2012年7月2日 星期一

Dream a little dream of me (英語歌曲賞析)

Dream a little dream of me

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1s8vfihMbA&feature=related < 聽歌
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/winterleft/13419286  < 中文翻譯

( 英文歌曲 賞析 )

Stars shining bright above you;

Night breezes seem to whisper love you?

Birds singing in the sycamore tree.

Dream a little dream of me.


Say "night-ie night" and kiss me;

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.

While I'm alone, blue as can be,

Dream a little dream of me.


Stars fading but I linger on, dear---

Still craving your kiss.

I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,

Just saying this...


Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.

But in your dreams, whatever they be,

Dream a little dream of me.


Stars fading but I linger on, dear---

Still craving your kiss.

I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,

Just saying this...


Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---

Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you.

But in your dreams, whatever they be,

Dream a little dream of me.



bright   adj 光亮的;明亮的;色彩鮮豔的 ;聰明的;機靈的

The sun was very bright. 陽光燦爛 .

She has blue and bright eyes. 


The bright sun lit up the meadow. 


He is full of bright ideas.


a bright yellow dress  一條鮮黃色的裙子

If you work hard, you will have a bright future. 

如果努力工作, 你將會有一個美好的前程。

a bright day 晴朗的
a bright light  明亮的
a bright blue colour  鮮豔的
a bright boy / a bright idea / the brightest pupil in class 聰明的

brighten  vi 天氣轉晴 / 心情喜形於色
The sky is brightening.
His face brightened when he saw his presents.

brightness N.光輝
the brightness of the sun


breeze [briz] N.微風

= a light wind 微風

The flags fluttered in the breeze


Helen breezed into the sitting room. 



whisper  v 低聲說話  N.耳語;低聲說話

I can hear whisper behind the door.

He said it in a whisper.

Why are you whispering ? No one can hear us .

The two girl were whispering in the library.

She is whispering to him. 


The wind was whispering in the trees. 


"She is coming, " he whispered

"她來了, "他低聲地說。vt 低聲說出...

They debated it in whispers. 他們低聲辯論。 N.

She spoke in a whisper , so I could not hear what she said.  N.

I've heard a whisper that he has cancer. 



 sycamore [ˋsɪkə͵mor]

N. 西克莫無花果 ; 懸鈴木; 美國梧桐; 假挪威槭



tight   [taɪt]

Tie the knot as tight as you can.
盡可能把結打緊.   adj

The screw is tight enough.

Can you open the jar ?  The lid is too tight.
Tight shoes can hurt your feet.
鞋子過緊,腳就會痛.  adj

These shoes are too tight . I need a bigger size.

He wore tight jeans.

The shirt is too tight.

The cable between the two poles is tight enough.

The lid was so tight that I couldn't open the box.

蓋太緊了, 我打不開盒子。 

He made sure that the rope was tight


The shoes are too tight for me. 


We hope to finish the work next week, 

but the schedule's very tight

我們希望在下週做完這工作, 但日程安排很緊。

The principal has a very tight schedule. 

Will you tighten this screw ; it is very loose.
螺絲鬆了 , 請擰緊.  vt

The doctor tied the bandage too tight.
醫生把繃帶綁得太緊。adv = tightly

Hold tight ! These's a hole in the road.
tightly  adv 

Close the lid tightly.

I tied the rope tightly around the tree. 

tightrope  N.馬戲團的 高空索;鋼索

Acrobats walk the tightrope in a circus.

fade [fed]  vi 退色;退光;枯萎
fading  N. 退色;凋零

The colour of the curtains is beginning to fade.
Please draw the curtains.請把窗簾拉上。

If you leave that blue dress in the sun , it will fade.
The flowers faded for want of water. 
The color fades when exposed to light. 
這顏色曝光後會褪色. vi
The sound of the footsteps faded away. 

Sunshine faded the tapestry. 



linger  [ˋlɪŋgɚ]  vi 繼續逗留;徘徊  

They lingered in the museum after the tour ended.

Davis lingered for a moment in the bar. 


The sound lingered in the air. 


They lingered over coffee and missed the train. 

他們慢吞吞喝著咖啡, 結果誤了火車。 

The old man lingered several months after the heart attack. 



crave  [krev]   vt ; vi 渴望

The artist craved recognition of his talents.


He craved a favor of the king.


A man in sorrow craves for sympathy.
悲痛中的人渴望得到同情。 vt


long   [lɔŋ]   v 渴望 ; 想念 = miss

long longed longed longing


be longing to

We are longing to see you again .

How she longed for those days!

longing   n.渴望
a longing for home  想家

dawn [dɔn] N.黎明 ;拂曉

The birds start singing at dawn.

We must get up at dawn.
我們必須天一亮就起來。  N.黎明

The day was dawning.
天漸漸亮了 vi

The truth at last dawned upon her.
她終於明白了事情的真相。 vi


sunbeam   [ˋsʌn͵bim] N.陽光光束;日光

A sunbeam brightened her hair to gold.


