2012年3月22日 星期四


就如中文的 吃,它有 吃東西 ㄔ (飲食之意) 或 口吃 ㄐ一/ (說話結巴重複之意)
( 它甚至還有其他詞性的用法,比如當名詞...,但此網頁並不介紹喔! )
vt是及物動詞 vi是不及物動詞
不知句子如何唸,可運用下方 link: google的翻譯服務

1. blow [blo] 吹
A breeze blew over the garden. 一陣微風吹過花園。 vi

He was blowing as he climbed the stairs. 上樓時他直喘氣。 vi
The storm blew down several large trees. 暴風雨刮倒了幾棵大樹。 vt
The wind is blowing hard. vi
The wind blew the papers from her desk. vt
The dry leaves were blowing in the wind. vi
I blew out the candle. vi
The storm will soon blow over. vi 平息
Enemy soldiers blew up the bridge. vi 炸毀
blow up ballons 打氣;充氣 vi
2. break [brek] 折
He fell down and broke his ankle. 他跌斷了腳踝。 vt

She didn't break the rules. 她沒有違反規定。 vt
She broke the world record for the broad jump. 她打破了跳遠的世界記錄。 vt
My watch has broken. 我的錶壞了。 vi
His health began to break two years ago. 兩年前他的健康狀況開始變糟。vi
3. carry [ˋkærɪ] 提;背
David went in, carrying his suitcase. 大衛提著手提箱走了進去。 vt

I never carry much money with me. 我身上從來不帶太多的錢。 vt
Mr. Stewart carried the election. 史都華先生在選舉中獲勝。 vt
My voice can't carry that far. 我的聲音傳不到那麼遠。 vi
4. climb [klaɪm] 攀登
We started to climb the hill. 我們開始爬山。 vt

They climbed out through the window. 他們從窗戶爬了出來。 vi
The price of grain climbed back. 糧價逐漸回升了。 vi
The ivy climbed up the wall. 長春藤沿著牆攀緣而上。 vi
5. catch [kætʃ] 接;抓
I'll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。 vt

The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。 vt
I don't know whether we can catch the train. 我不知道能否趕得上火車。 vt
Robbie didn't catch what the teacher said. 羅比沒有聽清楚老師說的話。 vt
The kite caught in the electric wires. 風箏鉤在電線上了。 vi
The match won't catch. 這火柴擦不著。 vi
The lock does not catch. 這鎖鎖不上。 vi
Her voice caught in her throat. 她喉嚨哽住說不出話來。 vi
6. crawl [krɔl] 爬;爬行[kraɪ]
He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看著嬰兒從房間這邊爬到那邊。 vi

The lawn was crawling with ants. 草坪上爬滿了螞蟻。 vi
The rosebush crawls along the fence. 薔薇沿籬笆蔓生。vi
He never crawls to his superiors. 他對上司從不卑躬屈膝。 vi
My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night.
夜晚萬籟俱寂時突然聽到一聲尖叫, 嚇得我汗毛直豎。 vi
It was rush hour and we crawled along at 15 miles an hour.
遇上了尖峰時間, 我們的車子以每小時十五英里的速度緩慢行駛。 vi
The boss crawled him for loafing on the job. 老板因他磨洋工而訓斥他。
vt (loaf閒逛)
7. cry [kraɪ] / weep [wip] 哭
A girl cried for help at midnight. 一個女孩在深夜大聲呼救。 vi
He cried over his wife's death. 他為妻子的去世而哭泣。 vi
"Tom, where are you? " she cried. "湯姆, 你在哪裡? "她大聲喊道。 vt

The girl wept over her sad fate. 那女孩為自己悲慘的命運而哭泣。 vi
Mother wept for joy. 母親高興得流眼淚。 vi
We all wept in silence for the deceased. 我們都默默為死者哀悼。vi
The little girl wept herself to sleep. 小女孩哭著哭著入睡了。 vt
8. cut [kʌt] 剪
Please cut the cake into ten pieces. 請把蛋糕切成十塊。 vt

The farmers are cutting rice. 農民們正在割稻子。vt
Little Bob cut his hand on the broken glass. 小鮑伯的一隻手被碎玻璃割破了。vt
He cut his costs by half. 他削減掉一半的開支。vt
Who cut the suit for you? 誰替你裁剪的這套服裝? vt
The last scene has been cut from the film. 最後一個場景已從影片中剪去。vt
The remark cut him deeply. 這話深深地刺傷了他。 vt
If you cut your classes, you may fail. 如果蹺課, 你就會讀不好。 vt
When she gets angry with you she will cut you for days.
一旦她生你的氣, 會幾天不理睬你。 vt (用於口語)
The knife cuts easily. 這刀很鋒利。 vi
Cheese cuts easily. 乳酪易切。vi
The cold wind cut through his thin clothes. 寒風穿透他的單薄衣衫。vi
9. dance [dæns] 跳舞
The villagers danced in the open. 村民們在露天跳舞。 vi
Tom often dances the waltz with Jane. 湯姆經常同珍跳華爾滋。vt

10.dig [dɪg] 挖
They are digging a tunnel through the hill. 他們正在挖一條貫通這座山的隧道。 vt
They dug worms for bait. 他們掘蚯蚓做釣餌。 vt
I dig rock and roll music. 我欣賞搖滾樂。 vt
Do you dig what I mean? 你懂我的意思嗎? vt
This animal can dig faster than any cat or dog. 這動物挖洞比任何貓或狗都快。 vi
11. dive [daɪv] 跳水
He dived into the river to save a drowning child.
他跳入河中救一個快溺死的小孩。 vi
The submarine dived. 潛水艇下潛了。 vi
He dived into his pocket and fished out ten dollars.
他突然把手伸進衣袋, 掏出十塊錢來。 vi
He has been diving into the history of Chinese literature.
他潛心研究中國文學史。 vi
12. draw [drɔ] 畫
Mary drew a house on the paper. 瑪麗在紙上畫了一棟房子。 vt

I'll draw some money from my account. 我要提取一些存款。 vt
Her shouts drew the attention of the police. 她的喊叫引起了警察的注意。 vt
They drew the same conclusion. 他們得出了同樣的結論。 vt
He managed to draw her out. 他設法使她把話講出來。vt
She draws well. 她很會畫畫。 vi
The two teams drew. 這兩個隊打成平局。 vi
The film drew well. 那部電影很賣座。 vi
13. drink [drɪŋk] 喝;飲
A horse is drinking water in the stream. 馬在溪中飲水。 vt
We all drank his good luck. 我們舉杯祝賀他的好運。 vt
He drank himself sick. 他喝酒喝得生病了。 vt
He's started drinking again. 他又開始酗酒了。 vi
You shouldn't drink and drive. 你不應該喝酒開車。 vi
We drank to our success. 我們為我們的成功而乾杯。 vi
14. dream [drim] 做夢
She dreamed that she could fly. 她夢見她會飛。 vt
Annie dreamed an extraordinary dream last night. vt
I never dreamed that he would be so ungrateful. vt
I dreamed about my hometown. 我夢見我的家鄉。 vi
Mary once dreamed of God. 瑪麗有一次夢見了上帝。vi
He dreamed of becoming a movie star when he was young. vi
I wouldn't dream of hurting you. 我做夢也不會想到傷害你。vi

