2012年7月22日 星期日

Making the most of summer 把握暑假時光

 Making the most of summer 把握暑假時光

A Summer Outdoors

Lola and Alvin are sitting in the park and talking about their summer plans.


A = Alvin   L= Lola

A: No school , no homework ...
I think I'm going to sleep in every day.

L: You're going to sleep away the summer holidays ?

A: I might finish a computer game , too.

L: You really should do something more productive with your time.

A: Oh yeah ?  And what are you going to do ?
    Create world peace ?

L:  Actually , I'm going to spend my time in the ocean.

A: How is lying around on the beach any better than lying in bed asleep ?

L: I won't just lie around . I've set a goal, and I'm going to accomplish it.
    I'm going to get my scuba diving license.

A: Can you do that in one summer ?

L: Yes ! I have to study some , of course ,
     but I'll get to take practice dives , too.
     I'll learn a fun new skill and have something to show for my summer.

A: Swimming isn't really my thing , though.

L: You like hiking . Why don't you do that ?

A: I could climb Snow Mountain !  I'm out of shape right now,
    so I would have to work up to it ,
    but that could be my summer goal.

L: How about this : at the end of the summer,
    we can meet back here .
    Bring me a picture of you at the top of Snow Mountain ,
    and I'll show you my diving license.

A: You're on !

 上段對話 : 取自
 互動英語雜誌  Live Interactive English Magazine   No.135  (2012.7月號) page 22

productive    adj.有成效的; 有生產力的

The manager is looking at ways that she can make the factory more productive.

a productive meeting 富有成效的會議

a productive discussion 有成果的討論

Are Japanese works more productive than American workers ? 

During the most productive time in her career, she wrote five novels.
在她創作生涯中最多產的時期, 她寫了五本小說。

 The age was productive of men of genius.

production  N. 生產

the production of cars  汽車生產

This new car will go into production next year.

Production increased by 5%.  產量

The production of this film cost a lot.  製作

produce  vt 生產;拿出;製作 ;產生  N.產品

That factory produces cars.

Our company produces plastic bags.

Cows produce milk.

He produced some sweets from his pocket. 

He produced his passport from the bag.  拿出

The film was produced by Tom.   製作

Our method can produce better results.  產生

agricultural  produce  農產品

producer  N.生產者; 出產者 ; 節目製作人;製片;唱片製作人

a chocolate producer

Which country is the biggest oil producer ?

a TV producer  / a movie producer /  a record  producer 

product  N. 產品

The company sells plastic products . 這公司出售塑膠產品. 

We make plastic products of high quality . 


accomplish  vt 完成;達到;實行;實踐

Allen works very hard to accomplish the goals that he sets for himself.

They  didn't accomplish the purpose desired. 

He accomplished nothing. 

They have accomplished their mission successfully. 

I accomplished two hours' work before dinner. 
She has accomplished 99 years of her life. 

The journey was accomplished in five weeks. 

accomplishment  N. 成就;成績;才藝;教養;造詣;技能;完成;實踐 

The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment

That class increased her accomplishments as a pianist. 

This plan is difficult of accomplishment. 這個計劃很難完成。


      dive  n ; v 潛水

      We went diving near a coral  reef and saw many different kinds of fish.

      He dived into the river to save a drowning child. 
      他跳入河中救一個快溺死的小孩。 vi 跳水

      The submarine dived
      潛水艇下潛了。vi 潛水


      license  n.執照;牌照;許可證

      You have to take two tests to get your driver's license.

      We are applying for a license to sell wine. 

      The restaurant is not licensed for selling spirits. 

      a  driving  licence  英國用法  (注意末尾是 ce)
      a driver's  license  美國用法  (注意末尾是 se)

      be licensed  獲得許可; 有執照/狗牌 
      The shop is not licensed to sell alcohol.
      The dog is not licensed.

      licensed   adj  有執照的
      a licensed doctor / pilot (領航員/舵手/嚮導/飛機的飛行員) 
      a licensed restaurant

      license plate  汽車牌照 (美國用法)
      number-plate  (英國用法)

      Mark Twain was once a river pilot on the Mississippi. 

      The flying school graduates a hundred pilots a year. 


      out of shape  身體不佳的 / 
      相反意義 : in shape (身體健康 / 體態健美)

      You won't be able to climb to the top of the mountain
       if you are out of shape.

      I used to be a strong runner , but I am out of shape now
      because I don't exercise often.

      Kevin joined a gym because he wants to get in shape.

      Athletes must stay in shape
      運動員一定要保持身體健康。 (通常用在口語: 情況;狀態)

      shape N.形狀;狀況
      What shape is the table - round or square ?
      What is the shape of a coin ? It's round.
      He has a ring in the shape of a snake.
      The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.

      His heart is in good shape.
      The players are in good shape and ready for the match.
      The business is in bad shape.

      shape  v. 用...做成的
      The children shaped the sand into a castle.
      He shaped a pot out of the clay.

      a  star-shaped cookie  一個星形的餅乾




