2012年6月22日 星期五


Keeping cool in the face of rudeness

Fu Pi , who hailed from Honan Province , was a famous minister
during the Sung Dynasty (960-1279).

He was a good-natured man and was kind to everyone.

Once , as he was leading home on mule-back , he was rudely ordered
by a patrolman to dismount.

Fu Pi kept cool and told the patrolman his name .

Upon hearing the name , the patrolman knew he had offended a high-ranking official and hurriedly kelt down to ask for forgiveness.

Fu Pi just smiled and rode his mule away without scolding him.

(tr. H. H. Jeng)


富弼 , 宋朝河南人 , 性情寬厚 . 待人和善 .   (*北宋名相)

有次騎著騾子從郊外返家, 遇到了巡邏的人員 , 巡邏人員大聲呼喝 , 責令下騾 .

富弼 不慌不忙報上自己的姓名 .

巡卒這時才知道自己冒犯了大官 , 嚇得伏地請罪.

富弼只是笑笑, 並沒有責怪他 , 就騎著騾子離去.


本篇取材宋史 , 故事發生時間約在西元1023-1063年間

This story , which took place ca. 1023-1063 A.D., is based on Sung-shin.



祖先的故事  Chinese Stories of Ancestors  [中英對照本]
繪圖/梁又銘  編撰/張漢魂  英譯/彭鏡禧. 鄭恒雄
民國73.6.29 第113頁

現代的政客或百姓  受辱 就要告了! 

或者say 保留法律追訴權...

寵辱不驚  又是另外一個更高境界了 !


維基百科中的 富弼


也是關於 富弼的故事


He hails from London.
他來自倫敦.   vi 來自某地; 出身

 An old friend hailed me from across the street.
一個老朋友在馬路對面和我打招呼。vt. 向...打招呼   [hel ]

I hailed a taxi .我叫了輛計程車. vt 呼喚;叫住

They hailed him king.
他們擁立他為王。vt 擁立... ;承認...為...

The people lined the street to hail the invincible general.
人們排列在街的兩旁向常勝將軍歡呼。vt. 為...喝采 ; 向...歡呼

He was hailed as a hero upon his return.

There was a hail storm yesterday.
昨天發生冰雹災難. N. [ hel ]

hailstone N.一塊冰雹

It's hailing. 天正在下冰雹.   vi

hail  也可當感嘆詞 (古時的用法)  萬歲! 萬歲!  萬萬歲!


He sold his company to become Minister of Agriculture.
他為了當農業大臣把公司賣了。N. 大臣;部長;公使;外交使節;牧師;執行者

 His daughter ministered to him in his last days.
在他最後的日子裡, 他女兒在旁照料。vi 照顧;照料


I like paintings from the Qing  Dynasty
我喜歡清朝的畫。N.王朝;朝代  [ˋdaɪnəstɪ]

good-natured  [ˋgʊdˋnetʃɚd]  adj 和藹的, 溫厚的


She led me into the drawing-room. 
她帶我進入客廳。 lead led led leading  vt 引導  [lid] 

 What led him to resign his office? 
什麼事導致他辭職的? vt 導致;誘使;致使... 

He leads his class in English. 
他的英語成績全班第一。vt 領先...

We lead a very quiet life. 
我們過著非常安靜的生活。 vt 過...生活 

You lead and we'll follow. 
你領路, 我們跟著。 vi

That door leads into the garden. 
那扇門通向花園。vi 通向 ; 到達 ; 到 ; 至 (有go之意 如 go home)

He has a desire to lead
他有領袖慾。 vi

Which horse is leading
哪匹馬現在領先? vi

All the children followed his lead
所有的孩子都學習他的榜樣。 N.
Our team was in the lead at half time. 
Don't be a young mule.
年紀輕輕, 別那麼固執。 N.騾 ;固執的人 [mjul]

 He is as stupid as a donkey.
他和驢子一樣蠢。 N. 驢 ; 傻瓜 ; 固執的人 [ˋdɑŋkɪ]
I did not intend to be rude.
我並不想粗魯無禮。adj= impolite

It's rude to talk with your mouth full.

She was rude to me. 

He made a rude reply.

Don't be so rude to your teacher.

It's rude of you to say so.
= You are rude to say so.

These rude tribesmen live in the rain forest.

He told a rather rude joke, and every one looked embarrassed.
他講了一個相當粗俗的笑話, 使每個人都非常尷尬。
adj. 下流的;粗俗的;粗野的;猥褻的

The President cannot rudely ignore a head of state.
adv.冒昧地, 無禮地; 粗暴地 [ˋrudlɪ]

'Get out ! ' , he said rudely.

rudeness [ˋrudnɪs] N. 無禮貌; 粗野

The mayor ordered that free food be distributed.

I ordered the man away.
我命令那男人離開. vt

The doctor ordered me to go on vacation.

The chairman ordered silence.

The teacher ordered him to study harder.
= The teacher ordered that he should study harder.

He ordered her to go.

He gave orders that the job be done in three days.

patrolman   [pəˋtrolmən] N.巡視者; 巡邏者

dismount  [dɪsˋmaʊnt]   vt  使下馬; 使掉下馬 
The knight dismounted his opponent. 

He lifted up his little son, and mounted him on the horse.
他把小兒子舉起來, 讓他騎在馬背上。

They mounted a small hill. 
He mounted the bicycle and rode away. 

offend  offended  offended  offending  
 vt  [əˋfɛnd]  冒犯; 觸怒; 傷害...的感情; 侮辱=insult

We were offended by his vulgar language. 

His remarks offended her. 
他的話觸怒了她.  vt

I offended him by not answering his letter.
我沒有給他回信,因而開罪了他. vt

He was offended with his wife.
他生他太太的氣. vi
I hope I haven't offended you. 

I didn't mean to offend you.    ... vt
Bad manners may offend

Such a deed offends against God.

這種行為是違背上帝的.  vi

offender  N. 犯罪者;違法者

offence N. 違法;違法行為;犯罪

It's an offence to ride a bicycle at night without lights.

He took offence because I didn't answer his letter.

high-ranking  [ˋhaɪ͵ræŋkɪŋ]  adj 等級高的; 職位高的

 official  [əˋfɪʃəl]

an official letter 公函 adj

 The President's official duties include being Commander in Chief. 

Is the news official
這消息是官方發佈的嗎? adj
His official airs offended her. 
他那付官架子令她十分不快  adj

The mayor is an elected official

an official in the Department of Health 衛生部官員 N.

He is an official at the local bank. 

He had dressed hurriedly.
他匆匆忙忙地穿好衣服。  [ˋhɝɪdlɪ] adv 倉促地, 匆忙地; 草率地

forgive  forgave  forgiven  forgiving   vt 寬恕;原諒

forgiveness  [fɚˋgɪvnɪs]  N.寬恕, 饒恕[U]

I'll  forgive you if you say you're sorry.
如果你道歉,我就原諒你. vt

She never forgive her husband for betraying her.
她從未寬恕丈夫的背叛. vt

She will never forgive you for that mistake. ... vt

I forgave him for his mistake.
我原諒了他的過錯. vt

He forgave me a long time ago. ... vt

It's better to forgive and forget.

Please forgive me - I didn't mean to be rude.
請原諒我,我並非有意失禮. vt


She is always scolding her children. 
她老是斥責自己的子女。 vt  [skold]

Her mother scolds too much. 
她母親訓斥太多 vi

His father gave him a bad scold this morning. 


[ˋskoldɪŋ]   N. 責罵; 斥責[C][U]  adj 責罵的

I'll give him a good scolding and bring him over to beg pardon. 
我要狠狠教訓他一頓, 並要他過來求饒。 N.

John got a scolding for coming home late. 


