2012年9月25日 星期二

Family home house 的差別


家庭,特指父母和其子女, 國語中的一戶人家,即是用family表達
指整個一家庭  接單數動詞 (家庭 pl. families)
指全家全部成員  接複數動詞 ( 家人 )
a group of relatives 家庭

Remember me to your family .

She came of a noble family.

She was brought up in a noble family.

My family is large. 我的家是個大家庭。

a large family

Almost every family here has a dog.

All my family enjoy swimming.

The whole family were in tears.

The family have just sat down to a table. (強調全家每個人)
這家人全部成員  剛剛坐下來吃飯.

The family has just sat down to a table. (強調 這一家人)
這一家人 剛剛坐下來吃飯.

How are your family ?
您家裡的所有人 都好嗎 ?   (強調你全家每個人)
They are all very well , thank you.  (回答都是相同用這一句)

How is your family ?
您一家人都好嗎 ?    (強調 你這一家人)
They are all very well , thank you.  (回答都是相同用這一句)

He has a family of five. (此時family是指五個子女,而非一家五口人)

Has he any family ? (是指他有孩子嗎 ? )

He has a large family . (指他有很多小孩 !)

He has a small family. (指他子女很少!)

My family consists of four.  (我一家有四口人)

All of my family are in Hong Kong.  (我們全家人都在香港)

His family are all waiting for him. 他的一家人都在等他。

The Smith family. 指史密斯家族 (= The Smiths)
The Smith family has moved into the new house.

They are members of the Royal family.他們是皇家家族成員。

family name = surname ; last name  N. 姓 

family tree N. 家譜

full name 是指 連名帶姓 , 且不用縮寫  如 George Taylor  (喬治.泰勒)  /
喬治是名 , 泰勒是姓 



指家,家庭,住所 ,強調人出生及撫養成長的環境
有故鄉 , 家鄉, 老鄉(老家) 的味道
A home can be a flat (公寓)/ an apartment , a house or even a tent.(帳篷)

Home , home , sweet home , there is no place like home.

Now he has his home in Manchester. 他現在定居在曼徹斯特。

Her home is far away , so we don't often see her.

He is planning to establish a home.他正計劃建立家庭。

New Orleans is the home of jazz.新奧爾良是爵士音樂的發源地

He spent his last years in a home for the aged.他最後的幾年是在養老院度過的。

We ran home to have our dinner. 我們跑回家吃晚飯.

He dined away from home.

They spent their honeymoon away from home.

The American delegation left Taipei for home yesterday.
   (此時的go home 代表 回國 之意)

The delegation will be home next week.代表團將於下週回國。

an old people's home

Is he at home ?= Is he home? (美語用法)
I will be  at  home tomorrow.  (回家,表動作)   ( 美語用法 be home)
I will stay at home tomorrow.  (在家,表狀態)  ( 美語用法 stay home)
I will remain at home tomorrow. (在家,表狀態) (美語用法 remain home)

I work at home.
I stayed at home to read.

Make yourself at home!不要客氣!

Is your father home ? = Is your father in ? 您父親在家嗎?

Is Mr. Smith in ? 史密斯先生在office嗎?  (在office不用 home表達 )

This is my home phone number. 這是我家的電話號碼。 adj.
These products are for home sale.這些產品是供國內銷售的。  adj.
Our home office is in New York.我們的總部設在紐約。  adj.
The home team won the game. 地主隊贏得了比賽。     adj.

home    另可做  vi 回家  vt 把...送回家

a home run  全壘打

homeless adj 無家可歸
the homeless = people who have no home (無家可歸的人)

homemade  adj 自製的
homemade jam

homesick adj 思鄉的;想家的
He felt homesick.

homework N.家庭作業
Do your homework now and play later. 



房屋,住宅, 強調居住的地點和建築物的本身.

This house is built of stone.

We went to his house.

He has a large house by sea. 

They built a house by the roadside.他們在路邊蓋了一間房子。

The children visited the monkey house at the zoo.孩子們參觀了動物園的猴舍

We are planning to set up a publishing house.我們正打算建立一家出版社

He is speaker of the House of Representatives.他是眾議院的議長。

There was a full house at the opening night of the play.
該劇首次上演的那個晚上, 劇場客滿。  (劇場;劇院;戲院)

the opera house

I am going to move into a new house.

The new house caught fire last night.

There are twenty families living in our apartment house.

She has a beautiful home. (美國用法 把home = house)
New Homes for Sale. "廣告用法 : 新屋出售 "

vt 給....房子住
The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.
vt 把....藏在房內
The library houses about one million books.
vi 住
You and I may as well house together. 你和我不妨住在一起。

housekeeper N.女管家
They employ a housekeeper.

housewife  N.家庭主婦
pl. housewives  (去fe加ves)

housing N.住宅供給
There's a need for more housing.

housing estate  N.統一興建的住宅社區
She lives on a housing estate.

2012年9月19日 星期三

孝子辭職陪復健4個月 癱瘓母站起



2012年9月17日 星期一

全國唯一國中super教師/立人郭瑞丹 讓國文貼近生活

全國唯一國中super教師/立人郭瑞丹 讓國文貼近生活

〔自 由時報記者蘇孟娟/台中報導〕國文課除了解釋及古文翻譯外,也可以很不一樣。北區立人國中教師郭瑞丹教書已廿年,仍創新教學內容,不僅結合演戲、校園採 訪、看卡通或電影,更融入生命教育,充實的課程讓她成為超人氣教師,更獲全國教師會頒發全國國中組唯一的「全國super教師」榮譽肯定。


畫動漫、秀才藝 激發學習力


上到歐陽修的「賣油翁」文章,以課文傳達熟能生巧及不驕矜的寓意,延伸到討論現代人林書豪外,更讓學生都成為「賣油翁」秀才藝,有人變魔術、打柔 道,更有吹嗩吶,激發學生思考每個人都有獨特的一面,她說,當看到平時成就表現不理想的學生,藉由表演眼中閃爍光芒時,就感到很安慰。

親情系列課程 埋下幸福種子

郭瑞丹的母親在她大二時因車禍過世,這個打擊讓郭瑞丹整整十年走不出來,她明白生命教育的重要,課程中盡力融入生命教育,集合朱自清的背影等與親情 有關的課程串成「親情系列」,教學生愛要及時的道理,甚至請學生帶來從小成長歷程照片及與父母的合影,她花時間把每個學生的照片串成影片逐一播放,並請學 生看完影片後說出「我很幸福」。


2012年9月16日 星期日

書籍推薦 2012.9.16

1. 兒童文學名著賞析  許義宗著  黎明文化出版  民國77年4月三版
    其內容以作者國別之地域來區分有 :
    英國篇 / 美國篇 / 德國篇 / 法國篇 / 北歐篇 / 南歐篇
    每一小篇幅  再以 故事梗概  欣賞分析  作者簡介  三大重點  讓讀者  在最短時間
    了解文學名著的基本內容 .  

2. Garfield eats his heart out 不可一世的加菲貓  Jim Davis原著  張定綺編譯
    學習出版社  1988.12.25初版

3.  梁羽生著  風雲時代出版  1996.2初版
    梁羽生其他武俠小說著作 :
    白髮魔女傳 共2冊 / 武林天驕 共2冊  / 武當一劍 共3冊 / 游劍江湖 共4冊
    牧野流星 共4冊 / 彈指驚雷 共3冊 / 絕塞傳烽錄 共2冊 / 劍網塵絲 共3冊
    幻劍靈旗 共2冊 / 塞外奇俠 共1冊 / 冰魄寒光劍 共1冊 / 飛鳳潛龍 共1冊
    龍虎鬥京華 共1冊 / 草莽龍蛇傳 共1冊

4. The Godfather 教父   馬里歐.普索著  黃夏譯  逸群圖書出版  73.3.25初版   

5. The Prince And The Pauper 乞丐王子 / Mark Twain 馬克吐溫原著
    開今文化出版 1994.8 初版

6. 台灣省82學年度  優良兒童舞台劇本徵選集  / 臺灣省政府教育廳

7. 你今天快樂嗎 ? The Meaning of Life  BTG布萊德雷.崔弗.葛瑞夫著
    皇冠文化出版  2003.1初版一刷
    http://taronga.org.au/taronga-zoo 贊助組織

8. CNN全球新聞霸主  Globalism News / Tony Tang著
    華立文化  2007.1初版   http://www.101books.com.tw 

2012年9月15日 星期六

讀書 箴言 ( 箴言:規戒的言詞 ) ㄓㄣ 一ㄢ/

1. 過去不讀書  現在已經輸  現在不讀書  將來還會輸

2. 不能不讀書  不要怕讀書  讀書無捷徑  只有下工夫

3. 讀書要及時  不能再誤時  現在就開始  永遠不嫌遲

4. 有錢多買書  有閒多讀書  現在多讀書  將來不會輸

5. 讀書能努力  越讀越有趣  讀書一有趣  就會更努力

6. 讀書像練功  不能不用功  若想要成功  一定要用功

7. 讀書能用功  道理容易通  道理一旦通  讀書就輕鬆

8. 讀書讀得好  工作就好找  工作找的好  生活會更好

作者 : 北市 弘道國中 812導師  李嵐欣


中文裡, 談到喜歡,也有很多層次 ! 比如:

愛上 . 喜歡 .  很喜歡  .  特別喜歡 . 最喜歡  . 超喜歡...

要 . 想要 . 很想要 . 超想要 . 極想要 . 不擇手段也想要 ... 

馬上想要 ,馬下也想要 !  \^^/ ( 哈哈...sam 語無倫次啦 ^^ )

還有現代年輕人 常掛嘴邊的   哈...  哈韓族 ... 哈日族 ... 
哈欠族  ( 熬夜上網,哈欠連連 \^^/ )

( 台灣的哈日族! 最近要躲起來一下! 以免被人討厭! 因為日本他們正跟台灣 搶
  釣魚台三小島 ! )

   東海和平猜拳(或抽籤)  (這是跟台灣的教育當局學習的)
( 對於釣魚台三小島 , Sam 有一長治久安的解決之道  在此 跟大家分享一下 ,
  請 台日中 三方最高層 每年猜拳一次 ,  最贏的當年度 負責管理及經營 釣島
  中的最大島! 最輸的則管理及經營最小島! 大家好來好去! 子孫們生生世世
  永遠都不用  動刀動槍 , 也不用 靠 哪國的 關係 ! \^^/   )  (假設釣魚台有三島 \^^/)

                   來吧! 剪刀  石頭  布 ( 凡是出錯的, 就暫時 分那 最...小那一島  )  


She likes playing the piano.她喜歡彈鋼琴。
He doesn't like tomatoes.他不喜歡吃番茄。
I like pepper but it doesn't like me.我喜歡吃胡椒, 但胡椒不適合我的腸胃。
Which do you like ?  哪一個是你比較喜歡 的?

prefer  (後面 可加 N 或 Ving 或 to 原形動詞)  更喜歡...

I prefer walking .
=I prefer to walk.

Coffee or tea ?
Which do you prefer ?

Which do you prefer , meat or fish ?

I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities.

I prefer apples to oranges. 

I  prefer rice.
I prefer apples.

So you prefer living abroad?

At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future.
此時此刻, 他寧願不去想未來的事情。

I preferred the title of reporter.我更喜歡記者這個頭銜。

He prefers playing chess. 他更喜歡下棋.

Which do you prefer ? 哪一個是你比較喜歡 的?

What do you prefer ? 什麼是你比較喜歡的 ?

Which book do you prefer?

I sometimes play tennis.  But I prefer watching it. 
( 比較喜歡看人打網球 ^^ 自己比較不喜歡下場  )

Do you like reading books ?  Yes , but I prefer making things.
.... 更喜歡製作東西 ^^
( 製作小baby嗎  ? sorry ... baby不是東西! 不是東西又好像在罵人 ^^ ) 

Can I give you a lift ? 你順便坐我的車走嗎 ?
No thanks , I prefer to walk .  不用了,謝謝, 我喜歡步行  ( ^^ 可能是遇到不喜歡的人 )

I prefer apples to pears.

I prefer the cinema to the theater.
The majority of people prefer peace to war.
( 但也有例外,比如軍火商就喜歡世界上到處有戰爭 ^^ 他們才有錢可賺! )

We prefer democratic government.
(身處在北韓就不可講這句話! 不然您極可能見不到明天的太陽! )

Prefer the devil one knows to the one [devil] one doesn't know.
=Better the devil one knows than the one [devil] one doesn't.
【諺】 寧願知曉真情而遭災,不願莫明其妙地罹禍



I don't want my daughter taken out after dark.我不願有人在天黑以後帶我女兒外出。
He wants you to see him in London without fail.他要你務必在倫敦見他。
Somebody wants to see you.有人想見你。

would like

I would like some sunscreen . 我想買防曬油
I would like to see some perfumes , please. 我想看看香水,麻煩您.
He would like you to make that trip.他希望你走一趟。
I'd like to have some tea." (我想要茶)    ( I'd = I would 的縮寫 )
Would you like to drink (some) water?  ( 疑問句時,把would 搬到句首 )



You should love your students.你應該愛你的學生。
Bill loves music.比爾喜愛音樂。
John and Mary are in love.約翰和瑪莉在相愛。  N.
My mother's love for me was very great.我母親對我的愛是很深的。  N.


have in mind  / have a good mind

What brand did you have in mind ?  您想要哪一種品牌 ?
I have your safety in mind.我記掛著你的安全。
He has a good mind to quit that job.他很想辭去那份工作。
Do you mind if I put my bag here?我把袋子放在這兒你不介意吧?  (疑問句)



People desire peace.人們渴望和平。
He desired us to leave soon.他希望我們儘快離開。
She desired to marry a rich man.她很想嫁個富翁。
 (嫁入豪門 \^^/  嫁入一個好大的門 = 那就嫁給廟公吧 \^^/   )

2012年9月12日 星期三

The China Market (中國9億人口時的一短篇中美貿易news)

The China market , the chance to sell American goods to 900 million Chinese ,

brought Secretary Blumenthial to China.

Potentially , it's a vast market , China has only one car for every 8 thousand people, one telephone for every hundred chinese.

And posters in China proclaimed  the new Communist line -- to modernize.

China is in the market for all sorts of industrial products.

But China must sell more of its own products in the United States to help pay for things it wants to buy.  So , China wants to the U.S. to reduce tariffs on Chinese goods.

This requires a trade treaty and Blumenthal started the Negotiations which will take months.

Blumenthal  cleared the first big hurdle by getting the Chinese leaders to agree to pay 41 cents on each dollar worth of American property seized in China when the Communist took over , but other barriers remain.

For example , China's postal system owes U.S. postal service 600 thousand dollars , and the American Export-Import bank 26 million.

China wants to borrow more money in the United States while U.S. trade with China through posts such as Shang Hai is expected to grow gradually.

The message that Blumenthal is carrying back to Washington is :
Don't expect a huge increase in trade with China right away.



goods [gʊdz] N. 商品; 貨物 
He buys and sells leather goods. 他買賣皮貨。

Secretary  N. 部長
He was the then secretary of Defense. 

potentially [pəˋtɛnʃəlɪ] adv 潛在地; 可能地 
She's potentially our best player, but she needs to practice much harder.
她有可能成為我們最好的球員, 但她需要更加努力練習。

vast  [væst] adj. 廣闊的, 浩瀚的, 廣大的  
It is a vast desert. 那是一片遼闊的沙漠。

poster [ˋpostɚ]   N.招貼, 海報, 廣告(畫); 佈告[C]
They put up posters all round the town advertising the circus. 

proclaim  [prəˋklem]  vt 宣告; 公佈; 聲明
The Government proclaimed a state of emergency. 

communist  [ˋkɑmjʊ͵nɪst]
N.共產主義者 ; (常大寫)共產黨員 ; 【美】(常大寫)從事左翼活動的人
adj. 共產主義的; 共產主義者的; 支持共產主義的 ;(常大寫)共產黨的
a Communist newspaper 共產黨報紙

modernize [ˋmɑdɚn͵aɪz]  vt 使...現代化  vi 現代化
modernize a hospital by installing the latest equipment

industrial  [ɪnˋdʌstrɪəl] adj 工業的, 產業的; 勞資的 ; 來自勤勞的
Steel and gasoline are industrial products. 鋼和汽油是工業產品.
industrial wealth 靠勤勞取得的財富

product  [ˋprɑdəkt] N.產品, 產物; 產量; 出產 ;結果, 成果;作品;乘積(兩數相乘的結果)
They came here in search of new markets for their products.
The plan was the product of many days of careful thought.
20 is the product of 5 and 4.

reduce  [rɪˋdjus] vt.; vi  減少; 縮小; 降低 ;減肥
He is trying to reduce expenses.
It is easy to reduce if you watch your diet.
你如果注意飲食, 減肥並不難。

tariff  [ˋtærɪf] N. 關稅; 稅率; 關稅表 ; 價目表;收費表 vt.對...徵收關稅
The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.
May I see your tariff, please? 請你給我看看價目表, 好嗎?

require [rɪˋkwaɪr]vt 需要...;命令;要求... [+v-ing] or  [+that+子句]
The roof requires repairing. 屋頂需要修理了。
This project will require less money. 這項工程所需的投資較少。
The director required that we should work all night.

trade [tred] N.貿易, 交易, 商業[U]  vt 交換[(+for)]  vi 交易;買賣;做主顧
Japan does lots of trade with the United States.
She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas. 
Can I trade my tobacco for your matches? 
He trades in silk. 他經營絲綢貿易。
I used to trade at that store. 

treaty  [ˋtritɪ] N.條約, 協定[C]
The government has signed a treaty with Washington.
We sold the house by private treaty.

negotiation [nɪ͵goʃɪˋeʃən] N.  談判, 協商; 【口】順利的通過, 成功的越過[U]
Peace negotiations are still going on.
Negotiation of the single-plank bridge was difficult for me. 

hurdle [ˋhɝd!] N.困難;障礙 ; 柵欄 vt 跨欄
He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer.
The horse hurdled the fence with ease.

property  [ˋprɑpɚtɪ] 
N. 財產, 資產; 所有物[U];房產, 地產, 房地產[C][U];所有權, 財產權[U]
This small house is my only property.

He has several properties in this street. 
With the city developing rapidly, property in the center is becoming more expensive. 
這個城市發展迅速, 市中心的房地產愈來愈貴。
He has a large property in the county. 
There is no property in the seashore. 

seize [siz]  vt ;vi【律】依法佔有; 奪取;攻佔;抓住;沒收; 扣押; 查封
The enemy seized the town after a violent attack.
The customs officers seized the smuggled heroin.
We seized on his remark and regarded it as a promise.

barrier [ˋbærɪr]N.障礙物; 路障, 柵欄;剪票口; 海關關卡
The police put up barriers to control the crowd.
警察設置障礙物, 藉以控制人群。
They soon overcame the language barrier.
Mike was stopped at the barrier because he forgot to show his ticket.
麥克在剪票口被攔住了, 因為他忘記出示車票。

remain [rɪˋmen] vi 剩下; 繼續存在;留待;尚待
A few pears remain on the trees.
Several problems remain to be solved.
Little of the original architecture remains.

postal [ˋpost!]  adj.郵政的; 郵局的; 郵件的; 郵遞的
The war stopped postal communication between the two countries.

owe [o] vt ; vi 欠債
I owe one hundred dollars to the landlord.
= \I owe the landlord one hundred dollars.
We owe a great deal to our parents.
I still owe for my car.

import  vt 進口... ; 意味著...
We import a lot of cars from Japan.
A high inflation rate imports hard times for consumers.
通貨膨脹率高意味著消費者日子難過。export  [ɪksˋport] vt 出口; 輸出  vi 輸出
We export rice but import wheat.
我們出口稻米, 但進口小麥。
Our factory exports to Southeast Asia.

borrow[ˋbɑro]    vt ; vi 借入;借用
How much have you borrowed from him?
Some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources.
She often borrows from them.

expect  [ɪkˋspɛkt]  vt ; vi 期待;預料 ; 指望
He expected to finish the work by March.
We expected that you would succeed.
That's just what we expected.
I'll expect you for supper at six o'clock.
Don't expect too much of him.
The professor expected respect from his students.

gradually [ˋgrædʒʊəlɪ]  adv 逐漸地
We began to know each other gradually.

increase [ɪnˋkris]  vt ; vi 增加;增大;增強
Travel increases one's knowledge of the world.

2012年9月10日 星期一


忍一時風平浪靜  ; 退一步海闊天空 .

( 偉人 & 凡人 )


忍一時尿到褲子  ; 退一步踩到狗屎 .

( 凡人 & 煩人 )


所爭的事    乃 千秋大業 是偉人 ;

所在乎的事 乃 個人私利 既是 凡人 , 也是甚為 煩人.

懂得與這三種人 和平相處 則 你不是人 , 你是人才 !

調和節制 讓人生 更美 更長久

問世間 情是何物? 直教人 生死相許! ( 其實 有點黏又不甚黏  最美 )

看政商 名利多重? 卻教人 至死無休! ( 真的 懂得放下 最聰明 最健康 )

視你我 愛若幾何? 真讓人 錐心刺骨! ( 如能 給彼此有點時間空間 最好 )

聽他人 仇有多深? 只寄望 挫骨揚灰! ( 如果 可以化解 最棒 )


6W1H 問法

1.問人 Who
2.問事 問物 What
3.問時 When
4.問地方 Where
5.問原因 Why
6.問狀態 問方法 How

1.問人 Who
Who is that guy ? ...............含be動詞現在式
Who made this cake ?.........現在式
Who is cooking the food ? .現在進行式
Who do you like ?  .............含助動詞的現在式
Who did you see today ?....含助動詞的過去式
Who did you talk to ?..........含助動詞的過去式

2.問事 問物
What is that ? .........................含be動詞現在式
What are you doing here ?.....現在進行式
What does he do everyday ?..含助動詞的現在式
What did they say ?................含助動詞的過去式

When is the party ?...................含be動詞現在式
When is Dad coming home ?....現在進行式
When does your class start ?....含助動詞的現在式
When did you buy that dress ?..含助動詞的過去式
When did he go home ?............含助動詞的過去式

4. 問地方
Where are my keys?..................含be動詞現在式
Where are they going ?.............現在進行式
Where do you live ?...................含助動詞的現在式
Where did he park the car ?......含助動詞的過去式
Where did you find my keys?.....含助動詞的過去式
5.問原因 Why
Why are you here ?...................含be動詞現在式
Why is she crying ? ...................現在進行式
Why do you have to go ?...........含助動詞的現在式
Why did they break up ?............含助動詞的過去式  (分手)

6.問狀態 問方法 How
How is your family ?...................含be動詞現在式 (你的家人好嗎?)
How are these cookies ?............含be動詞現在式 (這些餅乾好吃嗎?)
How are you getting there ?.......現在進行式  (如何到這裡來?)
How do they roast turkey ?.........含助動詞的現在式 (烤火雞?)
How do you get to school ?.........含助動詞的現在式
How did you find me ?.................含助動詞的過去式

陪生夜讀解惑 梁雅晴獲師鐸獎

陪生夜讀解惑 梁雅晴獲師鐸獎



梁雅晴說,這次會得獎要感謝好多人的照顧提拔,但是她最要感謝的是當年讀古亭國中時導師葉娟娟的照顧,葉娟娟老師每天陪他們這群國中生夜讀,還削水果、煮綠 豆湯、冰水,葉老師就像媽媽一樣照顧她們;她從強恕中學畢業後沒考上大學,爸爸沒有絲毫責怪,拿了錢給她補習重考,考進世新中文系後,她一直沒有放棄想當 老師,只因為她覺得老師給學生的幫助太大。

梁雅晴說,她從小就不是個很會唸書的小孩,感謝老師的不離不棄,還用愛灌溉那一群所謂放牛班的小孩,讓她沒有走錯路;多年後她如願當老師後,把當年 導師對學生的好及照顧,整個用在學生身上;從白天陪學生夜讀到晚上九點,準備點心給學生補充養分,週六日還帶學生到海大圖書館繼續讀書。


2012年9月9日 星期日

哈啦 S S men 特 ( 猜一英文字 )

Stop  sexual  harassment .  (今早坐捷運 學到 這句英文 )  禁止性騷擾  之意

sam 就與女兒相約  看誰能先把

harassment  這個字  給背下來

Sam 心中把它 默想  解 剖 為

哈啦 S S  men 特  (與人哈啦 ,即談論 S S 議題 的男人 t  )

(但 hara 不要記成 hala ) \^^/  

(國中時愛玩的sam 常常頑皮地 在課本上寫著 這幾個字 s w y s , 然後萬一被
 老師意外看到 ,
  就會被  狠狠地被處罰 \^^/ 好好被老師請吃 竹筍炒肉絲一頓  \^^/ )


坐車  回台北  在車上

果然Sam仍然記得  這個  長長的單字

女兒早已忘了它 \^^/

 (現在sam很快樂地 與大家分享 ) \^^/

這字  正確唸法 如下 ^^

harassment   [ˋhærəsmənt]  

N. 煩惱; 煩擾; 騷擾[U]


sexual harassment of women at work  



本堂課是18限的課程 \^^/

2012年9月7日 星期五



踏青 勝過 歌 酒 苑

書報 又贏 電 影 院

親情 哪在 網 裡 面

青菜 豆干 伴 湯 麵 


父母恩 , 逾海深 .

父母情 , 賽江河 .

父母愛 , 皓如月 .

父母苦 , 決堤口 .

父母愁 , 怎得解 .

父母心 , 碧連天 .

父母慈 , 永銘心 .


A travel agent gives the girls information  on the optional tours.

旅遊辦事員 告訴 她兩人 關於 半自助旅遊(較隨意的旅遊) 的資訊

Agent : Hello . May I help you ?  (對陌生人或長輩說話, 若有要求時通常以May 開頭)

Mary : Yes. We need some information .

Agent : May I have your names and when you plan to travel ?

Mary : Mary Lo and Judy Chen.
            We are leaving in two weeks.  預定兩週後出發.

Agent : What would you like to know ?

Judy : Can you tell me what optional tours there are ?

Agent : Well, you can visit the Mayan ruins in Tulum or go snorkeling off Grand Cayman. 圖魯拇村的瑪雅文明遺跡 或 凱曼島浮潛.

Mary : Snorkeling ? Hey , Judy , can you swim ?

Judy :  Sure , I can , but I don't have any snorkeling equipment .

Agent : Not to worry. You can get everything on the ship.

agent  N. 辦事員 ; 代理人
I made my assist my agent while I was abroad.

optional  adj. 隨意的  N.選修科目

ruin  N. 遺跡
We visited the ruins of the temple.

go  snorkeling  很淺的潛水
go scuba driving  有氧氣筒的 肺潛水

equipment  N. 裝備 ; 或指一個人的素養 知識  才能
We never doubted his equipment for this important position.

2012年9月6日 星期四


書名: 天地一沙鷗 

Jonathan Livingston Seagull a story
Richard Bach李查.巴哈 著  

(小段落文章賞析, 指下方紅字部份)

It was morning , and the sun sparkled gold across the ripples of
a gentle sea.

sparkle   [ˋspɑrk!]
vi 閃閃發光  N.閃光  vt.使...發光
the sparkle of jewels 
Drops of water sparkled in the sun.
Her eyes sparkled with happiness.
The diamond sparkled in the sunlight.
His wit sparkles.他才氣橫溢。

The sun sparkled the lake.
Sunlight was sparkling the waves.
People always mention the sparkle of her eyes.
ripple [ˋrɪp!]   N. 微波;漣漪 ; 潺潺流水聲
The pebble made a ripple on the surface of the lake.
She lay on the bank, listening to the ripple of the stream.
她躺在河岸上, 聽著小河的潺潺流水聲。

gentle  [ˋdʒɛnt!]  adj 溫和的; 和善的, 仁慈的;平靜的
He is a gentle person.他是個溫和的人。
He was a man gentle in manner but firm in action.

A mile from shore a fishing boat chummed the water,
and the word for Breakfast Flock flashed through the air ,
till a crowd a thousand seagulls came to dodge and fight for
bits of food.

It was another busy day beginning.

chum [tʃʌm]
chum  chummed  chummed  chumming
vi 與...結為好友 ; 同室而居  vt 灑餌

childhood chums孩提時代的好友
Jack chummed with the new neighbor's children.

flock [flack] N.馬群;山羊群; 群眾=a crowd ; 同一教會的教友
vi 聚集
flocks and herds  羊群與牛群
in flocks  adv片語 成群地
A flock of wild geese flew overhead.
A flock of customers waited for the store to open.
Birds of a feather flock together.
物以類聚, 人以群分。

crowd [kraʊd]  N. 人群; 群;一幫;一夥;  大眾the crowd
vt 擠...;催..;塞進.. vi 擠
There was a crowd of people in front of the town hall.
Sam and his crowd went into the discotheque.
You can do what you want to do, but never follow the crowd.
你想做什麼就做什麼, 可別隨波逐流。
Don't crowd me, I'll pay.別催逼我, 我會付的。
Passengers crowded the platform.月臺擠滿了乘客。
He crowded more books onto the shelf.
People crowded into the cinema.人們擠進電影院。

seagull  gull發 [gʌl]的音   seagull 讀音似  西狗 
N. 海鷗

dodge  [dɑdʒ]
vi ; vt 避開;閃開;迴避 N.託詞;巧計
He threw a bottle at me, but luckily I dodged.
他對準我擲瓶子, 幸好我躲開了。
The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes.
He tried to dodge the reporters' queries.
Those were the dodges he used to escape taxation.

fight  vt ; vi ; N. 打鬥;鬥志
fight fought fought fighting
You have to fight for your rights.
They fought their oppressors with all kinds of weapons.
Who won the fight?誰贏得了這場戰鬥?
He has plenty of fight in him.他鬥志旺盛。
But way off alone , out by himself beyond boad and
shore , Jonathan Livingston Seagull was practicing.
但是海鷗 若納生.黎明斯東 , 卻飛離漁船和海岸,

beyond  [bɪˋjɑnd]
介係詞 在...一邊 ; 遠離... ;處於...之外;越出...範圍
adv 往更遠處;此外  N.遠處
Beyond the mountains is a thick forest.
She has intelligence beyond the ordinary.她聰明過人。
Its benefits go beyond this.它帶來的好處還不止於此。
《天地一沙鷗》作者李查.巴哈 空難重傷
  • 2012-09-03 01:13
  • 中國時報
  • 【蔡鵑如/綜合報導】


 一九七○年代風靡全球的勵志寓言小說《天地一沙鷗》(Jonathan Livingston Seagull)作者李查.巴哈(Richard Bach),在美國華盛頓州駕駛小型飛機,降落時發生意外,身受重傷。
 巴哈的兒子詹姆斯表示,七十六歲的巴哈在八月卅一日單獨駕著二○○八年出廠的「Easton Gilbert SeaRey」水陸兩棲小飛機,飛往華盛頓州外海的聖胡安群島拜訪朋友。但這架單引擎飛機在準備降落時,起落架卻鉤住電纜線,飛機倒栽蔥墜落在草地上,巴哈頭下腳上被吊在駕駛艙裡,動彈不得。



2012年9月3日 星期一

No 相關用法

No 相關用法  No 可當 adv ; N; adj 
Shall we go for a walk ?
No, I'm busy.   不

Do you know him ?
No , I don't.  不.

Would you like to come ?
No, thank you.  不.

Are you tired ?
No, I am not.

No, Sam has not done his homework.


Sam has no excuse for not doing his homework.
山繆沒有理由不做功課.  無;沒有

I have no sisters.

There are no children in the classroom.   無;沒有

There is no one here. 
= There is not anyone here.

There are no cookies in the jar.
罐子裡沒有餅乾.    無;沒有

There are no towles.   無;沒有
=There are not any towles.

I have no money.         無;沒有
= I don't have any money.

No other pupil got a 10.   沒有


no less than 100 dollars   不少於
no fewer than 150 people

no later than Tuesday   不晚於

no longer  不再...

When summer starts , we will no longer have to go to school.
no one
= nobody   名詞 , 沒有人
Nobody knows what happened.

Nobody knows the answer.

There was nobody there
=There was not anybody there.

I told nobody.
= I didn't tell anybody.

I knocked on the door but nobody opened it.


none   代名詞 ; 副詞adv

None of the pupils knew the answer.

I've eaten all the bread and there is none left.

None of the children are talking now.

None of us knows him.


not   adv 不

He is not at school , because he is not well.

Peter is not in school today.

He is not here.

Oranges are not the same as apples.

not only ... but also 不但...而且

Jack can not only play the guitar  but also  the piano.

not  at all  一點也不

I don't like bananas  at all.

nor  連接詞  也不

neither ... nor ...  不要...也不要...

Betty wants neither pizza nor  hamburgers.


nothing   N; adv  沒有任何東西

We have nothing to do today.

I have nothing to eat. 

for nothing  沒有報酬;沒有結果

When the computer broke , all my work was for nothing.
當電腦當機時, 我所有的工作都泡湯了.

2012年9月2日 星期日

satisfy 句子練習

satisfy [ˋsætɪs͵faɪ]

satisfy  satisfied  satisfied  satisfying
vt. 使...滿意; 讓...滿意; 使...滿足; 使...高興 ; 使...確信

vi. 令人滿意; 令人滿足 ; 【宗教的用法】(基督)替世人贖罪

This work does not satisfy me.

Her answers to my questions satisfied me. 

That answer won't satisfy her.

Our company will do everything to satisfy our customers.

We won't succeed until you do. 
We won't satisfy until you do. 

I satisfied my employer that I had finished.

Are you satisfied that he is telling the truth?

satisfied  adj 滿意的

be satisfied with  對...覺得滿意

I'm not satisfied with the results.

dissatisfied  adj 不滿意的 

satisfying  adj. 令人滿意的

a satisfying result 


N(u). 滿意;樂事

He looked at his work with a smile of satisfaction.


adj. 令人滿意的

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