2012年4月13日 星期五

Go! Go! 加油! (英語go的相關用法)

Go! Go! 加油! (一起學學英語go的相關用法吧!)

 go  的 用 法 極 多 !  要精不易 , 就 儘 量 多看 多學 吧!

您也可以選擇 今日用心背一小段 ,明日再精讀其他的用法喔!

看到 go! go! 加油! 

就想起 知名韓國電視劇 浪漫滿屋 的 男女主角 的口頭禪!
 (Rain是男主角 真糟糕!女主角我已忘了, 有誰能點醒快失智的我呀! \^L^/
 (還好網路這麼神奇!一下子就可以找到相關連結 \^^/ )
  我家還有 完整的這一套絕版漫畫呢 \^^/  看看漫畫圖片 ^^ 


go  went  gone   goes(三單現)  going(進行式) 

 (以下比較簡單的句子不再翻成中文敬請見諒喔 ^^ 

常常翻翻字典,對於學好英文,這是很重要的喔 !)


Where are you going ?

I'm going to the movies.  

Are you going to school today ?

I'm going home. 


She goes to the beach once a week. 

She is vacationing at the beach



I go to school by bus.

We went by train. 我們搭火車去。

I went to Paris by train.

by bus / by ship / by plane/ by train 

Let's go home.

Shall we go ? 可以走了嗎 ?


The limited express train goes 250 kilometers an hour.   特快列車


Let's go for a walk. 我們去散步吧!

Let's go! 我們走吧!

Let's get going ! 咱們該走啦 ! 

All the preparations have been completed, 

so we are ready to go

一切準備就緒, 我們隨時可以開始行動。


We went to see him.


Go to help her.  去幫她

= Go and help her.

A week goes quickly.  一個星期很快就過去了.

I must be going now . 我得走了.


He has gone to Paris. 他已經去巴黎了. 

When did he go? 他什麼時候離開的?


Everything is going well. 一切順利。

I hope  everything is going well with you.


Things are going badly now. 現在情況很糟.


Traveler's checks go almost anywhere in the world.



Does this train go to Amsterdam ?

Does the train go to Taipei ?

This path goes to the top of the mountain.

The valley goes from west to east. 



Now both of her parents are gone



The windowpane went to pieces. 玻璃窗破成碎片.


The first prize went to Sam. 頭獎為Sam所得. 

( 哈!Sam 笑想 很久了 \^^/ ) 


The party went well . 進行得很好. 

Everything is going according to plan.


This clock does not go. 這鐘不走了。

His watch doesn't go. 他的錶不走了. 

There goes the bell. 鐘響了.

The dog went "Bowwow."  狗兒汪汪地叫.


This paint doesn't go. 這漆的顏色不合適。

I really can't go him any more. 



The car went for $3, 000. 


Her books went for a good price. 


I'll go five dollars on that. 



The food goes  in the cupboard. 


This book goes on the top shelf.

Where do these books go ? 這些書該放哪兒?

This luggage won't go in the car. 


Will all these balls go into this box? 

這些球全都放得進這箱子裡嗎 ? (放置;放入)


His eyesight is going. 他的視力正在衰退。

My headache will go after a short rest. 頭痛消退

This paragraph must go. 這段得刪去。


What I say goes. 我說到做到。


The story goes that 

the Prime Minister will resign. 


There is a story going about.



as the Bible goes ...  正如聖經所說... 


Three goes into twenty-four eight times.


Three into two won't go. 3除2得不到整數商。


They have gone boating. 他們划船去了。

go shopping / go skating 溜冰 / go swimming /

go hunting / go mountain climbing 登山 /

go skiing 滑雪 / go picnicking / 


He went blind when he was 12. 變成盲人

go mad 發瘋/ go hungry 挨餓 / go thirsty 口渴/

The milk has gone bad. 牛奶壞了.

The milk went sour. 牛奶變質了。

The fish has gone off.  (=go bad)


Now it's your go. 現在輪到你了。(作名詞,常用於口語)

It's my go. = It's my turn. 輪到我了. 

Let me have another go at it. 


Let's have a go. 讓我們試試看吧.

Can I have a go at mending the bicycle ?


The man is full of go; he often stays up late. 

那人精力充沛; 他常熬夜 .....(作名詞,常用於口語)

He's full of go. 他精力充沛.

She is always on the go. 她總是忙個不停.


I am going to 在口語為I gonna要唸成 (唉嗯哥ㄋ ) \^^/

I'm going to do it myself.

I'm going to school.  我正要去上學

=I'm going to go to school. (表即將)


It's going to rain. (表即將)

She's going to be 18 next month.

She is going to be fiften next April. 

到四月她就滿15歲了. (表即將)

I'm going to wear the blue dress tomorrow. 

I'm going to be a teacher.  我想當個老師. (表意願)

They are going to leave for Seattle tomorrow.

他們明天將前往西雅圖. (表預定)

I'm sure it's going to rain. 我想一定會下雨. 





go across 越過;橫越


at one go 一口氣  

He swallowed them at one go.一口氣吞下它們.

 One swallow does not make a summer. 

一燕不成夏。 (燕子)


go with  伴隨;與...相配

I went to the movies with her. 我和她一起去看電影.

Your blazer goes with your skirt. 你的運動上衣和裙子很搭. 


go without 沒有...可用/可吃

Man cannot go without air. 人不能沒有空氣.

You'll have to go without a car today.

They went without food for two days. 


it goes without saying that ...  不用說...

It goes without saying that he is honest.



to go(後接名詞) 剩餘

There's only one day to go before the exam.



go around = go round(英國用法)  


I'm going around to Jane's. 我要去拜訪珍她家. 

The earth goes around the sun. 

The wheel was going round and round.(轉動)

There isn't enough food to go around. 

There aren't enough chairs to go round. 

I'm going round to my aunt. (看望)



go away 離開;走開;滾開;解決;消失

She is going away soon. 她馬上就要離開了. 

Don't  go away.

I'm going away for a few days.

Go away ! I'm trying to work. 

The problem won't go away just by talking.

go far 成功;有成就;滿足大量的需求

The boy is clever and will go far in his job.

Those potatoes won't go far with

10 people to feed.


go for 企圖要;欲奪取;喜歡;受...吸引

When you offer him candy , he goes for

the biggest piece.

go for the doctor 去請醫生 

go for a walk 去散步

Let's go for a walk.

go for a swim 去游泳 

I don't really go for punk rock.



go in for  參加...考試(或比賽); 以...為業;愛好...運動

She is going in for tennis. 她愛好打網球.

go in one ear and out the other /

go through one ear and out of the other

左耳進,右耳出 ; 聽而不聞

The news we told him just went in one ear

and out the other.

"Didn't you tell Tom about the meeting?"

"Whatever I say to him goes in one ear

and out the other."

go into  進入...房間(=enter);從事...職業;調查...

He went into the room.

She went into the kitchen. 

go into medicine 成為醫生

go into details 詳細調查 

I don't want to go into details.


Give me a general description of your plans.

You don't have to go into particulars. (詳盡)


go off  槍砲發射;爆炸;逃離;事情的進展;響起;變質

The bomb went off.

The gun went off. 

The alarm went off at exactly 7 o'clock.

The concert went off well. 音樂會進行得很成功. 

The milk has gone off.  (= go bad)


go on 發生(happen);發展;進行;持續;繼續(=continue) 

過去(=go by) ; 去...;點亮...

What 's going on ? 發生什麼事 ?

Find out what's going on there. 

Is everything going on well? 一切進行順利嗎?

You can go on with your study.


I went on reading. 我繼續看書. 

Go on , I'm listening. 

He went on eating.

Please go on reading. 請繼續讀下去.

As the days went on , she became more and more impatient.  (過去) (無法忍受)

go on a holiday  去渡假

go on a business 去出差

go on a trip   去旅行

Suddenly all the lights went on. 

go on with you ! 少騙人啦!

"Yesterday I saw a tiger on the street! "

"Go on with you !"


go easy on 耐心對待某人;和善待之 ;小心處理

Go easy on Bill ; he didn't know

he was doing anything wrong.

This dish is too salty .

 Go easy on the salt next time!

go on a rampage / go on the rampage


The campus riot left the university with a

$40,000 bill for repairs to buildings

after students went on the rampage.





go out 出去;火或光的熄滅;


She went out with her children. 她帶著孩子們出去.

He went out a few minutes ago.

The fire went out. 火熄滅了. 

The fire is going out.

Suddenly the lights went out.

When a light or a fire goes out ,

it stop shining or burning.

We don't go out much.  (參加社交活動)

When Tom completes this project ,

he'll go out on the town.

go out with  (男女)交往...

He is going out with Sharon.

go with  一起;相伴而存;相配;適合 

Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money.


Do you think  this skirt goes with this blouse. 


John goes with a different girl every week!


go back 返回;溯及;回到... = return

Let's go back to the time of Shakespeare.


When are you going back to school ?

These customs go back to the 11th century.


go after 追求;追逐;追捕;跟隨 = chase 

The police went after the robbers.


go down 下坡;價格或品質下降(descend);


The road went down. 這是下坡路. 

She went down the stairs.

The price of vegetables is going down.


go by 時間的流逝(=pass) ;經過;遵循... ;搭...車

Time went by. 時光流逝.

As time went by , he became more and more afraid.

Six months went by. 

I go to school by bus.

We have to go by the rules. 


go against 反對;違反;不利於

Your method goes against the rule. 



go ahead  開始進行;繼續進行

go ahead ! 繼續說下去.

"May I tell you something?"  

"Go ahead , we're all listening."

I'll go ahead with this job. 我將開始做這份工作. 

They are going ahead with their plans. 

The police examined the cars and allowed them

to go ahead.

Go right ahead !  請便 !

go-ahead N.許可;批准  

They got the go-ahead for the project


The government projected a tax decrease. 

政府計劃降低稅收。(vt 計畫...)


go along  進行;繼續;陪..人一起去(with)

go along with 贊同...

I go along with your opinion 我贊成您的意見.


go over  穿過;越過;過去;仔細搜查;複習;重溫;審視

Go over to the other side , please. (越過)

go over to Italy 到義大利去

go over the room 仔細搜查房間

He went over his answers again. (檢查)

go over the three lessons 複習這第三課

He met with the committee and went over the budget

for the year.  他與委員會會面,審視這一年的預算.

The actors went over their lines once more

before the production began.


go places / be places 日趨成功 / 過新鮮有趣的生活

Our coach told us that we could really go places.


My uncle has really been places ; he often told us many things about the countries he's visited.



go up  攀登;價格上升;燒毀;建築起來;建設起來

go up in an elevator 

She went up the stairs.

The price of food is going up. 食品價格上漲

Prices have gone up again really . It;s really too bad!

House prices are going up.

The house went up in flames火舌

Many houses have gone up in town this year.

go downhill  走下;逐漸轉壞

The service in this restaurant is going downhill.

Maybe we should consider eating someplace else.


go under 有困難; 會失敗

Tom has so many debts , he's sure to go under.

go strong 景況甚佳

Tom's father is 90 years old now , and he's still going strong.

湯姆父親現在已90歲了, 身體情況還是很好.

So long as this television is still going strong , there's absolutely no need to get another one.


go through 穿過;通過;仔細翻找;檢查;審視;搜查;經歷...

go through a forest 穿過森林 

go through town

The burglar went through all the drawers.


The policeman went through my things. (搜查)

Will you go through this work and make sure

there are no mistakes ? (檢查)

My lawyer will go through the contract. (審視)

She went through hardships. 她經歷重重苦難. 

She went through a difficult time.


go throuht with 把...完成 


go to bed 去睡覺 


go under  沉沒;失敗;麻醉後失去知覺

Here you go !  這給你!

How's it going ? 近來好嗎 ?

Let 's go Dutch ! 各付各的!

Since none of us are rich ,

we decided to go Dutch.

go halves with 平分

I went halves with my brother to buy

our mother a birthday present.




go cold all over 全身發冷;膽戰心驚

Mary went cold all over when she received

a letter saying her mother was very ill.

go hand in hand with /

be hand in hand with 與...密切相關

His love of music goes hand in hand with

a great ability to teach it.



go and do  去做...

Go and see what the children are doing.


(比go to see更口語, 美國常 將 and省略變成go see的口語形式) 比如下方2例句: 一個母親對孩子說...

Oh , dear , go get another pair. I'll help you change your shorts.


 Mom , can we go play volleyball now?


Go get them ! 動手吧!




