2012年6月3日 星期日

林洋港資政:哥倫布 "花縣" 新大陸 ( 學學find等用法 )


學習這幾個字: find / look for / search /seek


find  (find  found  found ) v.發現;偶然發現;找到;發覺;感覺到;


發現=林洋港資政的花縣 (台灣國語啦\^^/) 

一起練習一下台灣果語:哥倫布 花縣 新大陸 \^^/  

發現;找到 是 眼睛向外觀察而發現有...

發覺;覺得 是 來自內心所生出來的感受...

Where did you find the ring ?

I can't find my watch.
I can't find my shoes.

He found a coin on the train.
I found a coin on the street. 
Have you found the watch you lost ?

Please find me my racket.
= Please find my racket for me.  球拍

You will find a funny boy in his class.

They found a solution to the problem.

He found his purse under the table.  錢包;皮夾
The lady put her wallet in her purse
She began hunting in her purse for some coins. 

You find her out . 你發現她外出 (也可解為:你把她找出來.)

They found the lost child hiding in the cave.

The dog was found dead in the woods. 

I found the job boring. 

When I entered his room , I found him writing a letter.

Newton found that all masses attract each other. 

He found himself lost in thought.

He found the door closed. 

The day I got back, I found a note on my desk. 

I found the book easier than I had expected.

He found his wallet stolen. 他發現錢包被偷了.

 I found out that he knew nothing about it. (發現 = discover )

Find out when he left the country. 查出

I found out where she had been. 我查出了她去過哪裡.
That was a great archaeological find.

 find one's way    N. 珍貴或有趣的發現 (複數 ~s ) 

Can you find your way home ?
你能找到回家的路嗎 ?

I found a bee in the hive蜂窩

She found an answer to the problem.

I've found the book I was hunting for

Will you find me a job? 你可以替我找個工作嗎?

We found him waiting for us at the station. 

I hope you will find time to come see me some afternoon.

You won't find many students learning Latin now.

This kind of bird is only found in Asia.

I found the courage to speak to her. 我鼓起勇氣跟她講話了.

He found the courage to face the trial [ˋtraɪəl]
 His blindness is a great trial to him.

He awoke to find himself lying on the sofa.
I woke up to find myself in hospital.  
(更恐怖的是我少了一個腎 ! 這在大陸常發生! 特別是跟陌生人喝醉酒後!)

I found that he was honest.

I found her to be a good-natured girl.   adj.天性善良的
= She was found to be a good-natured girl.
I found him a very sensible man.      adj.聰明的;明智的;通情達理的
=I found that he was a very sensible man.
Be sensible and take your umbrella with you.

How did you find my house ? 你覺得我的房子怎麼樣?

I found it difficult to explain.   我覺得這不容易說明.
= I found that it was difficult to explain. 
 I find it difficult to believe you. 

They found it impossible to persuade him.   [pɚˋswed] vt.勸服;說服
 The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.

I find this game very  amusing.  覺得是非常有趣的
You will find it a difficult book.   ( S+ Vt + O + OC 句型)
I find it difficult ... 覺得...是困難的
I find it hard to ...   覺得...是困難的
I find it hard to believe that he is guilty.

He was found guilty.他被判有罪
I felt guilty after breaking my promise.
The jury found against the defendant.

The court found him guilty. (vt 判定;裁定)  法庭判他有罪。

The court found him to be guilty.
The court found that he was guilty.


 Rivers find their way to the sea. 

The arrow found its target. 


The father has to find food and clothing for his children. 

An uncle found the money for his education. 

The hotel is well found.  那家旅館設備很好.

I found the necessary sum of money for him.


After looking in every room for my glasses , I found them
in the kitchen , but I found that they were broken. 
I found out later who had broken them.  1.找到  2.發現  3.知道


finder  N.發現者; 拾獲者; 相機或望遠鏡的觀景鏡
finding  N. u發現  ; c發現物; 判決;判定;調查報告;研究結果; 附屬品; 工具;器材


look for  找尋

I am looking for an English teacher. 我正在找一位英文老師.
What are you looking for ?
I'm looking for my key.
We looked for him everywhere.  

look into 調查

I looked into your complaint抱怨的理由
There is no real reason for complaint.沒有什麼可抱怨的理由。
look into the cause of accident 調查事故的原因

look over 檢查

Look over the report and tell me what you think.
look over test papers 檢查試卷


look at 檢查;察看

Will you look at these papers ?

look up 查;找

to look up a word in a dictionary
Look up the word in the dictionary. 

look through  仔細檢查 

Have you looked through the bills ?

looker-on N.觀看者;旁觀者  複數 lookers-on  

lookout  N. 看守;戒備;堤防;看守員;監視哨;所關心的事

He kept a sharp lookout for her.  他緊緊看著她.
That 's not my lookout . 那與我無關.



After a long search , they found the stolen car.   N. 尋找;搜尋

The police searched his house.   vt. 搜查

They searched him to see if he had drugs on him.  vt. 搜查   drug毒品

search for = look for 尋找
The are searching for the missing child.

" I am just like a baby in darkness searching for a light switch
that does not exit. "

I searched everywhere for the book.   vt.

After a long search , they found the lost child.  迷路的孩子    N.


seek  (seek sought sought)

vt. 尋找; 探索; 追求;搜查;企圖;試圖;請求  vi.尋求.搜查

"Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger 
ended up inside." 
那些傻傻騎在虎背上尋找全力的人最後進了虎肚.    vt.

seek = look for 尋找
to seek a solution to a problem 
to seek help  尋求幫助
They were seeking employment.
他們在找工作。 vt
Something suspicious was found after the room was sought through. 
房間被徹底搜查後, 發現了一點可疑的東西。 vt
He sought to speak to her. 
他尋找機會與她說話.  vt
You should seek medical advice.
你應該請醫生診視。 vt
He sought vainly for the answer.
他尋求答案, 但無結果。  vi
We sought an answer to the question , but couldn't find one.  vt


lose   [luz]

lose lost lost losing   ( lost  [lɔst] )

lose an opportunity 
I lost hours in waiting.
I lost no time in writing to her.
我立刻寫信給他.  (大陸是講 立馬 寫信給她)
We have no time to lose.
I have lost my money.
The secretary keeps losing things .
I cannot find my watch ; I must have lost it. 肯定是丟了.   vt.
Carl's father lost his job last month.
卡爾的父親上個月失業了。  vt
A bad cold had lost me some time.
一場重感冒使我失去了一些時間。  vt
He has lost his case.
他的官司打輸了。 vt
Our team lost the football match.
我們的足球隊在比賽中輸了.  vt
lose a battle 輸了一場戰役/ lose a contest 輸了一場競賽 /
lose a match 輸了一 場比賽 / lose a race 輸了一場賽跑 /
We lost a lot of money on that deal.
我們在那筆交易上虧損了許多錢。  vt
She got lost in the forest.
她在森林裡迷了路。  vt
I lost myself in the woods. 同上意思. ( 樹林 )
I lost him in the crowd.
She had to walk to the station and so lost her train.
她只能步行去車站, 因而沒趕上火車。  vt
You may lose the train. 你可能趕不上那火車. vt
Louise lost no time in returning to Cincinnati.
路易絲沒有耽擱, 馬上回到辛辛那提。  vt
The boy soon lost himself in the book.
這男孩不久便專心地看起書來。 vt
My watch loses a minute a day.
我的錶一天慢一分鐘。 vt
She has lost much weight.
她體重減輕了許多.  vt
She lost her mother last year.
她去年遭逢母喪.  vt
Don't lose your temper.
別發火 .  vt.
He lost his balance.
他失去了平衡.  vt
This lost him his life.
One careless word lost him the election.
Cambridge lost to Oxford.
劍橋隊輸給了牛津隊。  vi
We lost on that transaction.
我們在那筆交易上賠了錢。  vi
We lost on the contract.
Your watch is losing.
你的錶走慢了。  vi
My watch loses every day.
I 've lost my cold.
我感冒好了.  vt
He is losing in health.
他的健康正在衰退. vi
Our team lost.  vi 
I don't care if I win or lose.
我不在乎輸贏. vi
I always lose out to Jim.
我總是輸給吉姆. vi

loss [lɔs] N.遺失;損失 (複數為 losses )

The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one.
the loss of a ship 船隻失事
The loss of his mother was a great blow to him.
His death is a great loss.
He suffered a loss of $50,000.
a loss of a battle 戰敗
at a loss 不知所措
I was at a loss to answer.
I was at a  loss what to do.

lost   [lɔst] adj 迷路的;迷失的

lost articles  失物
a lost child  迷路的孩子
a lost game 輸掉的比賽
lost time 浪費的時間
The little boy went for a walk and got  lost.
The ship was lost in a storm.
My key was lost.
She is lost in thought.  她陷入沉思.
My jokes were lost on her. 她對我的笑話無動於衷.  ( 對...無效 )
He is lost to pity. 他沒有憐憫之心.( 對... 無動於衷)
The chance to be captain was lost to him.
The car exploded and the driver was given up for lost.
那輛汽車爆炸了, 而駕駛也被判定身亡.


the lost and found  失物招領處

loser  N.失敗者;損失者  (相反意思 winner )

losing  adj 輸的 ; 失敗的;導致敗局的

a losing game 一場穩輸的比賽
a losing pitcher 一位失利的投手

