2012年2月3日 星期五

come 與 go 用法解析

come 與 go 用法解析


台語說 來去看電影, 到底是來? 還是去呀?

money! come! come! come!
厄運 ! go! go! go!

一起Happy學學有關 come 與 go 的 許許多多 句子吧!
吃得苦中苦,方為人上人! ( 敢緊用心背吧! 要考好試,就是要 "背多分" 呀!)

吃得肥中肥,方為大神豬! \^^/
(這句可能是Sam 全球首次發現使用,但不能說發明使用!)
(最好不要用在您考試的作文裡, 否則害您考低分,Sam恕不負責 \^^/ )

( 大年節 養大神豬 、祭拜大神豬 and 賽神豬活動 是台灣人的古老習俗 !
但現已被 動物保護團體 視為極不人道的行為! 建議取消!
不人道的原因是 : 大神豬已肥到四腳無法動彈,只能靠人餵食,若有賜養人
為求其豬得名獲獎,強硬用灌食! 那隻豬就 可 憐 啦 !!! )
..相關new link

come came come ;三單現 comes ;現在進行式 coming
1. We are going for a walk , will you come ?

2. I will come if you come.

3. My horse come in last.

4. I come across a curious book.

5. How did the pictures come out ?

6. Will you come to my home tomorrow ? 明天要不要來我家?
Yes,I'll come.

7. What time may I come to your home ?

8 .Will you come to my office, right now ?

9. I will come to Taipei tomorrow. (你打電話給你台北的朋友時...)
我要到您那台北去. (與下方go用法第6句對照)

Tom came out on the stage.湯姆出現在舞台上. (與下方go用法第7句對照)
He wants me to come out to America. 他要我移民去美國.
He came out as a brilliant lawyer. 他以一名優秀的律師型態出現.

11. The plane came into sight. 可以看到飛機了.

11a. Spring has come. 春天來了.

12. Come on. 走吧!;來吧!
The rain has just come on.雨剛開始下.

13. Come on in! 進來吧!(在您家門前迎接朋友時...)

14. She came into my room. 她走進我的房間.

15. A good idea came into my mind.我心中出現了一個好主意.

16. He came by me.他走進我.

17. The train came round the curve.火車轉彎.

18. A cloud came over Mt. Fuji. 雲覆蓋著富士山.

19. Mini skirts are comeing in again. 迷你裙再度流行起來.

20. I came to myself at last.我終於清醒過來了.

21. Easy come easy go. 不義之財不留身,來得快去得也快!

How are you coming along with your work?
工作進行得怎樣? (您的BOSS常會對下屬說...)

I'm almost finished. (員工常如此回答上司)

I would like to get this plan going.(員工更積極者可以這樣說)

All right, go ahead! (主管認同時)
好吧!你就做吧! (go ahead! 繼續說下去;著手進行) (參考下方go用法62)

No, I can't come around to your way of thinking. (主管暫不認同時)

I can't go against you. You are too strong.(主管無法阻止員工的企圖時)
我反對不了你,你太強了. (go against 反對;違反;不利於)(參考下方go用法61)

You are coming along well. (主管對下屬的認同與讚美)

22a. go-ahead N.許可;批准
They got the go-ahead for the project.

23. I'm coming now. 我現在要去了.

24. Money will come and go. 錢來來去去,變化不定.

25. How come ? 怎麼啦?

My uncle is coming down for the next weekend.
They were once a great family, but they have come down.
他們曾是一個有聲望的家庭,但如今已沒落了. (鐵達尼號女主角的娘曾向她的女兒說...)

27. I will come round tonight.我將在今晚來拜訪.

28. This car does not come up to the Japanese standard.

29. When it comes to golf, you can't beat him.

30. He will come off with flying colors.

31. His advice comes home to me.

32. I came across many old friends.

33. It will be hard to come to terms with them.

go went gone ;三單現 goes ;現在進行式 going

1. I often go for a walk after supper.(散步)

2. Let's go right now.
2a. Let's go home.

3. I'm going to visit America.
3a. go to bed 去睡覺 (台語:Key睏啦! 客語:He歲目啦! \^^/ )
3b. I went to the movies with her.
3c. I will go to Los Angeles. 我要去洛杉磯.

4. This road goes to your house.
4a. Does the train go to Paris ?
4b. This path goes to the top of the mountain.

5. His money goes for drink.
5a. His car went for a good price. 他的車賣了個好價錢.
5b. These books are going for 20 dollars each.

6. Tom went out off the stage.湯姆告別了舞台.
6a. The train went out off sight. 火車不見了.
6b. He went out of his mind. 他發瘋了. (請參考下方9用法)

7. 讓眼睛休息3分鐘 ( 起身動動! 上個wc吧 ! )
8. 讓嘴巴休息3分鐘 ( 喝杯水吧 \^^/ )

He went mad. 他發瘋了.
She went crazy. 她精神錯亂了.
He went blind when he was 12.

9a.She went hungry. 她處於捱餓的狀態.
9b.She went thirsty. (口渴)

10. Everything goes wrong today.今天每件事都不順利.

The fruit went bad. 水果腐壞了. (參考下方第20題go off用法)
The milk has gone bad.
The windowpane went to pieces. 玻璃窗破成碎片.

12. I went to the States for my father.

13. Will you go for the doctor ?

14. I saw you and the world went away.
我一看到你世界就不見了 ( 眼中只有你的意思! )(情人節用語 \^^/ )

15. Don't go away. 不要走.
(但遇到惡情人,心中要默想快快 go away...或 go out 滾出去...)
15a. She is going away soon. 她馬上就要離開了.
15b. I'm going away for a few days.
15c. Go away ! I'm trying to work.
15d. The problem wo'nt go away just by talking. (解決;消失)

16. The price is going up. 物價上漲.
16a The price of food is going up.
16b.House prices are going up.
..2012相關news link
(go up 登上...山; 價格上漲;數量增加; 上樓梯;上電梯 )
16c. She went up the stairs. 她爬上樓梯
16d. go up in an elevator (電梯上樓)
16e. The house went up in flames. (被燒毀)

16f. flame (上句出現的單字)
n. 名詞 火焰; 火舌[C][U]
The factory was in flames. 工廠失火了。
光輝, 光芒[C] ; 熱情; 激情
A flame of anger lighted in his heart. 他怒火中燒。

vi. 不及物動詞 發火焰, 燃燒[(+out/up)]
The bonfire flamed intensely. 營火燒得很旺。
閃耀; (臉等)泛紅[(+with)]
Her face flamed with embarrassment. 她窘得滿臉通紅。
(感情)爆發; 勃然大怒[(+out/up)]
The boss flamed out. 老板勃然大怒。

vt. 及物動詞 點燃;激起 ;用火焰燒; 照亮
The fireplace flamed the opposite wall. 爐火照亮了對面的牆壁。

flaming. 燃燒的; 灼熱的
Flamed. 【電腦】違反網路規範而收到惡言相向或侮辱的訊息

17. The price is going down. 物價下降
(go down 道路的下坡;下樓梯;價格或品質的下降;船隻的下沉;
17a. The price of vegetables is going down.
17b. She went down the stairs.
17c. He has gone down to Taiwan. 他已落腳於台灣了.

18. price 是客人在商店內所支付的金錢.
cost 是店主人所支付的原價.
How much does it cost ? (客人問店主人,這商品多少錢..?)

19. I will go on. 我要繼續做下去.(繼續=continue)
19a. Go on, I'm listening.
19b. Is everything going on well ? 一切都進行順利嗎?
19c. You can go on with your study. 你可以繼續你的研究.
19d. I went on reading.我繼續看書. /He went on eating. /
He went on singing. 他一直在唱歌.
19e. Suddenly all the lights went on. 點亮
19f. go on holiday 渡假 / go on business 出差 / go on a trip 旅行/
They went on a trip.
19g. Find out what's going on there. (發生=happen)
19h. As the days went on , she became more and more impatient.
(上句go on= go by 過去 的用法,請參考 第24a. 24b go by用法 )

19i. impatient 用法解說 (上句出現的單字)
adj. 無耐心的, 不耐煩的; 無法忍受的[(+of/at/with)]
He was very impatient with students who could not follow him.
adj. 切盼的, 急欲的[F][(+for)][+to-v]
Philip was impatient to learn the news. 菲利浦急於想知道這個消息。

20.go off (爆炸;槍響;聲音響起;變質 英國用法同go bad)
20a. The bomb went off.
20b. The gun went off.
20c. The alarm went off at exactly 7 o'clock.
20d. The fish has gone off. (參考上方第11題go bad用法)
20e. The milk has gone off.

21.go into (= enter 進入; 談到...;敘述...)
21a. He went into the kitchen.
21b. I don't want to go into details.

22. 10,000 dollars had gone up in smoke from the company's account.

23. Don't go after girls.不要跟著女孩子的尾巴跑.
(是否有 "不要一次追太多女孩" "不要當花心大蘿蔔"之意? \^^/ )
(go after 追求;追逐;追捕;跟隨)
23a. The police went after the robbers.

24. You have to go by what your mother says.
(go by 逝去=pass;過去;依循;搭...車或交通工具)
24a. Time went by.時光流逝. (參考第19h用法go on)
24b. As time went by, he became more and more afraid.
24c. I go to school by bus.
24d. We have to go by the rules.
24e. I went to Paris by ship. (by plane , by train ...)

25. go without 沒有...可用/可吃 ; 沒有用;沒有吃
It's not good for your health to go without breakfast.
25a. Man cannot go without air. 人不能沒有空氣.
25b. You'll have to go without a car today.
25c. They went without food for two days.
= They didn't eat anything for two days. (但水是一定要喝的!)
25b. It goes without saying that he is honest.

26. My son goes up to Harvard next term.

U.S. Dollars go anywhere today.美元現在通用於各地.
N.T. Dollars go anywhere today.台幣現在通用於各地.
Traveler's checks go almost anywhere in the world.

28. You are going to far. 你說得太過份了.

29. I went out with her last night.我昨夜和她約會. ( 有 "交往" 之意 )
He is going out with Sharon.
29a. She went out with her children. 她帶著孩子們出去了.
29b. He went out a few minutes ago. (出去)
29c. We don't go out much. ( 參加社交活動 )
(不喜歡參加活動,總是呆在家中者,台灣稱為 宅男 宅女 宅爸 宅媽 宅爺爺 宅婆婆 ...\^^/)
29d. The fire is going out. 熄滅
29e. Suddenly the lights went out.

30. As the world goes she is a good wife.

31. He went into the room.他走進那個房間.
(go into 進入房間;從事...職業;詳細調查...) (請參考34 go though 檢查 用法)

32. She sang two songs which went down well.
32a. The concert went off well.音樂會進行得很成功.

33. Let's go over the claim one more again.
讓我們再檢討一下那個請願. (go over 穿過;越過;仔細檢查;複習 )
33a. He went over his answers again.
33b. Go over to the other side , please.

34. Let's go through the details now.
(go through 穿過;仔細調查;經歷困難;提案被通過)(請參考33 go over檢查之用法)
34a. go though a forest / go though town
34b. The burglar went though all the drawers.小偷翻遍了所有抽屜.
34c. He went though hardships.他歷經重重困難.
34d. go though with 完成...
34e. My lawyer will go through the contract.(檢查;審閱)
34f. The policeman went through my things. (搜查)
34g. She went though a difficult time. (經歷)

35.It's your go. 輪到你了.
(2012余天沒選上立委,還欠人上千萬的錢!豬哥亮:換你跑路了! \^^/ 笑話一則 )
35a. It's my go. = It's my turn. 換到我啦.(請見網頁最下方有趣news)
35b. If you can't fix it, let me have a go. 試一試
35c. If you can't fix it, let me have a go at it. (同上句意義)

36. He is so active. He is always on the go.
他是那麼積極. 總是很有生氣.(活力) (忙個不停)

My money is gone. 我的錢用光了.
The first prize went to me. 頭獎為我所得.
(這兩句話對比很強烈喔! 不過偶爾上帝會視情況,讓這種事發生的.)

38. Spring is gone. 春天過去了.

39. The pain is gone. 疼痛消失了.

40. Where are you going ?
I'm going to the movies.
I'm going home.
She goes to the beach once a week.

41. 讓眼睛休息10分鐘 ( 起身做做運動! 看看窗外綠色花草或美女吧 !上個wc吧 ! )
42. 讓嘴巴休息10分鐘 ( 泡杯 茶或 咖逼 吧 \^^/ 或去自家廚房偷個東西 吃吃吧 \^^/
千萬記得,事後要跟媽媽或家人自守 \^^/ )

43. We went on a picnic yesterday. 野餐

44. Let's went to see him. 我們去看他.

45. Go to help her. = Go and help her. 去幫她.

46. go shoping 購物 / go skating 溜冰 / go swimming 游泳 /
go picnicking 野餐 / go hunting 打獵 / go mountain climbing 爬山 /
go sightseeing 遊覽 / go fishing 釣魚 / go hiking 健行/
go skiing 滑雪

47. I must be going now. 我得走了.

48. He has gone to Paris. 他已經去了巴黎.

49. A week goes quickly.

50. My watch doesn't go.

51a. I hope everying is going well with you. (祝福的話語)
51b. The party went well.
51c. Everything is going according to plan.
51d. Things are going badly now. 現在情況很糟.

52. Does the train go to Taipei ?

53. as the Bible goes... 正如聖經所說...

Where do these balls go ? 這些球該放到哪裡去?
Will all these balls go into this box ?

55. Three goes into twenty-one seven times. 3除21得7

56. There goes the bell. 鐘響了.

57. The dog went "Bowwow." 狗汪汪地叫.

58. There is a story going about. 有個傳言傳開了.

59.(be going to)
I'm going to school. 我正要去上學.<即將>
I'm going to go to school. (同上意義)
He is going to be fifteen next May. 到5月他就滿15歲了.<即將>
I'm going to be an engineer. 我想當個工程師.<有意志>
We are going to leave for Taiwan tomorrow. 我明天將前往台灣. <預定會>
I'm sure it's going to rain. 我想一定會下雨. <擔心會>

60. go across 橫越;越過 (國民黨選舉時最喜歡說,希望能夠跨越濁水溪...)

61. Your method goes against the rule.

62. I'll go ahead with this job. 我將開始這份工作
62a. They are going ahead with their plans.
62b. Go ahead , take it.

63. I go along with your opinion.我贊成你的意見.

64. Go and see what the children are doing.去看看孩子們在做何事.

65. go around(美用法) 與 go round(英用法)
I'm going around to Jane's.
= I'm going around to Jane's home.
(go around 拜訪;走訪;看望;消息流傳;疾病的流行;物資的分配;供應全體;繞行;轉動)
65a. The earth goes around the sun. (繞行)
65b. There isn't enough food to go around. (英國用法 go round)
65c. The wheel was going round and round. (轉動)
65d. There aren't enough chairs to go round.
65e. I'm going round to my aunt. (看望)

66. Let's go back to the time of Shakespeare.
(go back 返回;回到...時代或話題;追溯到...)
(go back = turn 溯及)
66a. When are you going back to scholl ?
66b. These customs go back to the 11th century.
(鐵達尼號女主角呼救時喊 come back!指揮駕船的人聽到其呼喊聲就大叫 go back!)

67. She is going in for tennis.

68. at one go 一口氣
He swallowed them at one go. 一口氣吞下他們.
..link 人民無法吞下的歹事

It's your go. \^^/

賭客不知他是警 「等下換你玩」
2012.02.05 02:23 am






【2012/02/05 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/

