2012年6月21日 星期四

(虎豹小霸王) 歌詞

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head(虎豹小霸王) 歌詞

Lyrics:Hal David     Music:Burt Bacharach   Vocal:B.J.Thomas

Raindrops keep falling on my head

And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed,

Nothing seems to fit. Those

Raindrops keep falling on my head, they keep falling!

So I just did me some talking to the sun,

And I said I didn't like the way he got things done.

Sleeping on the job. Those

Raindrops keep falling on my head, they keep falling!

But there's one thing I know

The blues they send to meet me, won't defeat me,

It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.

* Raindrops keep falling on my head,

But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red,

Crying's not for me 'cause.

I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining

Because I'm free nothing's worrying me *

(Repeat *)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT1HCQcSHW0    ---  含字幕的歌曲
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t30cX6OGO0U  -- 現場演唱 ( 影片前半段 )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttgCTJoGo08&feature=fvwrel  --主唱 較年輕時
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s_tvnl3teU  -- 王若琳演唱MV  ( 無字幕 )


 fit   [fɪt]

The trousers don't fit him ; they are too small.
這條褲子他不合身,太小了. vt

This dress doesn't fit me.
這件衣服不適合我穿。 vt

We must fit the action to the word.
我們必須言行一致。 vt

He fitted a telephone in my office.
他在我辦公室安裝電話. vt

Her training fits her for the job.

Does this shirt fit?
這件襯衫合身嗎?  vi 

Grass is fit for cows.
草適合給牛吃。 adj

You look very fit, Mike.
麥克, 你看上去很健康。adj

Do you feel fit ?
你覺得身體好嗎 ? adj

He is not fit to be a lawyer.

This food is not fit for your visitors.
你用這樣的食品招待客人是不適當的.  adj

This dress is a beautiful fit.
這件衣服既合身又漂亮。 N.



 [ˋren͵drɑp]  N. 雨滴
Raindrops fall at a speed of about 500 to 1, 000 feet a minute.


defeat   [dɪˋfit]  戰勝; 擊敗

The French defeated the English troops.
法國人打敗了英國軍隊。  vt

They were defeated in the football match.
他們在足球比賽中敗北.  vt   ( 被戰勝=敗北 )

Our hopes were defeated.
我們的希望落空了。 vt

The aggressors were doomed to defeat.

The football team suffered a defeat .
足球隊失利了.  N.


greet  [grit]     vt 問候, 迎接, 招呼

She greeted her guests at the door.

She greeted him with a smile.

He greeted her by saying "Good morning ".

They greeted her speech with warm applause.

His proposals were greeted with cheers.

Shouts of anger greeted our ears.

She sent greetings to my mother on her birthday .
=She sent good wishes to my mother on her birthday . greeting N. 祝賀


【美】【口】=going to


