好運到.

May you come into a good fortune. 恭喜發財.

find the bean in the cake 中獎

Everyone bought the lottery tickets , but John is the only
guy that found the bean in the cake.

Good luck to you and your family. 祝你全家大吉大利.

I hope you find your pot of gold. 祝你招財進寶.

Wishing you a long life. 願你長命百歲.

May good health follow you throughout the year. 願你今年健健康康.

Take good care of yourself in the year ahead. 未來的一年,請多加珍重.

Wishing peace and good luck throughout the years. 年年如意,歲歲平安.

Best of luck in the year ahead in your business. 願你今年事業順利.

Good luck with the new job. 祝你的新工作順利.

I hpoe there will be a promotion for you this year.

Good luck in your career , job and health. 祝你事業順利,身體健康.

I believe that your business will thrive more this year.

I hope you have a happy time with your family.

We wish you a renewed hope in life. 我們祝福你再度燃起生命的希望.

I hope you will remain beautiful always.

We will live on and love each other more.

firecracker 爆竹

Please join us to light off firecrackers. 讓我們一起來燃放爆竹除舊歲.

He was never to see his home again. 他又一次不能回故鄉了.
每年都要深深感謝無法回鄉過節的 軍警 消防 醫護 等人員呀!
We are sorry to have kept you working. 辛苦了!

