2012年12月4日 星期二

臺灣年度英語關鍵字 Linsanity最推荐

臺灣年度英語關鍵字 Linsanity最推荐



 「時間地點你再Line我!」今年常聽到這樣的話。擔任主編的王迺君推荐「Line」。她指出,Line本來是「線,隊伍,排隊」的意思,因為智慧型手機的即時聊天App,而出現的新名詞,更進一步被大家「動詞化」。世界已經從「facebook我」,「what's app我」,轉變成「Line我」了。







draw a line on the paper  在紙上畫線 N.
draw lines on the paper
Hold the line , please. 

You'd better write on every other line. 

They are waiting for a bus standing in line.

She looked at the lines in my palm.
她看著我的掌紋. N.掌紋;  皺紋

He lined the paper with a blue pencil.
What is your line?
你是從事哪一行的? N.行業

What line of business are you in ?
你是做哪一行業的 ?N
His face was lined with worry.
憂慮使他臉上佈滿了皺紋。 vt

They are waiting for a bus standing in line.

The streets were lined on both sides with people.

in a line with something  與某物成一直線

read between the lins  找出字裡行間的言外之意

line up 排隊 ; 使 ...排成行

out of line  不成一直線

stand in line  站成一隊

stand on line  排成一隊

On line .  廣播或電視製播室 上線了 或稱 開始錄音錄影了  !
(有通知 閒雜人等不可再進入之意 )  

現在年輕人會用3G手機 互傳資訊  (如: 文字 ; 圖片; 照片 ; 影片 ; 網址連結 等 )   
「時間地點你再Line我!」 此 Line有 傳送給 ; 通知 之意 

It was a live broadcast. 那是現場直播的.



He had his ups and downs.
他有過得意之時, 也有過倒霉之日。 N.

The business cycle experienced a sudden down.

Prices have gone down.物價下跌了。 adv

 They go down to Florida every winter.
他們每年冬天南下去佛羅里達。 adv

Shall  we go down to the country  for the weekend ?
我們去鄉下渡周末好嗎 ?   adv

Please write down your telephone number on the paper.  adv

I've been feeling down since I lost my job.
自從失去工作後, 我的情緒一直處於低潮。 adj
Dick is feeling a bit down today.
狄克今天有點情緒低落。 adj

He downed his opponent in the first round.
他在第一個回合中擊倒對手。 vt

The tears ran down her face. 
眼淚順著她的臉流下來.  介係詞 prep

They floated down the river.
他們沿河向下游漂去。  prep

get down to work 認真著手去做

fall down 落下



the fear of God 
對上帝的敬畏   N.

We are in fear of her life. 
我們為她的生命擔憂  N.

My worst fears were quickly realized.
我最擔心的事很快成了現實。 N. 擔心;憂慮

She feared that she might not find him in his room.
她擔心可能在他的房間裡找不到他。 vt

I fear I do not know the answer to that.
我恐怕回答不出那個問題。 vt
I fear that my child will catch cold.
我擔心孩子會感冒.  vt
You should not fear to speak your mind.

She feared for her daughter's safety.
她擔心女兒的安全。 vi


reborn  [riˋbɔrn]  adj 復活的 ; 再生的

bear  bore born   bearing

bear  bore borne  bearing

She has borne five children.
她生了五個孩子。  vt
Her face bore signs of tears.
她的臉上帶著淚痕。 vt

John was once bitten by a dog and he bears the scars to this day.
約翰曾被狗咬一次 ,至今疤痕還在.  vt 戴有

The apple tree has borne fruit.   vt 結果;生子
Our apple trees will bear well this year.
今年我們的蘋果樹會結許多果實。 vi

The peach tree bears well. 
這棵桃樹結果多. vi

He bears you no ill will.
= He bears no ill will against you.





a forward opinion 
一個有前瞻性的意見  adj

He put forward a new view.
他提出了一種新見解。 adv

Winter is forward this year. 
今年冬天來得早  adj.提早的

The meeting had been put forward an hour.
會議提前一小時舉行。 adv

the forward  part of  a plane 
飛機的前部  adj 前方的

He is always forward to help his friends. 
adj 熱心的

go forward  
前進   adv

forward a plan 
推動一項計畫  vt 推動 ;  促進

He tried to forward his father's plan.
他努力想促成父親的計劃。  vt


江南PSY    騎馬舞

