1. 虛心的人有福了 (the poor in spirit)
2. 哀慟的人有福了 (those who mourn )
3. 溫柔的人有福了 (the meek)
4. 肌渴慕義的人有福了 ( those who hunger and thirst for righteousness)
5. 憐恤的人有福了 (the merciful)
6. 清心的人有福了 (the pure in heart )
7. 使人和睦的人有福了 (the peacemakers)
8. 為義受逼迫的人有福了 (those who are persecuted for righteousness's sake )
9. 人若因我 (指耶穌) 辱罵你們, 逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞話
毀謗你們, 你們就有福了
when they revile and persecute you , and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit,
not the body or the mind.
人要尋求滿足必須通過心靈, 而不是通過身體或是腦子。
The children were in high spirits.
= The children were feeling happy. N.心情 ; 心境
He is 90 years old , but he is young in spirit. N. 精神
They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
spiritual adj 精神上的 ; 心靈上的
self-fulfillment [͵sɛlffʊlˋfɪlmənt]
fulfillment [fulˋfɪlmənt]
seek sought sought seeking vt ; vi 找尋;探索;追求******************************************
mourn [morn]
mourn mourned mourned mourning
She mourned for her dead child.
他為自己夭折的孩子悲傷. vi
They are mourning for their child. vi
She was in mourning for her child.
她因為孩子夭逝而哀傷. N. 哀傷;居喪期間;喪服
They are in mourning.
We mourn for our fallen soldiers.
我們哀悼陣亡的兵士。 vi 哀痛, 哀悼[(+for/over)]
We mourn in black.
我們穿黑色衣服服喪。 vi
The tribesmen are mourning the death of their chief.
那部落裡的人正在哀悼他們首領的去世。vt 為...哀痛 ;向...致哀;哀悼...
mourner N.哀悼者;送葬者
mourner N.哀悼者;送葬者
meek [mik] adj 溫柔的 ; 貼心的; 良善的
meek meeker meekest
The little girl is as meek as a lamb.
merciful [ˋmɝsɪfəl] adj
meek meeker meekest
The little girl is as meek as a lamb.
righteousness [ˋraɪtʃəsnɪs] N. 公正;正直;正當;公義
merciful [ˋmɝsɪfəl] adj
仁慈的; 慈悲的; 寬容的[(+to)]
a merciful judge一位仁慈的法官
merciless criticism 無情的批評 ; 毫無慈悲心的批評
merciless slaughter 殘忍的屠殺
persecute [ˋpɝsɪ͵kjut] vt 迫害; 殘害
persecute persecuted persecuted persecuting
persecution N.迫害
They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas.
They were persecuted for their religious beliefs.
sake [sek] N. 理由; 緣故; 利益
John did it for his own sake.
為了妻子的健康, 他把家搬到一個更暖和的州。
for the sake of 為...著想;為了
Stay out of trouble for the sake of your parents.
Don't do it for my sake.
for God's sake
= for Heaven's sake 看在上帝的份上,拜託
For God's sake , stop that noise !
revile [rɪˋvaɪl]
vt ;vi
辱罵, 謾罵; 痛斥
revile reviled reviled reviling
The tramp reviled the man who drove him off.
仁慈的; 慈悲的; 寬容的[(+to)]
persecute [ˋpɝsɪ͵kjut] vt 迫害; 殘害
persecute persecuted persecuted persecuting
persecution N.迫害
They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas.
They were persecuted for their religious beliefs.
sake [sek] N. 理由; 緣故; 利益
John did it for his own sake.
為了妻子的健康, 他把家搬到一個更暖和的州。
for the sake of 為...著想;為了
Stay out of trouble for the sake of your parents.
Don't do it for my sake.
for God's sake
= for Heaven's sake 看在上帝的份上,拜託
For God's sake , stop that noise !
for the sake of 為...著想;為了
Stay out of trouble for the sake of your parents.
Don't do it for my sake.
for God's sake
= for Heaven's sake 看在上帝的份上,拜託
For God's sake , stop that noise !
revile [rɪˋvaɪl]
vt ;vi
辱罵, 謾罵; 痛斥
revile reviled reviled reviling
The tramp reviled the man who drove him off.
evil [ˋiv!] adj 邪惡的 ; 罪惡的 N.壞事;禍害
evil eviler evilest
an evil man
Do no evil !
the evils of war
evil eviler evilest
an evil man
Do no evil !
the evils of war
The man was punished for his evil acts.
Some people return good for evil.
Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils.
false information
a false passport / a false beard / a false name
Kitten are young cats. Ture or false ?
false alarm 假報警
There was no fire . It was a false alarm.
Some people return good for evil.
有些人以德報怨。 N.
Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils.
false adj 不真實的; 錯誤的 ;假的
false information
a false passport / a false beard / a false name
Kitten are young cats. Ture or false ?
false alarm 假報警
There was no fire . It was a false alarm.