2011年10月26日 星期三

To think outside the box

To think outside the box

If you think outside the box , you consider things from many viewpoints.
You don’t just limit yourself to one idea.

** create [krɪˋet] vt.創造;創作;設計;創建;創設;引起;產生;造成;任命;授予;

An artist should create beautiful things. 一個藝術家應該創造美麗的東西。

Tourism creates jobs. 旅遊業為人們提供就業機會。

That would create a wrong impression. 那將造成一種錯誤的印象。

** creativity [͵krieˋtɪvətɪ] N.創造力

** participation [pɑr͵tɪsəˋpeʃən] N.U 參與 ; 分享

They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems. 他們要求更多的直接參與解決鋼鐵生產的問題。

** encourage [ɪnˋkɝɪdʒ] vt. 鼓勵 ; 慫恿 ; 促進; 激發; 支持

She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓勵他與她交談。

Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.
別替她做事, 這會助長她的懶惰。

** active [ˋæktɪv] adj. 活潑的;活躍的;主動的;積極的;現行的;勤奮的
N.C積極分子 N.U 主動語態

An active student is one who asks questions and participates in class discussions.

Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very active now.
布朗太太已八十多歲, 現在不大活動了。

He became an active social reformer. 他成了一位積極的社會改革家。

Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano. 維蘇威是一座活火山。

an active law 現行法律

the active voice 主動語態

** passive [ˋpæsɪv] adj.被動的 ; 消極的 ;順從的;順服的 N.U 被動語態

A passive student , on the other hand , avoids taking part in classroom activities.

His response was passive. 他的反應是被動的。

The slaves gave passive obedience to their master.



















