2012年6月6日 星期三

fool and danger

fool and danger

危險 和 傻 是有一些關聯性的 !

比如, 如果 

您是傻瓜 \^^/ 常常管不住自己的嘴巴 \^^/ ,

那您 就 經常會不小心得罪人, 所得罪的人可能就會在

特殊時刻 , 來回敬您一道!

或在您背後捅您一刀!  ( 說您的壞話 )

或在該幫您講話的時刻 ,決定沉默,選擇不幫您!


在中國歷史上最著名的例子, 就是漢代的 太史公  司馬遷 ,

他因為人太過正直,而開罪皇上和一堆同朝為官的小人 ,

最後竟然被陷害而處以  宮刑 ! ( 割除其生殖器 ) 

所以很多人    為人處世    就選擇  老二哲學  了 !

http://blog.yam.com/storyword/article/16279734 < 晏子 的 老二哲學.

好書推薦 : 白話史記  原著司馬遷   共3冊  

聯經出版社  白話史記編輯委員會  己未年正月出版 


現在讓我們一同  學學  fool  與  danger 

相關的 English 字句 吧!

Do you take me for a fool?
你是不是把我當傻瓜?  N.

He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this.
他再這樣下去會丟掉工作的。  N.

The wounded policeman is now out of danger.  N.

They regard overpopulation as a danger to society.
他們把人口過剩看成是對社會的威脅。  N.  ( underpopulation 人口不足 )

 I am a fool , I left my coat on the train. N.

Tom fooled a lot of people into believing him.
湯姆騙得很多人相信他。  vt

She fooled the old man out of all his money.
她騙走了老人所有的錢。 vt

Don't be angry. We are just fooling.
別生氣, 我們只是鬧著玩的。 vi

I don't have time to fool around.
我沒有時間胡混。  vi

Stop fooling with her affections.
不要再玩弄她的感情了。  vi

A fool is he that has his choice and chooses the worst.

有機會選擇, 卻作最壞選擇的人是傻瓜.

foolish  adj 愚蠢的;傻的
foolishly  adv.

Don't be silly , that insect can't hurt you.
了,那蟲不會咬你.  adj
It was silly of me to say such a thing.
我說這話真傻。  adj.
Well, silly, why not stay!
喂, 傻瓜, 為什麼不留下呢!   N.

There is always danger in a storm.
There is always danger of floods in a storm.
That's where the real danger lies.
He put his life in danger when he ran across the busy street.

the dangers of smoking  吸菸的危害

a dangerous bend in the road  道路的危險轉彎處


A fool always rushes to the fore.


He sprang up and rushed to the door.
 / spring  sprang  sprung  springing v 跳起 / N.跳;春天
Don't rush to a conclusion.
 / rush   rushed rushed rushing  v 衝 /
He sprang to his feet and rushed out of the room.
The captain went fore.
船長到船頭去了。  adv
Her seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.
她的座位在飛機前部。  adj
He came to the fore as a physicist at an early age.
他在早年就成了傑出的物理學家。  N.

Fools will be meddling.


Don't meddle in their affairs.   vi  meddle in    [ˋmɛd!]  (彷彿客家話的 ㄇㄟ  ㄉㄡv 弄得.../弄得不可收拾  : ㄇㄟ ㄉㄡv  安 台 挑  )
Someone's been meddling with my CD player.    vi  meddle  with
How are your affairs going? 
你的情況怎麼樣?    affair [əˋfɛr] 事情, 事, 事件 ; 事務; 業務
The wedding was a quiet affair.
The premier deals with important affairs of state.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.


She feared for her daughter's safety.  vi    [fɪr]  fear feared feared fearing 
There was nothing to fear.沒什麼可怕的。  vt
She feared that she might not find him in his room.
She has always feared cats.她向來怕貓。  vt
I fear I do not know the answer to that.
我恐怕回答不出那個問題。 vt
She has a great fear of water.她很怕水。  N.
There is no fear that he'll be late.他不會遲到的。  N.
My worst fears were quickly realized.我最擔心的事很快成了現實。  N.

 tread [trɛd]   vi tread trod trod treading / tread trod trodden treading 
Beg pardon, did I tread on your foot, miss?
對不起, 小姐, 我是不是了你的腳了?   vi
Rose was treading with care.
羅絲小心翼翼地走著。  vi 
Our ancestors trod this same path.
我們的祖先曾經走過這同一條道路。 vt
The sheep trod a path through the grass.
羊群在草地上踩出一條路。 vt
The serf was trod to death.
這個農奴被蹂躪致死。 vt
I heard his heavy tread up the stairs.
我聽到他那沈重的腳步走上樓梯。  N.步態 ; 步聲


A flower among thorns sends forth a very sweet smell.


No rose without a thorn.
玫瑰多刺。(有快樂就有痛苦)  N.  [θɔrn] 
Thorns sprang up and choked the wheat.
荊棘叢生, 把小麥都蓋沒了。  N.
The biggest thorn in the Prime Minister's side is inflation.

The flowers send forth fragrance.
這些花散發出香味。 vt 發出 ; 散發出
She sent me a Christmas card.
她給我寄來一張耶誕賀卡。 vt 寄給

forth [forθ]  adv. (指空間; 置於動詞之後)向前; 向前方; 向外
When we asked for volunteers, many young men came forth.     [͵vɑlənˋtɪr] N.義工;志工
當我們徵求自願者時, 許多年輕人站了出來。

The smell of garlic filled the kitchen.
廚房裡瀰漫著大蒜味道。  N.
She took a smell at the flower.
聞了聞那朵花。 N.
She smelled at the flower.
她聞聞那朵花。  vi
He smelled trouble.
他察覺到會有麻煩。  vt
I smelled something burning.
我聞到東西燒焦的味道。 vt
You both smell brandy.
你倆身上都有股白蘭地酒的氣味。 vt


A fog cannot be dispelled with a fan.


dispel   dispelled  dispelled  dispelling     [dɪˋspɛl]

The sun soon dispelled the mist.
太陽不久就驅散了薄霧。  vt
How can we dispel their doubts and fears?
我們怎能消除他們的疑慮與恐懼?  vt
The hills were hidden in the mist.
群山消失在霧中。  N. 薄霧
She did not cry, but a mist came over her eyes.
她沒有哭, 但她的眼睛卻模糊了。 N.
A mist of prejudice spoiled his judgement.
偏見的迷霧損害了他的判斷力。  N.
The scene misted over.
景色被霧籠罩著。 vi
Her eyes misted over with tears.
The sun hung low over the misted valley.
太陽低懸在薄霧籠罩的山谷之上。 vt
Tears misted her eyes. 
淚水模糊了她的眼睛。 vt

The fog was so thick that I could not see my way.
The ships cast anchor because of the heavy fog.   [fɑg]
船因濃霧拋錨。 N. 霧氣 ; 霧
The steam has fogged the mirror.
水汽佈滿了鏡子。 vt  以霧籠罩於...
I am completely fogged by the issue.
我完全被這問題弄糊塗了。 vt 使...模糊

a foggy night  濃霧的夜晚

All  may begin a war , few can end it.



All is not lost that is in danger.



After you fling , watch for the sting.

做事要小心後果 , 以免樂極生悲.

( 捅了馬蜂窩 , 就準備 被蜜蜂 叮...)

fling  flung  flung  flinuing   vt  丟 ; 扔 ; 投身於... ;用力使...開或關
She flung the book onto the bed.
她將書使勁往床上一。 vt
He flung himself into the election campaign.
他全力投入競選運動。  vt
She flung him a scornful look.
輕蔑地看了他一眼。  vt
He flung the door open.
他使勁把門打開。 vt
Every morning Jane flings the windows open and breathes in the fresh air deeply.
珍每天早晨推開窗戶, 深深吸一口新鮮空氣。  vt
She flung off without saying goodbye.
她沒有告別就匆匆走了。  vi  猛衝, 直奔; 急行
He flung out angrily at his neighbor.
他怒沖沖地大罵鄰居。  vi  破口大罵
Tom had a fling during the summer vacation.

sting  stung  stung  stinging   vt  vi  N 刺, 螫, 叮   ( 唸 : 死 叮 \^^/ )
The bee stung her leg.
A bee stung him on the back.
一隻蜜蜂螫了他的背。  vt
His words stung her.
他的話刺痛了她。  vt
Bees do not normally sting without being provoked.
如果沒有人惹它, 蜜蜂通常是不螫人的。  vi
Be careful. The insect has stings.
當心, 這昆蟲有刺。N
The red spot on his arm is a sting.
手臂上紅塊是蟲螫傷的.  N
Her words have a sting in them.
她話中帶刺。 N


Advice when most needed is least heeded.


heed heeded heeded heeding  [hid]  vt  vi  N 留心 ; 注意
She didn't heed my advice.
她不聽從我的勸告。 vt
Take heed of these warnings.
請注意這些警告。 N.

Curiosity  killed  the cat.


curiosity  [͵kjʊrɪˋɑsətɪ] N. 好奇心    ( 唸法 :  Q 綠 / 阿瑟踢  )

curious   [ˋkjʊrɪəs]  adj 好奇的         (唸法 : / Q綠兒死 )

curiously  adv

He is full of curiosity. 他充滿好奇心.
We burned with curiosity over what was in the box.
The old wooden skis are a curiosity.
It's good to be curious about the world around.
The boy was curious about everything he saw.
I heard a curious noise last night.

Curses , like chickens , come home to roost.



curse   cursed  cursed  cursing     [kɝs]   vt  vi  N  咒罵  ( 唸法: 剋死 )
The old woman cursed her enemies.
那位老婦人詛咒她的敵人。 vt
He cursed the person who had stolen his money.
His curse made her blush. 
他的咒罵使她臉紅了。   N. 咒罵的話
He cursed when he hit his head on the shelf.  N. 書架 ; 書櫥
Loneliness in old age is the curse of modern society.
老年孤獨是現代社會的不幸。 N.禍害;禍根;月經

Look! There is a roost in this tree.  
看! 這棵樹上有個鳥巢。   N.鳥巢; 雞籠   [rust]   ( 唸法:鹿死特 )
Some birds roosted on a branch.
幾隻鳥棲於樹枝上。 vi 

The fly has her spleen and the ant her gall

蒼蠅有脾 ,螞蟻有膽 .

(意指 弱小者也會有怨心怒氣, 不要欺人太甚!)

He vented his spleen on her.他拿她出氣。 [splin] N.脾臟 ; 壞脾氣 ; 怒氣 ; 惡意
He vented his anger on his wife.
他向他的妻子發火。 vt    vent  vented  vented  venting    vt  vi  N. 出口 ; 發洩
They gave vent to their rage.
他們發洩怒氣。 N.  

The medicine is as bitter as gall.
這藥像膽汁一樣苦。 N
dip the pen in gall  惡毒筆調寫  N  [gɔl]
They had the gall to attend our party without invitations.
他們竟有厚臉皮未經邀請就來參加我們的派對。 N
Their unkind remarks galled her.


無論在家出家 , 必須上敬下和 , 忍人所不能忍 , 行人所不能行。

代人之勞 , 成人之美。

靜坐常思己過 , 閒談不論人非 。

行住坐臥 , 穿衣吃飯 , 從朝至暮 , 從暮至朝, 一句佛號, 不令間斷。

或小聲念 , 或默念 , 除念佛外 ,不起別念 。

若或妄念一起 , 當下就要叫他消滅 。

常生慚愧心 , 及懺悔心 , 縱有修持 , 總覺得我功夫很淺 , 不自矜誇。

只管自家 , 不管人家 。

只看好樣子 , 不看壞樣子 。

看一切人都是菩薩 , 唯我一人實是凡夫 。

果能依我所說而行 , 決定可生西方極樂世界。


到擎天崗運動遇大霧 3婦迷路靠手機獲救


殺蟲劑用過量 狂吐差點昏倒

1 則留言:

  1. 我是傻瓜 \^^/ 常常管不住自己的嘴巴 \^^/

    哈哈哈哈 .............. \^^/
