2012年3月17日 星期六




Tom is reading in the living room.
My sister studies in junior high school.
Children love candy.
Knowledge is power.

I like English. (like:Vt )
He runs very fast. (runs:Vi)
There were five students.
The train has arrived at the station. (has arrived:Vi)

She can cook.
It will not rain tomorrow. (用於否定句)
You must study hard. (study是原形動詞, hard是副詞,用以修飾study)
May I use your phone? (用於疑問句)
Should I listen to her ? (用於疑問句)

四.形容詞 (用來修飾名詞或代名詞)
She is a beautiful girl.
English has been my favorite subject.
Tom is fond of music.
I find the book interesting. (interesting 做受詞book 的補語,即受詞補語)
Sam is very tall. (tall為主詞Sam的補語,即主詞補語)

五.副詞 (用來修飾動詞、形容詞或其他副詞)
---依性質可分為情態副詞、 時間副詞、 頻率副詞、 地方副詞、 程度副詞.
They are playing happily in the park. (情態副詞,用以修飾playing)
They visited my uncle last week. (時間副詞)
Tom is always late for school. (頻率副詞)
He went there just now. (地方副詞)
He looked very happy. (程度副詞)

六.介係詞 (放在名詞或代名詞之前,用來表示名詞或代名詞與其他語詞間的關係)
---可用以表示位置 、時間、 方向、 方法 等.
John's parents live in America.
He got up at six this morning.
She walked into the room.
He goes to school by bus.
I will buy it for her.

七.連接詞 (用來連接 詞與詞、片語與片語、子句和子句)
---再分為:對等連接詞:and , or , but等。
---從屬連接詞:because , when , that,if,although等
He and I always work together.
Does your mother go to work by bus or by car?
Tom didn't go th school because he was sick.
If you have good study habits , you can learn things quickly.

Wow! This car is certainly going fast.
Oh, what a handsome boy!


片語 子句 句子的不同

一.片語 (片語不含主詞和動詞),另有分為 名詞片語、形容詞片語、副詞片語.
She doesn't know what to do. (名詞片語 做受格用)
The apple on the desk is mine. (形容詞片語,修飾前方的apple)
He did his work with care. (副詞片語,用以修飾動詞did做之意)

二.子句 (子句含主詞加動詞,且有連接詞引導),分為:名詞子句、形容詞子句、副詞子句.
We believe that he will come. (名詞子句做受格)
My father has a friend who lives here. (形容詞子句)
If it rains tomorrow , we will not go to the movies. (副詞子句)

He looks happy.
Do you have any sisters?
What a tall girl she is !
I think that she can speak Chinese.


----可做主詞的有:名詞 代名詞 動名詞(Ving) 不定詞(to+原形動詞)
Tom is a good student.
She is beautiful.
Reading broadens our mind. (broaden增廣...)
To know is one thing ; to do is another.

受詞:指在及物動詞或介係詞之後的 人 事 物 ,可做受詞的有:名詞 代名詞 動名詞 不定詞.
You need a garage to park my car in.
Tom is waiting for her in the office.
John enjoys playing all kinds of sports.
I like to read.

修飾語:指所有用以修飾另一語詞的 語詞 片語 或子句. (經常是 形容詞 或 副詞 的作用)
He drives carefully.
Tom seems happy.
This is the car that I bought yesterday.
I have been learning English for five years.

補語: 用來當補充說明 , 有主詞補語或受詞補語之別.
Seeing is believing.
She became a doctor.
We believe him honest.
The story made me happy.


