2012年3月17日 星期六

華盛頓與櫻桃樹 \^^/ (另類版本)

華盛頓與櫻桃樹 \^^/ (另類版本)

Chinese Interpretation Of George Washington Cut Down The Cherry Tree


Mr. Jimmy Wang , an honorable Chinese gentleman had eight sons.
One day , the honorable father was in the outhouse doing his business.

The youngest boy playfully pushed it off the chiff.
(好玩地 把 外屋廁所 推下 懸崖去)

After his recovery from the shock , 從驚嚇中回神後
he assembled his sons and 集合他的孩子
questioned them: 詢問他們
" Who knocked the out-house off the cliff ? "

They all kept silence. 鴉雀無聲!

Mr. Wang went on to tell the story about
how George Washington cut down the cherry tree,
how his father didn't punish him
because he told the truth.

" Pop , I did it ," admitted the youngest boy. (最小的兒子承認是他做的. )

The old man proceeded to beat the daylight out of the little guy.
( 準備好好收拾這小子 )

" Wait , Pop ! This is not what the moral of George Washington's story says.

His father didn't hit him when George told the truth. "

"Yeah , " lectured the honorable father , still in anger ,

" but George Washington's father was not sitting on the cherry tree, either."

華盛頓的爸爸當時也沒有 坐在那棵 櫻桃樹上! \^^/


honorable adj.可敬的
He was honorable in word and in deed. 他言行誠信可敬。
He is an honorable man. 他是個高尚的人。
It is honorable to earn a living with your hands.
He was given an honorable burial. 他的葬禮很體面。

playfully adv. 好玩地 ; 開玩笑的, 不當真的
She gave Philip's hand a little playful squeeze.

cliff n.懸崖 ; 絕壁
It takes courage and strength to scale these cliffs.

recovery N. 回神;復得 ; 恢復;痊癒
An anonymous call led to the recovery of the stolen jewels.
She made a quick recovery from her illness. 她很快病癒。

recover vt ; vi 失而復得 ; 恢復;彌補; 康復
Jane recovered her lost wallet. 珍尋回了丟失的錢包。
Jennie made a great effort to recover herself.
She has recovered her health. 她已恢復了健康。
It's hard to recover lost time. 彌補失去的時間並不容易。
It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.
他患重感冒, 很長時間才康復。
I think she will recover. 我想她會痊癒的。

shock [ʃɑk]
N. 震動;震驚;休克;中風 vt.使震動;使震驚;使電擊;使休克 vi.震動;震驚
Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan.
The news of his death was a shock to us.
The traffic accident sent him into a state of shock.
They were shocked by her rudeness.
She got shocked when she touched the live wire.
His deeds shocked her out of making friends with him.
他的行徑使她大為震驚, 不想與他交朋友了。

assemble vt. 集合...; 聚集;組裝 vi 集合
Over 10, 000 people were assembled at the airport to honor the President's visit.
He was busy assembling the bike. 他忙著裝配腳踏車。
An hour later the visiting parents assembled in the school hall.
一小時後, 來訪的家長聚集在學校大廳裡。

vt. 詢問...;質問;審問; 對...表疑問 N.問題;疑問;懷疑
What right do you have to question me? 你有什麼權利來質問我?
Don't question me about my personal business! 不要問我個人的私事!
He questioned her sincerity. 他對她的誠意表示懷疑。
She asked me many questions about my adventures in the Arctic.
There's no question about his honesty. 他無疑是誠實的。

knock vt. ;vi ;N. 推倒;擊倒...
His legs knocked against the chair. 他的兩條腿撞到了椅子。
He knocked at the door and entered. 他敲了敲門便走進去了。
The falling bottle knocked him on the head. 跌落的瓶子砸在他的頭上。
The blow knocked her senseless. 那一擊把她打昏了。
The critic knocked her latest novel. 那位批評家貶損她最新的那部小說。
When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head. 我摔倒時頭撞得很厲害。
We have to take certain knocks in life. 我們在一生中總得遭受某些挫折。

punish vt. 處罰;受損;貪婪地吃喝;痛擊
Motorists should be severely punished for speeding.
The teacher punished her students for cheating in the exam.
My boots were punished by our long trek in the mountains.
He punished my pizza. 他大吃我的比薩。
The champion punished his opponent severely. 那位冠軍痛擊他的對手

vt. 承認...;准許...進入 ; 可容納... vi .承認 ;容許
You must admit the task to be difficult.
We have to admit that he's a highly competent man.
I admitted breaking the window.
No one but ticket-holders was admitted.
The theater admits 1000 people.
I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.
This matter admits of no delay.

proceed [prəˋsid]
vt. 繼續進行; 繼續做(或講)下去[(+to/with)] ; 開始, 著手, 出發[+to-v]
The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story.
老人拿起杯子喝了一口, 繼續講他的故事。
After everyone was seated the chairman proceeded to announce his plan.
大家就坐後, 主席開始宣佈他的計劃。

moral N. 寓意
What is the moral of this story? 這個故事的寓意是什麼?

lecture [ˋlɛktʃɚ]
N. 授課; 演講(+on/about) ; 冗長的訓話, 告誡, 責備(+on/about)
Vi 演講; 講課(+on/about)
vt.向...演講; 給...講課(+on/about)
Professor Lee will give us a lecture on poetry.
Father gave me a lecture for speeding.
He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University.
Please don't lecture me. 請別跟我說教。

either adv. (用在否定句中)也, 而且; 根本 (專指此篇文章的用法)
If you don't go, I won't either.你如不去, 我也不去。
It won't do them any good, but it won't do them any harm either.
這對他們沒有好處, 但也沒有壞處。


