2012年12月13日 星期四


Are you ok ? 你沒事吧 ?

Are you all right now ? 你現在好了嗎?

How do you feel ? 你現在感覺怎樣?

I don't feel good today. 我今天身體感覺不好.

His foot hurt very much yesterday. 我的腳昨天很痛.

I have a headache now . 我現在頭痛.

How are your ears ? 你的耳朵怎麼了 ?

I  can't see it clearly . 我看不清楚.

He was sick yesterday. 他昨天生病了.

Bring the doctor in haste. 趕快請醫生.

Do you have a cold ? 你感冒了嗎?

Many people catch a cold in fall. 許多人在秋天感冒.

I  caught your brother's cold . 我被你哥傳染感冒了.

What happened to Tom ? 湯姆發生了什麼事 ?

He always stays up late , does he ? 他總是熬夜嗎, 是嗎?

What time do you usually go to bed ? 你通常幾點上床睡覺 ?

They don't care about me. 他們不關心我.

His health broke down. 他的身體變虛弱了.

How do you feel today , Mary ?   瑪麗, 你今天覺得身體如何?

I am very tired. 我很累.

Can he be sick today ? 他今天可能病了嗎 ?

He is ill , isn't he ? 他病了,不是嗎 ?

He looked at her sadly. 他難過地望著她.

Don't worry. 別擔心.

There is nothing to worry about. 沒有什麼事可以擔心的.

You look fine today. 今天你氣色不錯.

I am very glad to hear that . 我十分高興聽到那消息.

No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息.

Please don't tell him. 請不要告訴他.

Whar a pity! 太遺憾了!

He is in good spirits. 他的心情很好

How tall is he ? 他有多高 ?

I am not fat. 我不太胖.

Raise your hand. 舉起你的手.

Please help her. 請幫幫她. 

Let me help you. 讓我來幫你.

She is studying. 她正在學習.

We work by rule. 我們按規定工作.

Never do it again , Bob.   鮑伯,別再做這事了.

What are you doing now ? 你正在做什麼?

Can you give me a hand ? 你可以幫我一下嗎?

Can you tell me what he means ? 你能告訴我他的意思嗎?

Did he clean my room last night ? 他昨晚打掃我的房間了嗎?

What is he doing ? 他正在做什麼 ?

This is room number nine. 這是9號房間.


I am thirsty. 我口渴.

Go and take him some water . 去拿一點水給他.

How much water do you want ? 你要多少水 ?

Drink the water. 喝水吧.

Have a glass of water. 喝杯水吧.

She is eating an apple. 她正在吃蘋果.

Eat dinner. 吃飯.

He always has breakfast at seven. 他總是7點鐘吃早餐.

The dinner is satisfying.  晚餐令人滿意.

The food tastes good. 這食物嚐起來味道不錯.

It's a healthful food. 它是一種有益健康的食物.

The medicine had no effect. 這藥沒有效.

The medicine tastes bitter. 這藥很苦.

He took medicine yesterday . 他昨天吃了藥.

May didn't take any medicine yesterday. 梅昨天沒有吃藥.

The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription.
醫生為她診脈, 開了藥方。 pulse N. 脈搏 ; 社會脈動 [pʌls]

These pills can be obtained by prescription only.
這些藥丸只有憑醫生處方才能買到。 N. 藥方 ; 處方 [prɪˋskrɪpʃən]

The doctor checked my reflexes and could find nothing wrong.
醫生檢查了我的反應能力, 找不出任何毛病。 n. 用pl 反應能力 [ˋriflɛks]

I am a nurse. 我是個護士.

They are women doctors. 他們是女醫生.

Is your mother a doctor ? 你媽媽是個醫生嗎?

She is a good doctor. 她是個好醫生.

She is a qualified doctor. 她是個合格的醫生.

She is qualified to do the job. 她能勝任這一工作。 [ˋkwɑlə͵faɪd] adj 合格的;勝任的

Dr. Wang is my father's good friend.  王醫師是我爸爸的好朋友.

I will telephone the doctor . 我會給醫生打電話.

He or his father is a doctor.  他或他父親是醫生.
Open the door. 打開門.

Do come in , please. 請進來,請.

Open the window. 打開窗.

Shut the door please. 請關上門.

Close the window , will you ? 把窗關上,好嗎 ?
Sleep is necessary to health.

She is sleeping. 她正在睡覺.

I 'll see about it. 我再考慮.

May you succeed ! 祝你成功!

Let me try again , will you ? 讓我再試一次可以嗎 ?

Who made this decision ? 誰做出的決定 ?

We believe in God. 我們信仰上帝.


We enjoy free medical care.

I enjoy good health.

enjoy poor health
體弱多病 (上句的相反意思 )

have a good reputation as a doctor
=enjoy a good reputation as a doctor

“There was no pulse, never, no reflexes.”  沒有脈搏 , 沒有反應 .  (意思是 死翹翹了 )

