2012年7月11日 星期三

at will 等幾句片語練習

at will   愛怎樣就怎樣; 任意地

Freedom doesn't mean a person can do anything at will.
People have to care about others.

自由不意味可以任意而為 , 人們也需要考慮到他人.

Please don't smoke in the room .
You need to care about others.



the last thing   最不喜歡的事

The last thing both sides want is a trade war.

The last thing I wanted my mother to know
was I had failed in the exam.


at sea    茫然不懂;完全不知 ; 摸不著頭緒

如置身於茫茫的大海之中 !

I've really got a problem with math.
I am totally at sea about it.
我的數學問題很頭大 , 我完全不懂.

They know the problem.
They are just at sea about the solution.
他們知道問題所在 .


at large  逍遙法外; 尚未逮到 ; 大部份成員

My parrot flew away the other day.
He is still  at large.
我的鸚鵡前幾天飛走了 , 還沒回來.

The students at large thought  Mr. Lin was the best teacher.

The police won't let the murderer be at large too long.


ask 人 out  請某人出去約會 ; 與某人約會

這與現代網友常說的= 出來把話講清楚 = 踹共 意義是不同地!

A:  I like Mary. I wish I can know more about her.
B:  It's easy . All you have to do is , ask her out.
A: 我喜歡瑪莉, 我真希望能多瞭解她.
B: 那容易 , 邀她出去約會就得了呀.

C: Is there any possibility in this world that I may ask you out ?
D: Not until the sun rises in the west.
C: 我到底有沒有可能約妳出來 ?
D: 除非太陽打從西邊出來.

I don't believe your story. Not until you prove it.
在你證明事實之前 , 我不會相信你說的故事.

all told  總的來說; 整體來說

A: What do you think of our teacher ?
B: Well , all told , he is a good one. I like him.
A: 你覺得我們的老師如何 ?
B: 這個嘛 ,總而言之 , 他做得不錯 . 我喜歡他.


all thumbs   一竅不通的 ; 笨手笨腳的

When it comes to gardening , I am all thumbs.
說到蒔花種菜 , 我是一竅不通

You know I am all thumbs with math.


bug  人   麻煩或打擾某人

Sorry to bug you again .

Please take the kid away .
He's been bugging me all morning.
請把小孩帶開 . 他已經吵了我一早上.

He kept bugging the girl in class.


