2012年6月19日 星期二

feel 開頭的片語

feel 開頭的一些片語


feel about

= feel around = search  探索 ...

I' m feeling about for an answer to our difficulties.

He was feeling about in the dark.


feel free to 無需拘束 ; 盡情放懷

Please feel free to make suggestions.

 (古代帝王 最喜歡說的就是 對百姓廣開建言之路 , 然而還是有帝王,如秦始皇 , 在廣開言路之後卻是 施行殘酷的  焚書坑儒 的壞事! )

When you are staring at us like that , how can we feel free to eat ?
你那樣子瞪著我們,我們怎能放開懷大吃一通呢 ?  adj

You are free to criticize my work.
你可以隨意批評我的工作。  adj

All students have free access to the library.

Children are admitted free.
孩子們免費入場。 adv

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.

feel in one's bones that  +子句    肯定;確定 ...  (  刺骨銘心的 確定 )

I feel in my bones that he is cheating!

Let me rest my weary bones for a minute.   ( 累得骨頭都要散了! 讓我休息一下吧! )
我的身體很累, 讓我稍稍休息一下吧。

Tom was boning up for an examination.

(以上三句都跟 bone 有關 )

在正確的中文裡沒有「椎心刺骨」的用法(但在武俠小說中常被用到) ,
只有「椎心泣血」的成語!  形容悲痛到了極點。

懸梁刺骨 (則有 努力讀書之意 )

He looked a little weary.
It was a long, weary journey.
那是一個漫長的, 令人疲憊不堪的旅程。


feel like + Ving (或接名詞)...  =   want to + 原形動詞 ... 

想要 ... ;覺得像...

I don't feel like drinking bear tonight .

I don't feel like a cup of tea.
Do you feel like a swim ?
你想游泳嗎 ?

She felt like a fool.

feel one's age   覺得老了

I  was  only when he lost the race with his son
that he began to feel his age.

就在他與他兒子比賽賽跑輸了之後,他才開始感覺自己老了.  N.年老

My grandfather was bent with age.
我祖父年老背駝。 N. 年老  bent  [bɛnt]  adj  彎曲的

Since her husband's death, she has aged considerably.
自從她丈夫去世後, 她老了許多。  vi

The continual strain aged him.
不停的緊張勞累使他變老了。vt 使...變老

That considerably added to our difficulties.
那事給我們增添了相當大的困難。   adv  [kənˋsɪdərəblɪ] 相當, 非常, 頗

視茫茫 髮蒼蒼  齒牙動搖 


feel one's ears burning   耳朵發燒  (感覺有人在議論他)

I'm surprised you didn't feel your ears burning last night
because they were talking about you.

( 中文指 : 耳朵癢 - 有人在想念你 ! )

The sun burns bright in the sky.
太陽在天空明亮地照耀著。  vi

Dry wood burns easily.
乾柴易燃。 vi

My cheeks burned.
我的面頰發燙。 vi

We were burning with anger.  ( 中文 : 火冒三丈 )

The whole city was burned to the ground.
整座城市都被燒光了。 vt
The soup was so hot that it burned my mouth.
這湯很熱, 以致燙傷了我的嘴。 vt

He suffered severe burns.
他被嚴重燒傷。 N.


feel one's way  在黑暗中探索 ; 小心謹慎的行動

They felt their way down the dark passage in the theater.

Sam hasn't been in the job long and he's still feeling his way.


feel small  自覺渺小 ; 自卑

I  feel small beside such a great man.
在這樣一位偉人之前 , 我自覺渺小無比.


feeling  [ˋfilɪŋ] N 感覺,感情;鑑賞力  adj動人的

I have a feeling that we are being followed.
我覺得有人跟蹤我們。 N.

She was guided by feeling rather than thought.
她被感情而非理智所支配。 N.

That experience helped him develop a feeling for the beauty of nature.
那段經歷幫助他培養了對自然美的鑑賞力。 N.

Write in feeling language.
用動人的語言寫。 adj

