2012年4月18日 星期三



多學些這類的形容詞, 可以提升我們說話的深度喔!

( 過猶不及 !  很多事,若做得過頭了, 好的都會變成壞的喔!  )


nice   漂亮的;令人愉快的;友好的;有教養的;有禮貌的;


a nice girl  

She is nice. 

It's not nice to point at people.  (有禮貌的)

A nice girl would never go there. 


you are too nice about form.


intelligent  聰慧的;有才智的; 聰明的; 明智的;


She is intelligent. 聰慧的 

an intelligent answer 聰明的答覆

The child made a very intelligent comment.


Elephants are intelligent animals.


He has really been very intelligent about the whole thing.


generous  大方的;慷慨的;寬宏大量的, 寬厚的

He is generous. 大方的  

It was generous of you to help them.

She is generous with her money.

She is generous in giving help. 她樂於助人。

He was generous to everybody with money.

kind    親切的;好心的;和藹的;富於同情心的; 
寬容的;仁慈的;體貼的; 令人感激的 相反詞unkind

a kind man 
She was kind to them.
She is kind. 親切的
It was kind of you to help them.
They are very kind to me.他們對我很好。
A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy.
It's very kind of you to tell me the truth.
你真好, 告訴我這真相。
kind-hearted 富同情心的
a kind-hearted person

smart  機伶的;機警的;帥的;精明的;漂亮的; 時髦的; 瀟灑的;輕快的, 敏捷的, 活潑的;(引起)劇痛的; 厲害的, 劇烈的
You look smart in that suit.
smart clothes 漂亮的
She is smart. 機伶的
She is a smart girl.
He is one of the smartest students in school.

You look smart in the new suit.


He is smart and can take care of himself.


She walked along at a smart pace.


She gave him a smart slap on the cheek.


honest  正直的;誠實的;坦白地;正當手段獲得的;
真誠的, 坦率的  相反詞dishonest
an honest person
He is honest. 他是正直的.
All my life I have tried to be an honest man.
I want an honest answer.  (誠實的)
All this is honest money.
The young man has an honest face.
Give me your honest opinion.

cool  酷的;冷靜的, 沈著的;冷淡的;無禮的; 自行其事的;
很棒的, 極好的

He is cool. 酷的
I like your new boots-They're really cool! (酷)
The new CD has some cool songs on it. (很棒的)
Keep cool!   保持冷靜!
Be cool. Everything will be all right.
冷靜一點, 一切都會沒問題的。
Cool down! He is only joking. (冷靜下來!) (動詞)
It was difficult too cool him down. (動詞)
He remained cool before the enemy.
They seemed rather cool towards the new comer.
對這位新來的人, 他們似乎很冷淡。
I don't like the cool way you used my bicycle
without my permission.
That singing star is really cool.那位歌星實在很酷。(口語) Hey, that's really cool.嗨, 那真好極了。(口語)

cheerful  滿面笑容的;開心的;興高采烈的;情緒好的;
樂意的; 由衷的

She is cheerful. 她笑容滿面.
She is cheerful today. 
She is a smiling, cheerful girl.
她是個滿面笑容, 興高采烈的女孩子。
He is in a cheerful mood. (mood心情;心境;情緒)
My little brother is a very cheerful helper.

witty  機智的; 說話風趣的;措辭巧妙的; 詼諧的;
【英】聰明的; 有才智的
a witty remark  (remark 言辭;談論;評論)
= humorous remark 
a witty person 
He is witty. 說話幽默的

funny 愛開玩笑的;有趣的; 滑稽可笑的;
【口】古怪的, 稀奇的;稍有不適的; 神志不太正常的;耍花招的; 欺騙的;傲慢無禮的
a funny joke
That's not funny! 
He is funny. 愛開玩笑的
That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.
I heard a funny noise.我聽到一個奇怪的聲響。
a funny smell  (奇怪的;不尋常的)
There 's something funny going on here.
He felt funny all day yesterday.
The guard warned his prisoner not to try anything funny.

positive 正面的;積極的;建設性的;確定的 
相反詞 negative
【口】完全的, 純粹的
a positive answer / a positive reply (肯定的回答)
a positive attitude  積極的態度
He is positive. 他是積極的.
He has a positive attitude towards life.
He is a positive fool.
Are you sure you saw him? -I'm positive.(確定)
We have a positive identification of the robber.
( identification認出;識別;鑑定;確認/ robber強盜 )

patient  有耐心的;有耐心的, 能忍受的, 能容忍的;勤奮的
N.病人  相反詞 impatient
She is patient.  她是有耐心的.
He's a very patient man.他是個很有耐心的人。
Be patient. They will be here soon.
He was patient with us.
The doctor is very patient with his patients.

quiet  安靜的;文靜的;溫和的
It's very quiet here . (安靜的) (相反詞noisy)
The children are very quiet today. (安靜的)
Be quiet- your sister is asleep.
Keep the children quiet! I can't work in this noise. 
She decided to keep quiet about the accident.
( 此時當作 保密的 )
She is quiet.  她是文靜的.
The sea was quiet before the storm struck.
She was a quiet woman who didn't let small things upset her.
她是個性格平和的人, 從不為小事生氣。
( 絕非  恰北北   凶巴巴 的人 )
不過呢 ! 恰北北的女孩  也有優點!
就是比較不容易  隨便被人欺負  \^^/

