2012年12月13日 星期四

笑話一則about widow

Did you regret ?

One widow had a sudden whim to wipe the old oil lamp
she found at the attic , while her beloved cat dawdling beside her.

Suddenly , a monster jumped out of the oil lamp and promised to
help her fulfill three wishes.

The widow answered without considering that she would be young and beautiful forever ,
have trillions of wealth , and she would like her cat become a handsome prince.

After a puff of smoke passing , she became a beauty as expected with lots of jewelries
around her ,  and a handsome prince standing beside her , but her cat disappeared.

The prince held her tenderly in his arms , she was so intoxicated with the prince's caress
that she felt perfectly contented.

Then , the prince gently whispered in her ear , " You have castrated me. Now , do you regret ?"

以上文章 取自  台灣醒報 101.12.10 A12版 English Page

sudden whim 心血來潮

She is always full of whims and fancies.
她老是充滿怪念頭   [hwɪm] N.  奇想, 怪念頭; 幻想
He had a sudden whim to go sailing today.


attic   [ˋætɪk]  N頂樓, 閣樓; 頂樓房間C
an unsound attic  岌岌可危的閣樓
dawdle   [ˋdɔd!] vi ;vt  閒混; 偷懶; 遊蕩;  磨蹭 
a puff of smoke 一陣煙

He blew out three candles with a single puff.
他一口氣吹滅了三根蠟燭。  [pʌf]    N

Puffs of steam and smoke came from the engine.
一股股蒸汽和煙霧從那火車頭裡冒出來。 N.

Are you happy fireworks are puffing all around?
四周都在放煙火你開心嗎?  vi 陣陣噴或吹

She puffed out the kerosene lamp.
她吹滅了煤油燈。 vt

The miser was puffed as a philanthropist.
那個守財奴被說成是個慈善家。 vt 吹捧
intoxicate   [ɪnˋtɑksə͵ket]  vt 陶醉 

How could she become intoxicated after only one glass of wine?
她只喝了一杯酒怎麼就醉了呢?  vt 使喝醉 ; 使中毒 ; 陶醉...
The prospect of success intoxicates me.

caress [kəˋrɛs] 擁抱  N. 愛撫; 擁抱; 親吻[C]

She gave the child a loving caress.
她疼愛地撫摸著孩子。 N.

The mother caressed her baby lovingly.
母親疼愛地撫摸著嬰兒。 vt  愛撫; 撫摸; 撫抱

The young manager was caressed by the president of the company.
那位年輕經理得到公司總裁的青睞。 vt 寵愛 ; 青睞

castrate  [ˋkæstret] vt 閹割 ;  割去睪丸; 割除卵巢 ; 使喪失力量(或效果); 刪改

regret  遺憾

regret  doing something

regret having done something  以上兩句型表示對過去發生的事感到後悔

regret to do something  表示對將來發生的事感到遺憾

We've always regretted selling the farm.  vt

I regret not to have started earlier.  vt

I regret that you see it like that.
你這樣看待這件事, 我很遺憾。vt
I believe you will regret leaving Paris.
I regret the loss of her friendship.
我為失去她的友誼而遺憾。 vt
I regret to say that I am unable to help you.
很抱歉, 我愛莫能助。 vt
Those who have not bought insurance are now regretting.
I regret his death.我對他的逝世痛惜不已。 vt

Shelley had no regrets for his actions.
雪萊對他的行為一點都不感到後悔 N

He felt no shame and no regret.
他既不感到羞愧也不感到後悔 N

He expressed regret over the death of your father.
他對你父親的逝世表示哀 N

Tommy sent his regrets.
湯米寄來了他的謝絕 N

Please accept my regrets at having to refuse.
懇辭, 謹致歉意。 N

He felt regret for his misdeeds.


